Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


What a great sign in that restaurant in Peru. Service is the goodness of humanity...the path of the heart. This is really the essence of every life on this planet, to be of service to others. The most important aspect of service is to understand who you are serving. If you are focused on serving God first and foremost, then it is much easier to realize how you will be able to serve others. If you don’t have the connection with God to understand what is the highest form of service, then even if you have the best of intentions, your service to others will tend to be focused only on their physical needs and not necessarily their highest spiritual needs. Of course, it is difficult to address spiritual needs if the basic physical needs are not met. However, the spiritual focus must always be behind all methods of service. Until you are able to understand the true needs of each and every person and realize the longing of the soul to achieve its true position in the cosmos you will not be able to give them the greatest of service. However, by sharing knowledge of the soul with them and helping to inspire them to a life of service themselves you will be giving them the greatest benefit possible.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Beauty, Friendliness, Higher Self

You are on this earth to bring beauty to the lives of everyone here. You must learn to see the beauty in everything in nature as well as the spirit in each living being. Always see the higher self in each and every individual. Never become fixated on physical appearances. Instead focus on the heart and see their eternal spiritual essence. In this manner you can be completely friendly with each and every person. This can have an incredible effect on people, especially those with low self-esteem who have a difficult time opening up to others. When you make them feel beautiful then you allow their inner self to truly blossom. Realize the purpose that you exist for is the enlightenment of others. Never become discouraged by the ugliness that exists on this planet. Rather choose to see only the beauty that exists in everything and everyone. When you make beauty your primary focus, not only will you experience beauty in your own life, but you will allow others to see the beauty in their own lives as well. This is a special gift to share with people. Make this sharing a natural part of who you are.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Unity, Inner Silence, Renewal

You are entering a time of renewal. This is a time to step away from your normal duties and activities and gather your energy. There is a new horizon opening before you that will entail new opportunities and new relationships. It will be exciting and productive. However, now you must create the transition time. Do this by going within yourself. Focus on times of inner silence. Allow the silence to enable you to connect with your true self. You are seeking unity, both with the spiritual world as well as those who you know to be fellow lightworkers on the path. Actively seek out these relationships. Open up to the idea of close relationships that are nourishing and are supportive of your path. Allow these relationships to guide you along your path. Be true to yourself and share your true essence with others. Perhaps the key for you is to become more unified within your own person. Instead of showing a variety of faces according to the circumstances and the individuals you are with, instead be true to your essential nature at all times. Do not hesitate to show your eternal spirit to others. Share your higher self to everyone and you will feel the sense of wholeness infuse your life.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Awakening, Self-Acceptance, Nurturing

The process of awakening is usually a slow and gradual process. It is often done by a conscious effort and takes incredible determination. While on that path of awakening you must always anxiously be prepared to embrace those opportunities that allow for the process to be greatly speeded up. This occurs when you take action to associate with spiritually potent people who can inspire you, visit sacred places whose energy can break through dimensional barriers, or study something that is profound in its ability to inform and inspire you. Usually these opportunities involve a process of going deep within yourself and being willing to face the darkest side of your being. This internal journey feels almost like voluntarily re-entering the womb. Often it is Mother Earth that creates the nurturing energy for this experience to take place. Trust in nature to protect you while at the same time providing you with the physical and mental challenges to force you to strip away all sense of material comfort and security and dive deeply into the core of your essence. While in this state of seeming helplessness and confusion the possibility for the greatest growth can occur. Once you are able to give up the facade of who you pretend to be and instead deeply connect with your original, eternal essence then your awakening can truly take place. Relish the opportunity for such an experience. Take full advantage of the wonderful nurturing properties of nature. Be willing to accept all aspects of your being and become truly awakened to the completeness of your being. Your awakening will serve the entire world, as each enlightened individual has the power to influence the lives of millions of other souls.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Grace, Inner Silence, Motivation, Manifestation

