Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Truth, Inner Silence, Faith

March 9, 2006

Most people tend to have a degree of faith without ever investigating the truth of their faith. Why is it that most individuals simply accept the spiritual faith into which they were born as the ultimate truth without ever seeking to explore what other paths may have to offer? Not only do they accept the path of their tribe as absolute, but these types of individuals are usually willing to kill others or die for their faith. Doesn’t it seem to be a bit foolish to have absolute faith in a doctrine when you have never explored the validity of that path? Naturally, all paths have some truth to them; however, most of today’s religions have strayed so far form the founder’s original teachings as to be completely different from the original intent. Otherwise, how would any religious organizations be able to support the idea of war and violence, let alone promoting it as being the will of God? Unfortunately, very few people take the time to explore the teachings of all spiritual paths. In doing so they would find that there are a great many overlapping elements in the histories, myths and stories. Even more similar are the basic moral teachings of each faith. When boiled down the essential truth of all religious paths is very similar, to love God and love all other souls. The simple truth of life is the same no matter where you look. However, in order to live this truth and have complete faith in its meaning you must spend time in inner silence. Search your heart deeply for your personal truth and you individual path to living that truth. When you live in this manner you can share the truth with others no matter what faith they profess or what label you place on your path. Simply live with faith in the universal truth of love and your life will be a success.


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