Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ministration, Consideration, Dreams

The often-overlooked aspect of spiritual life is that the purpose must always be to try to assist others in some way with their spiritual evolution. Often it is easy to get caught up in the focus on one’s own spiritual growth. This often leads to a domination of the ego in concentrating on how wonderful is the individual’s progress in becoming “spiritual”. However, this is merely another more subtle manifestation of the ego. Instead realize that spiritual life means that you always have consideration for the needs of others. Your desire is to help others and provide an example of a life that is truly lived as a servant of God. To be a servant means that you are always prepared to minister to the needs of others. When this desire is much greater than your own personal needs for comfort and pleasure then you can begin to think you are growing spiritually. Make sure that your plans and dreams are much grander than just about your own future. Dream about a world where everyone is loving and kind. Dream about huge projects that will provide inspiration and true assistance to as many people as possible. Dream about how the spiritual growth you make will help lead to the enlightenment of innumerable other souls on the planet. With this big-picture focus on the needs of others, you can be assured that your own spiritual future will be completely secure as long as you take the action required to help make these dreams a reality. There is plenty of help available, but it is your own passion for helping others that will inspire others to help you with your plans.


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