You have an opportunity to manifest the life that you are meant to live. The question is whether you will have the courage and the determination to do so or whether you will choose to remain in the rut of material comfort and respectability. The real question is the true source of motivation in your life. You have been given an opportunity to receive God’s grace. This grace provides the opportunity to create a life that is filled with meaningful service to the entire world. However, if you choose instead to simply sere your own selfish needs then this opportunity will be lost. You must spend time delving into your own heart. Spend time in inner silence and discover who you really are. Then you must be willing to manifest that true self to the world at large. It is not useful to keep your true self hidden as you choose to be respected by others instead of being true to your own heart. When your motivation is based on your eternal self and you are willing to give up everything in your material life in order to receive the completeness of God’s grace then you will be empowered to manifest anything that you choose to create.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Wisdom, Change, Abundance

You are about to experience tremendous changes in your life. Welcome them anxiously. Never fear change. The key is to approach all changes as a way to increase your degree of wisdom. Learn from each and every experience in life. Wisdom comes from three sources. One is through the teachings of others: a mentor, guru, books, tapes, etc. A wise person is always anxious to learn more through the experiences of others. The second key to wisdom is learning from your own personal experiences. One who never ventures out beyond the confines of a day-to-day life will have few memorable experiences upon which to develop wisdom. You must open yourself to a much wider variety of experiences. Seek out adventures that test your limits and seek out people with whom you can communicate and learn on all levels of consciousness. The third method of developing wisdom is by spending quiet time in meditation and in nature to connect to your true spirit. This is where all that you have accumulated in the first two processes can be assimilated so that it no longer is just knowledge and experience, but it truly becomes your own personal wisdom. Creating a balance in your life among these three elements of wisdom will have a profound impact upon your life. When you are balanced in your approach to acquiring wisdom you are preparing yourself to accept the abundance that the universe has waiting for you. Abundance of anything is a gift that is withheld until the seeker is mature enough in wisdom to use it expertly. Those who truly have spiritual advancement as their goal in life are often mercifully kept away from material abundance in order to prevent them from being distracted from its allure to draw them away from their mission in life. However, once you have attained a degree of wisdom, then abundance is given by Spirit with the knowledge that you are capable of using these gifts in a positive manner that will enhance your spiritual progress while it enhances the growth of others as well. Never overtly seek material abundance, yet never hide form it either. Be prepared to use your abundance wisely and be grateful for being given wonderful resources with which to make greater progress upon your path.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Gratefulness, Mindfulness, Balance, Intelligence

You must always strive for a balance in your life between the intellect and intuition. This balance seems to have been lost by a culture that honors intelligence and reason over intuition and spontaneity. However, in your desire to follow your intuition more often do not fall prey to the idea of giving up your intelligence. You must be able to discern between what is the best path for you, and the intelligence is often a good guide, although it must always be balanced by the intuition. Intuition is always sharpened by the process of meditation. When you meditate it allows you to get in touch with your deeper self and connect with the cosmic intelligence upon which intuition is based. At this level there is a complete merging of intelligence and intuition as you are tapping into the eternal intelligence of spirit rather than relying on the temporary intelligence based upon material senses. When you reach this level of meditation, then the key is to retain it throughout the day, even when not meditating. The challenge is to maintain a mindful awareness of your connection with spirit, even when you are engaged in material pursuits. This type of mindfulness will enable your spiritual intelligence to coincide with your material intelligence. This will guide you to the most appropriate choices for your life. The best way to remain mindful at all times is to adopt an attitude of gratefulness. When you are grateful to the Creator for each and every thing that presents itself throughout every day, then your spiritual awareness will certainly increase and you will be able to completely integrate the spiritual and material aspects of your life.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Courage, Friendliness, Rebirth

Be prepared for a rebirth in your life. You are about to enter a new realm of endeavor in your life. You are being allowed to step into your true nature as a spiritual being. Do not be afraid of this. Have the courage to step forward into this new life, even though it may entail giving up many attachments to the past. It always takes courage to make a change. However, the fear of change always appears to be much greater than it actually is. Look at your life and see how often the greatest risks you have taken have lead to the greatest growth. Remember this and do not limit our growth by clinging to the past. It is now time to free yourself from the attachments to the past. Accept your destiny and move forward courageously with your role as a spiritual individual and have the courage to declare your true nature to everyone with whom you associate.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Knowledge, Inner Peace, Social Consciousness

