Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Beauty, Self-Acceptance, Hope

How can you remain hopeful in a world that seems to be going down the path of self-destruction? Will humanity be able to survive its own arrogance, ignorance, and selfishness? What can a single individual do to try to halt the greedy destruction of the planet and all of its resources and inhabitants? The first step to trying to protect the planet is to never dwell on the negative aspects of what is going on. When you invest your energy in the negative and obsess about everything that is going wrong you are only giving more power and energy to that direction. You may acknowledge the negative but keep your mind always focused on the positive. First, see the beauty in the world. Understand the magnificence in what God has created and strive to spend time honoring areas that God has created rather than simply living in man-made structures. See also the beauty in each and every living thing. Honor the elegance of each and every creature and respect the amazing role they play in the cycle of creation. Instead of judging your fellow humans see the beauty in them also. When you are only looking for the beauty of their soul you will not only find it but you will often help them to acknowledge it, often for the first time. When you can help someone recognize their own beauty as a spirit soul and help them to achieve self-acceptance and self-love then you are truly helping to save the planet. When one sees the beauty within them and is looking for it in other living beings they will no longer be able to wantonly destroy other living beings and the habitats they depend upon. By seeing the beauty of the soul the world will gradually change into a most wonderful representation of that beauty.


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