Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hope, Compassion, Acceptance, Duality

The acceptance of duality as the way of the world is what keeps it in constant turmoil. All problems are created by seeing people as separate and opposite from you. When anyone focuses on the differences between them and another person it will automatically create fear. Anyone who sees the world in terms of duality, such as good and evil, light and dark. positive and negative, and religious and atheistic will always lack the spirit of compassion. The key to life is to recognize all duality in life as simply different perspectives of the greatness of God. The world is wonderful precisely because of the tremendous variety that exists. It is the ebb and flow of opposites that makes life interesting and exciting. Therefore, the only hope for the future of the world is to recognize that everything in this world arises from a common source. When this premise is accepted, then it is easy to accept all other living entities as part of the same family tree, no matter how far removed or how seemingly different they may appear. When you see everyone as equal in spirit, then it is natural to have compassion on each and every living being. You no longer fear them, but rather recognize that they share the same hopes and fears as you do, regardless of their race or religion. When this attitude of acceptance and compassion for others replaces the current mood of fear and suspicion, then you will know that there is great hope for the future of the world.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Healing, Loving Kindness, Social Consciousness

Recognize the signs that are encouraging you to move beyond your own world of self-interest and comfort and begin to address the healing of the world as a whole. You must recognize your power as a healer and as a beacon of spiritual knowledge that the world so desperately needs. You have a great deal of knowledge and numerous gifts that can be used as vehicles to share this knowledge. Now it is the time to make the commitment to share loving kindness with the entire world and every individual you meet. Do not hide from your power, nor shirk from the possibility of playing a much larger and more public role in the world than you have done thus far. Have faith that all facilities will be provided for you and that your voice will be the voice of spirit if you simply clarify your intention. If you focus your energies on healing then whatever your activities are will create that energy in the world. Make your focus the consistent sharing of loving kindness with everyone you meet and you will find your power increasing tremendously as you begin to make an impact on people’s lives.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Knowledge, Equanimity, Renewal, Transformer

You understand your role is that of a transformer. However, you do not feel prepared to go out into the world and actually begin to openly share your knowledge of the spirit with others. You may still require a period of renewal and reflection in order to strengthen your resolve and complete your own self-healing before taking on the world. Realize that the work you do on your own healing will have an impact on the world. Realize how the thought and energy patterns of the entire world are interconnected. By purifying your thoughts and actions you are helping to purify the consciousness of all others. Thus, the work you do in solitude does have an impact. However, this must not be an excuse to not get out and share knowledge and insight directly with other human beings. There must always be a balance between the internal work on yourself and your sharing of your gifts with others. Just accumulating knowledge of the spirit has little benefit if you never share it with others. When you achieve the balance of inner, transformative work on yourself with sharing your complete self with others then you will be blessed with the joy of a life in balance.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mercy, Courage, Healing, Trust

Never doubt that the planet is in the process of healing itself just as individuals are healing on a spiritual level. You must see yourself as a healer on all levels. Understand the best healing tools for the body, but always focus on the healing of the spirit as the most important and essential aspect of healing. Trust in your ability to communicate with the spiritual world and become a conduit to bring the healing power of divine energy into the body and soul of others. This is the path you must take. Have the courage to step away from your comfortable place in society and declare yourself to be a spiritual healer. Know that the mercy of God will be with you in this endeavor. You must share this mercy with others on a wide scale. Feel the pain and suffering that most living entities are currently undergoing. Realize that the only true cure for that suffering is within the realm of spiritual healing. Once the soul is reconnected with its true source then healing will automatically take place. Become a conduit for this energy of mercy to be shared with each and every spirit soul on the planet.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Faith, Simplicity, Prayer, Polarity