What does it require to achieve inner peace? You must first have a degree of knowledge about who you are, where you have come from, and what your purpose for living is. Many people try to construct their lives while avoiding asking these fundamental questions. Until you understand your spiritual nature as an eternal soul who is part of God, then it is difficult to have any true peace of mind, as there will always be fear. Once you have true knowledge about your eternal nature, then fear of death will fall away and there is a chance for true inner peace. However, knowledge alone is not enough. Knowledge must lead to action. You must have compassion for the millions of people throughout the world who are suffering tremendously due to lack of knowledge. When you share spiritual knowledge with others and help take care of not just their physical needs but especially their spiritual needs, then you are contributing something of real value to the world. When you accept your nature as an eternal being who is full of love and you share that love unconditionally with other living beings then you are truly on a path that can bring inner peace. It may not create a life of tranquility that you may think you want; however, serving others unselfishly is the only way to achieve lasting inner peace.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Happiness, Spiritual Power, Integrity

You will never experience true happiness until you have total integrity in your life. Integrity means that your personal will is completely in alignment with the divine will for your life. Integrity means that you are able to play many roles in order to serve the Divine Will, yet you are never hiding behind masks of fear and disguise in order to protect your own ego’s need for acceptance or recognition. Instead of trying to put on the act that you think society expects from you instead speak the truth of your beliefs and be completely open in sharing your spiritual power with others. Recognize how much spiritual power you possess when you are acting with integrity. Realize that you have the assistance of so many very powerful entities who are always anxious to help you move forward on your spiritual path. The only thing that is holding you back from stepping into that power and achieving the happiness that goes along with it is your own feelings of inadequacy. Because you feel you are not worthy of the gifts and the responsibilities that God has given to you, instead you crave the recognition and acceptance of humans who are part of normal society. Instead of conforming to the activities of society your mission is to help elevate society by helping them experience the joy that comes from engaging in spiritual activities rather than mundane ones. Always be aware of the integrity of all of your actions and soon your happiness will expand beyond any joy you have dared to imagine.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Knowledge, Open-Mindedness, Social Consciousness

Never limit your knowledge to what you think you already know. Always be willing to question your entire belief system and be open to new ideas. Those who are close-minded will never grow and will not make progress in this life. The key is to have a balance between the core beliefs that you know to be true on a deep spiritual level while never closing yourself off to receiving new insights. Even the most primitive belief system may have some insight into the human condition that can assist in your desire to help others. Never allow yourself to feel superior to others because of greater knowledge. Instead, teach people to be open to receive knowledge from many sources and to thirst for greater knowledge about their true purpose in life. Open-mindedness means being willing to make changes in life that are risks. In order to prove your trust in God you must be willing to give up everything in order to follow your spiritual path. You are meant to serve others by sharing your knowledge with them. Although you cannot share the highest knowledge with everyone you can give everyone the gift of being more open-minded and understanding how to search for and be receptive to new concepts of life. The old accepted realities of life are changing dramatically. New paradigms are being brought forward, and in order for someone to continue to progress they must be open to accepting information from any and all sources. You are here to help with the implementation of change. Embrace change and never fear it.

Awakening, Loving Kindness

A grand awakening is taking place. You can feel it in your soul. You can sense it among the people you associate with, even though it is completely overlooked in the mainstream media. The awakening is to the need to replace greed and violence with compassion and loving kindness. The problems of the world will never be solved through fighting, but rather through cooperation and respect for the rights of every living being. The shift can only be accomplished through a change in the consciousness of people throughout the world. This shift is nearly reaching a tipping point where it will overwhelm the old paradigm of thought that is hanging on desperately to its power. You must focus on your own awakening at this time. Don’t concern yourself with the world situation yet. Instead constantly ask yourself how aware you are at every moment of your connection with the Supreme. Ask yourself how much loving kindness you are expressing in the everyday actions of your life. Show compassion and concern for the well-being of every living creature. Show that you care about the planet and are willing to give up some of your own personal comforts and luxuries in order to begin to make your own life an example of living a conscious life. When you begin to live in this way then automatically huge shifts will take place in your life that will free you to completely pursue your destiny.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Unity, Faith, Transformer

