Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Healing, Dreams, New Beginnings

It is impossible to heal yourself without making changes. If you continue to live with the same habits as before you will continue to suffer the same difficulties, whether they manifest as physical ailments or as mental and spiritual limitations. The best way to heal is to begin to live your life out of your dreams for the future rather than the history of the past. Spend time dreaming of what you would like your life to be like and then take action to make it happen. If you are changing in order to follow your spiritual destiny then have full confidence that it will work out for the best, even if you have no clue how it might happen. Trust in the magnetic energy of the spirit to bring you what is needed to take the step, whether it is money, people, or opportunities. You must begin to live in the truth of who you are as a spiritual being. You can no longer hide your true purpose in life and pretend to fit into normal society. Instead begin to share your true inner desires with people and you will begin to attract friends and guides who understand and who can support you on your path. You need the association of like-minded people. Do not think that the journey is meant to be traveled alone. Rather the journey is meant to bring everyone together at the level of the heart and enable you to reunite with those souls with whom you have been journeying and serving with for eons. It seems difficult to find those souls at this point in history; however, once you are determined to make necessary changes and live openly and share your true nature with everyone then these fellow travelers will automatically begin to appear in your life. You must take the first step and make the changes to open the door to living the life of your dreams.


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