It is easy to become frustrated in a world that seems to be based entirely on polarity. You see signs of this conflict every day, and it seems that the gulf between both sides in almost all arenas of life are growing wider. However, you must realize that the value of the duality inherent in material life is to enable the living being to make choices. These choices are what lead either to spiritual growth or to regression. To fail to take action and make these choices will always lead to stagnation and lack of progress in this lifetime. Instead of making life complicated due to the inherent duality, instead you should always keep life simple. When you focus on simplicity you will be able to see the choices very clearly. Making the best choice for you is easy when you have complete faith in the fact that God is guiding your life. When faced with a choice the best thing to do is simply to pray fervently to God to gain an understanding of what the divine plan is for your life at this particular time. The more you turn to God in prayer the more your faith will develop. Don’t expect the prayers to be answered in the manner that you would prefer with your limited vision. Rather have faith that whatever comes your way is for your ultimate benefit, even though you may not recognize it in the sort term. Maintain your faith in God and the power of prayer and you will begin to embrace the duality of life and know that your path is the best one for your own personal spiritual growth.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Prosperity, Harmlessness, manifestation, Vision

Do not shy away from prosperity and don’t hesitate to see yourself as being capable of manifesting the life that you desire as well as manifesting a better world for everyone. You must maintain the vision of one who sees the earth as a spiritually awakened place where all souls have the opportunity to follow their own particular spiritual path. Make this vision the focus of your manifestation. However, do not neglect your own prosperity. See yourself as being completely full, both materially as well as spiritually. The more you have to share the more you are able to impact others. Envision yourself as completely prosperous in every way. Envision the earth as being a wonderful harmony that is working together in the way the natural order was meant to be. See a world where the feelings of compassion and harmlessness have overtaken the forces of greed and fear. Understand that all manifestation first begins with a vision. From your heart you must see the vision of the life you desire and the world you can help manifest. Both are connected, and you cannot try to focus on just one without impacting the other. Keep this balance in our life and you will realize what incredible power you have to manifest every aspect of your vision.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Awakening, Listening, Uncover, Surrender

Awaking takes place only after you have been willing to face a deathlike slumber and be willing to let go of all of your old patterns of life. Think of it as rebirth. Most are not willing to go through the process of dying to their own ego in order to experience the complete freedom that is offered by surrendering to the will of God and experiencing a true spiritual awakening. In order to accomplish this you must first be willing to listen to your heart as it reveals God’s plan for your life to you. As you become more in touch with the voice of your soul you will discover that there are still many parts of your nature that you need to uncover and face squarely in order to move forward. These issues that have been holding back must be given up in order to fully awaken. The greatest force that must be faced squarely is your own ego. The desire to be in control and manipulate the material world in order to provide pleasure for your senses is the realm of the ego. You must be willing to face death of the ego and all of the pain that this entails. It is time to undergo this death of the ego in order to fully surrender to your spiritual path. Only in this way can your awakening truly take place, enabling you to experience the utter bliss that comes from living completely immersed in the spiritual realm.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Unity, Truth, Hope, Reflection

You want to feel a great hope for the future of the world, yet often the future seems so bleak. How can you experience a genuine hope for your own personal life as well as the eventual liberation of the entire world from the grip of materialistic darkness? The first step is to truly be willing to search for the deepest and most profound truth about life itself. You have been given a great deal of truth, but now is the time to question even that truth. Be open and willing to consider the extreme polarities in order to understand the full spectrum of emotions that rule the planet. If you do not understand the emotions of your fellow souls you will not be able to truly have an impact upon them. Then you must seek unity by focusing on the most basic and eternal truths that are common to all living beings. Be open to reflect upon your own life and its paradoxes as you contemplate the paradoxes that rule the world and the lives of each individual soul. Allow the deepening truth to be revealed to you; however, when sharing your truth with others you must always make sure that you understand what is their current truth. Once you understand their belief system then you can easily convince them of the points in which their beliefs coincide with the universal truths. By building on that connection you will be able to bridge all gaps and in this way help create unity. If you simply try to force others to accept “your” truth they will automatically become defensive and reject it. You know the breadth of spiritual truth, yet most people have an extremely narrow view of their perceived truth. Connecting these narrow truths into a common unity in the greater truth is the real goal of all spiritual leaders. Reflect on this process often and you will know that unity in truth is really the only hope for the future of the world.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Purity, Mindfulness, Peace, Creativity

