Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Healing, Self-Acceptance, Respect, Polarity

Healing can only take place when you are able to fully accept yourself as you are and learn to love yourself. Most people are overwhelmed by the dualities in the world and within their own life. There exists a constant struggle within between the desires of the physical body and the true desire of the soul. There is a constant struggle between the masculine and feminine traits and the right and left side of the brain. The mind and body are often in conflict as to what is in the individual’s best interest. Self-acceptance means that you recognize the natural dualities within your life and embrace all aspects of your personality as necessary tension that promotes growth. If there were no polarity then there would be no choices to make and no growth would take place. Think of the dualities in your life as if it were a worthy opponent in tennis or some other sport. Only when you are presented with the difficult challenge from a worthy opponent will you truly be able to raise your skill level. In the same way, it is the opposites within your own personality that cause you to face difficult choices that will enable you to grow. Even when the choices are later deemed to be mistakes, you can learn from them and move forward. Regardless of how the decision turns out it is much better than not facing your true nature and simply hiding from taking responsibility for your own life. This is what causes illness in the body, the pent-up frustration that is never allowed to express itself. When you have complete acceptance for all aspects of your own personality then it becomes easy to respect all other living beings, even those who appear to be completely the opposite of you.


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