Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Unity, Forgiveness,Reflection

The world can never be unified on a material level. If it were to be unified at this level it would be complete disaster, because it would mean a worldwide dictatorship. This is the ultimate goal of the power-hungry elites. However, true unity of the world can only be achieved through the understanding of the common connection at the level of the soul. On a spiritual level there can be harmony, and this is the direction the planet must move. This unity can only be achieved through a broad understanding of the nature of spiritual life, not through narrow-thinking religious views. It must be based upon compassion and forgiveness rather than greed and revenge. Do not think that this sense of unity is impossible. It is certainly possible and is meant to happen soon. However, it will not happen automatically. It will require a great deal of reflection on the part of those who are already awake. It will take a dedication to the mission of making it possible. It also requires a degree of confidence and faith. It cannot happen by thinking and living in a small way. Instead it will require and expansive mind, one that is focused on a global vision of humanity. You must have confidence that this unity can be achieved. You must understand the important role that each individual can play. You must dedicate yourself to fulfilling this mission. Every action you take can have a major impact upon this ultimate goal of spiritual unity. Be willing to make this mission your life and soul. Have confidence in the reality of what is being brought forth on this planet and be a willing and active partner in its manifestation.


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