Understand that there will never be unity in the world on the physical or political plane. The only way this could ever be accomplished is by force of a dictator, in which case unity would be a horrible thing. However, realize that unity is a reality on the spiritual plane. Each and every soul is connected on the absolute platform of spiritual energy. Your ability to access this unified field is what will lead most rapidly to your growth. Do not think that you have to actively transform all other individuals in order to help them grow spiritually. Again, this is thinking in a material sense rather than a spiritual one. The key is to transform yourself and not just tap into the unified field, but to send your energy there as well. Have faith that you are in contact with the greatest source of energy conceivable, that of the Creator to whom everything is possible. Have faith that the power exists to transform the entire world in a heartbeat. It only requires that enough souls have faith in dedicating themselves to this self-transformation. When your faith is strong enough to give you the courage to give up all material attachments and simply dedicate yourself to your spiritual growth then this energy will certainly impact others, even if you aren’t aware of it. In this way you will help create a world that is unified on the level of love and happiness that is way beyond the current conception of life.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Gratitude, Forgivness, Vision, Passion

You are beginning to see the vision of your next step in life. Take the time to move away from your current activities to spend more and more time communing with your spirit to begin to clarify this dream. You must know where you are heading rather than just running away from a life that you have grown tired of. You must feel a passion for life again. Passion comes from having a definite connection to your true purpose in life. This will allow you to spontaneously act without knowing the outcome in advance but still having complete faith that you are moving according to God’s will. In order to feel this strong a connection you must be continually grateful for all of the blessings that have been given to you. When you appreciate all that you have received in your life you will open yourself to receiving many more blessings in the future. This is especially true when you are focused on following your spiritual path completely. Be willing to forgive yourself and others for everything that has created difficulty in the past. Hold onto nothing from the past. Rather look forward with wonderful expectation as you move toward the vision of a more loving, passionate, sharing, and spiritually alive world. Make this your world now and soon your vision for the entire world will begin to manifest itself.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Prosperity, Harmlessness, Love

How do you judge levels of prosperity? Realize that wealth and prosperity are certainly not synonymous. Many people are wealthy but not prosperous. It is also possible to be very prosperous without being wealthy. What is the difference? Wealth is generally measured in terms of money and material possessions. Prosperity must be measured in terms of love. One who has a great deal of love is actually the most prosperous, while one who lacks love in their life cannot be considered prosperous, no matter how huge the bank account. Wealth can be accumulated and held. However, love must be shared and given away in order to grow. The more you give love the more you will have. If you love all living beings you will certainly cause them no harm and will always attempt to assist in any way you can. When you achieve this level of consciousness about respecting all life then you will begin to understand prosperity. If you are still attempting to gain wealth by causing suffering to others then you will never be able to truly enjoy that wealth. When you understand this process then you are able to accept all levels of material wealth without being controlled by it. You will use that wealth in order to share your love with more people. In this way wealth can be a very positive element, but only if it is put to proper use. Use wealth to assist in your own personal transformation as well as assisting the spiritual transformation of others. When you do this then you will certainly be living a life that is a source of true joy for you and for those you touch.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Divine Plan, Equanimity, Change

Embrace the changes that are coming. Always look for ways to make changes in your life. Know that the winds of change are meant to bring you more and more closely in line with the divine plan for your life. You will be forced to change and continue to do so until you are moving directly on your path meant to serve the highest good. During the changes that are taking place, both in your life and the world, always maintain your sense of balance. Never become disturbed, no matter how difficult things may become. Know that the sometimes traumatic changes are part of the overall plan for the world. Drastic changes are needed and sometimes they require drastic forms. Understand that your basic nature is being adapted to prepare you for the changes in the energy levels that are coming. Accept this change in energy levels, and understand the possible difficulties you may feel from time to time. These problems are generally associated with your resistance to change and your attachment to the way things are. As you free yourself from those attachments and embrace change you will find your energy level begin to soar and your confidence to be able to handle the coming changes increase tremendously. The more you are excited about making the necessary changes the more effective you will be in fulfilling the true purpose of your life.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Unity, Friendliness, Eternal Life