Do not wait any longer to begin to create the next phase of your life. Staying in the same place due to a sense of need for security is the worst thing you can do in your life. Realize that there is no such thing as security in the material world. In reality security is simply a prison that prevents you from reaching out, taking risks and moving dramatically forward in your own spiritual growth. Do not try to achieve peace in your life by simply taking the comfortable way out. Peace is never a passive state. If you think you are at peace by simply doing nothing then you are setting yourself up to be really destroyed when external circumstances change. You cannot control external circumstances that will definitely impact your life. However, you can control your internal environment. When you consistently practice mindfulness, through meditation and an awareness of the spiritual nature of life then you are purifying your internal dialogue. When your goal is internal purity then all of your thoughts and actions become based on your spiritual awareness rather than gross material desires. When you have this sort of inner purity then you will find that peace can be achieved even when you are in the midst of all sorts of crazy yet creative projects. Be anxious to create tremendous projects that will actually benefit the world. Don’t hesitate to take on these projects out of fear of giving up your so-called peace. You will never be truly at peace until you are actively working to create the spiritually aware planet that you have always longed for.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Awakening, Healing, Dreams

Realize that now is the time for your complete spiritual awakening. You cannot wait any longer, and the world is in need of the healing that comes from spiritual awakening. Realize that you are meant to be a healer. You must dream of the next stage of your life and be able to visualize what that will mean, both for your life as well as for the world. You have been blessed with many gifts, and now is the time to begin sharing them with as many people as possible. Although you must dream of the future and use that vision to create your life in the present, you must also be completely awake in the present moment. This awareness and complete consciousness of the current instant in time is the only time that is important. As much as you may dream and plan for the future, the only place you can truly live is now - in the present. Awakening is a moment by moment awareness of the love that exists at every instant in time.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Love, Appreciation, Growth

Now is the time for incredible spiritual growth, both for ourself personally as well as the world in general. People are realizing that the only solution to the problems of the world is a complete paradigm shift to a different way of living and relating with others. The understanding of the spiritual (truly spiritual and not merely religious) truths about life is what is needed to change the direction of the world and make it a sustainable and humane world. Never get discouraged by the darkness that you see enveloping the world. Instead merely appreciate the wonderful opportunity that this increasing polarity gives to create the urgency for the spiritual awakening that is to come. Use knowledge about the darkness to fuel the desire to help educate and inspire others to adopt the path of love rather than fear. While seeing the follies of the world, never express anger, fear, or malice toward those who perpetrate evil things. Instead share your love with them and appreciate the roles they are playing in the wide and wonderful drama of life on this planet. Recognize that each and every soul is engaged in their own spiritual growth process and each is playing their particular role in the unfolding drama. You want to educate people about the dangers of evil but only by bringing non-judgmental love into their lives. When you can recognize the forces of evil yet continue to love the so-called perpetrators of that evil then you know that you have reached a level of spiritual understanding and growth. If you merely focus on appreciating everything about every aspect of your life and share nothing but love with others you will certainly help to create a world that is a wonderful reflection of the spiritual world.

Love, Appreciation, Growth

Monday, October 02, 2006

Prosperity, Loving Kindness, Passion

Do not let apparent lack of material prosperity prevent you from sharing your true prosperity with others. Recognize the many gifts that you have to share with others. If giving is done with a spirit of loving kindness no matter what you share the result will be joy for you as well as for the receiver. Do not allow your shadow self to overcome your true essence. Realize that the desire for intimate passion can be the greatest source of spiritual transformation or it can be the greatest impediment to spiritual growth. Take the passion you have for life and begin to share it with others instead of keeping it to yourself. Feel the depth of your passion within your body, and then manifest that passion with activities that will bring true joy to those you associate with. Never underestimate your ability to impact others, yet knowing your potential to impact the world do not wait and do nothing in the day-to-day living of your life. This is where change must begin, with seemingly insignificant interactions with everyone you meet. By sharing loving kindness at all times and with all living beings you will indeed begin to live a life of true prosperity and of ultimate benefit to the world.