Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sexuality, Appreciation, Higher Self

The issue of sexuality is perhaps the most challenging dilemma faced by human beings. There is so much guilt, so much distortion and so much energy tied up in the entire sexual equation that it creates a great deal of the problems as well as much of the joy in the world. The real question is what role sexuality should play in the life of someone who is aspiring to grow spiritually. First, understand that the sexual act is the most pure act of creation available to the human. It can also be the closest thing to experiencing spiritual energy and a direct, spiritual connection with another living being. However, the beauty of the sexual act is most often lost by using sex as an ego-centered, manipulative, and often guilt-ridden process. In order to overcome that and make the entire realm of sexuality a positive thing you must first see sexuality as an expression of your higher, spiritual self rather than your lower, gross, materialistic senses. Sure, the senses are greatly stimulated in both instances, but the question is what your motivation and mental state is at that time. For sexual life to be fulfilling there must be a tremendous sense of appreciation. Appreciate your partner and everything about him or her. Appreciate the wonderful gift of life that God has given and all of the joy that bringing a new life into the world can entail. Realize that engaging in a sexual relationship should be seen and felt as a sharing of spiritual energy at the highest level that will assist both partners to grow in their ability to feel and express pure love. When you have this energy of God sharing with you then this intimacy with another being can be the most wonderful method for spiritual advancement. However, it can also be the quickest way to halt spiritual advancement if it is entered into in a selfish and obsessive manner.


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