The world is moving toward a dramatic shift into a new consciousness level in which unity, cooperation and friendliness will replace competition, fear, and greed. Expect the changes to come rapidly and dramatically. Be awake and alert for these changes to begin to manifest. They are already occurring, yet they have remained hidden as the momentum begins to grow and manifest. You must assist in this transformation by devoting your energy toward envisioning this shift in consciousness. By embodying the conscious awareness of your eternal nature as a spirit soul that is in unity with all other souls at the level of spirit you can dramatically impact the speed and tranquility of this transformation. Change is always traumatic for those in fear. You must help prepare people for the shift and help them to rejoice in the change rather than resist it. Many people are awaiting an apocalyptic transformation, including those who are awaiting the return of Jesus. Help them to understand that this will be a shift in consciousness that each individual controls rather than a single individual coming to the earth to save some and destroy others. Help people see the wider picture and understand the greater truth about the glory, power, and mercy of God that is being manifested in this glorious transformation of consciousness.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Surrender, Self-Esteem, Change, Duality

Why to you continue to resist change? Don’t you know that change is the manifestation of growth? Without change there can be no growth and without growth there can be no progress in life. Therefore one who wants to grow will continually embrace change. What prevents people from changing is fear, and fear is based upon the perception of dualities in life. When you see things as black and white, good and bad, male and female, then you tend to judge things as either positive and negative. Thus you fear the possible negative in your life. However, when you are able to see that duality is simply perceptions based upon your beliefs and you realize that duality is the basis for the choices that lead to growth, then you will move beyond the fear. Once the fear is gone then you are free to make the choices that will lead you to growth, even though those choices may at times be challenging and painful. However, the more you surrender to the will of God who wants you to grow and move completely into your own spiritual mission on the planet then the faster you will grow. It is easy to think that you will lose your identity when you surrender to God. Just the opposite is really true. Instead of lowering your self-esteem, surrender actually enhances your self-esteem because you are discovering who you truly are and why you are actually alive at this time. Thus, the process of surrender becomes a joyous celebration that enables you to overcome all dualities and challenges of life and experience a world that is changing into a place of higher consciousness that is moving beyond the perceived dualities we currently perceive.

Surrender, Self-Esteem, Change, Duality

Why to you continue to resist change? Don’t you know that change is the manifestation of growth? Without change there can be no growth and without growth there can be no progress in life. Therefore one who wants to grow will continually embrace change. What prevents people from changing is fear, and fear is based upon the perception of dualities in life. When you see things as black and white, good and bad, male and female, then you tend to judge things as either positive and negative. Thus you fear the possible negative in your life. However, when you are able to see that duality is simply perceptions based upon your beliefs and you realize that duality is the basis for the choices that lead to growth, then you will move beyond the fear. Once the fear is gone then you are free to make the choices that will lead you to growth, even though those choices may at times be challenging and painful. However, the more you surrender to the will of God who wants you to grow and move completely into your own spiritual mission on the planet then the faster you will grow. It is easy to think that you will lose your identity when you surrender to God. Just the opposite is really true. Instead of lowering your self-esteem, surrender actually enhances your self-esteem because you are discovering who you truly are and why you are actually alive at this time. Thus, the process of surrender becomes a joyous celebration that enables you to overcome all dualities and challenges of life and experience a world that is changing into a place of higher consciousness that is moving beyond the perceived dualities we currently perceive.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Nature, Courage, Higher Self

