Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Grace, Self-Esteem, Renewal

There is only one thing keeping you away form receiving the wonderful grace of God. That is your own lack of self-worth. When you feel that you are not worthy of receiving the love of God then you will find ways to block it out, even though it is around you at all times. Never does God withdraw love from anyone. It is constantly available and its presence does not depend upon your actions, good or bad. It simply depends upon your willingness to open your eyes and open your heart to its presence and simply accept it as a gift that is offered without conditions. Don’t think that your actions have to be perfect to receive this love. However, once you open up to accept the grace of God then your actions will automatically become more purified as you hanker to retain that profound sense of grace. You will recognize those activities that take you away from that feeling of grace and will automatically begin to engage more in those things that open your heart to love. This is why you must focus on activities such as meditation that will enable you to renew your focus on the essential aspects of life and be open to receiving this wonderful gift of love. Realize how much you are loved and how perfectly okay it is to accept this love. Never think that you are too insignificant or unworthy of receiving God’s grace. No soul can do anything to actually earn God’s love. However, it is offered freely to every soul, so you have just as much right to accept it and reciprocate it as any other soul. When you open your heart to accept this love you are making it easier and easier for other souls to do the same. Don’t hesitate to accept this love for any reason.


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