Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Adoration, Inner Journey

You must not continue to live in an externally oriented world. The true journey in each lifetime is the journey within to discover who you really are. Do not allow yourself to be defined by what your family and friends expect you to be, what your job title is, or what you think society expects of you. Never live for someone else, since they can never truly know you. Only you can fully know your true inner desire and purpose in life, yet tragically, very few people have the courage to discover that. You must have that courage to journey inside and discover your true, eternal essence. When you delve deeply into your own inner being it may seem very frightening at first, because you will encounter the levels of darkness that have kept you trapped in this material world for so many lifetimes. Yet if you continue your search you will ultimately discover your own personal relationship with God. This is the goal of each and every lifetime for every soul. Each soul has a distinct and personal relationship with God. When you discover that eternal link then your life will completely change. You will no longer have any material desires. Instead, your time will be spent simply in adoration of God. When you truly love someone you want to constantly adore them and serve their desires. Begin your journey by taking time to show adoration of God even now. However, your depth of adoration will increase incredibly once you have taken the inner journey to discover your eternal connection to the Supreme.


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