Spend time in nature. This is what every human being needs to do in order to realize the importance of the shift that is coming in the world. Society can no longer insulate itself from nature and live in such an artificial manner. Soon, when the artificial economy collapses around them, people will be forced to survive in nature. They will need to have a connection with nature in order to simply exist. However, the connection with nature goes much further than that. Spending time in nature is very helpful in connecting with your higher self. Meditation and prayer have so much more power when they are practiced in nature rather than in your living room. When you are in direct contact with the reality of the earth you will realize just how temporary and artificial so many aspects of society are. You will realize how foolish it is to separate yourself from the nourishing energy of the natural world. As you realize the power of nature and the energy it has you will gain the courage to become independent of the artificial world. You will realize that it is possible for you to completely free yourself from the attachments to the world and live a very simple life based upon faith in God to provide for and protect you. When you achieve this level of faith then you will have the courage to face any danger or any challenge as you move toward the fulfillment of your true purpose on this planet.

Hope, Service, Creativity

How is it possible to have hope in today’s world? Isn’t the state of things getting more and more troubling and dangerous? Isn’t it somewhat foolish and naive to remain optimistic in view of the real difficulties facing the world every day? Actually there is only one source of hope. That is your connection with the ultimate source of all reality. The only thing that can save the world is to recognize that each and every living being springs from the same source and that this source is still available as a nurturing and welcoming source of connection that unites everyone in love. When you reconnect with this universal source then everything that is negative simply disappears and you are surrounded only by love. You can become part of that while still in this world simply by concentrating on giving and receiving love. When your goal in life is to be of service to others by sharing love with them you will gain access to a level of creativity and power that will enable you to easily create a life that is rewarding for you and for others. This reciprocal sharing of love is the key to having hope for the future. You must have complete trust in the support of the universe, knowing that the more you give to others the more you will be receptive to receive.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Healing, Patience, Manifestation

True healing of any kind does not happen immediately. The quick fix mentality of expecting a magic pill to suddenly fix everything is the true disease that plagues current society. Instead, realize that true healing and genuine growth is a process that requires time and patience. It cannot be forced artificially, but rather has to be nurtured. It requires a great deal of faith and determination to remain with the process in spite of experiencing limited results. You must be completely convinced that you have the ability to manifest whatever you truly desire in your life and in the world. However, this level of manifestation requires tremendous confidence in the power of the universe and your connection to that power. Your focus in life must be to become very clear in who you are and what your purpose is in this world. When you are very clear about your mission here then you will gain access to all of the energy necessary to move forward with that mission. Until you are clear about your true identity and purpose and are willing to share that identity with others, then your ability to create will be limited. You must first heal your true disease of fear of exploring and exposing your spiritual nature. Once you have overcome this huge energy blockage then you will be able to manifest amazing things that are beyond even your wildest ability to imagine.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Faith, Compassion, Female Power

You must have faith in the moment-to-moment unfolding of the plan for the earth. Do not rely on the old patterns and rules. Things are happening too fast to be bound to the old ways. Learn from the past and honor the great sages and teachers of the past. However, do not be bound by the constraints of past systems. Now is the time for direct connection with the source of all creation. Learn to use your intuition and your connection with the energy of the universe. The key is to be completely compassionate and empathetic with others. Use this feeling to fuel your commitment to helping to create the changes that will ease the tremendous suffering that people are experiencing throughout the world. Have faith in the guidance you are being given. Have faith in your own ability to receive the knowledge and direction you need to complete your mission. Focus on this and have no doubt about the ultimate success of that mission.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Creative Power, Simplicity, Energy, Change

You know that it is time to simplify your life. The way in which you use your energy must be examined and consciously analyzed. You must no longer continue to scatter your energy in a variety of ways. Instead, determine what direction your life must go in order to fulfill your purpose on this planet. Simplicity will help you to gather your energy and focus it to create a life of tremendous power. You have ideas to create very important places and programs to assist others to grow spiritually. You have the power to create these things, but not as long as your energy remains focused on so many things. Instead, accept the changes that are coming. Embrace a time of simplicity that will enable you to harness and consolidate your energy. Learn to focus in a much more productive manner. Take time away from normal pursuits to connect with the Source. Embrace the change that is coming. Listen to the signs you are being given and embrace everything as guideposts toward the coming changes. Know that the changes are for your ultimate benefit, no matter how painful them may appear initially.