Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Forgiveness, Courage, Uncover

Have the courage to forgive yourself for any and all things that you may be holding onto from the past. Most people limit what they are capable of achieving by holding onto their mistakes and limitations of their past. Learn to forgive yourself and be open to forgiving others for anything they may have ever done to you. Forgiveness is one of the most liberating acts that you can accomplish. Until you are willing to uncover and face squarely the most unpleasant aspects of your personality and your life you will be limited in your progress. It is difficult to face the negative aspects of your nature and is usually easier to simply brush them aside and attempt to continue to ignore them However, this is what prevents you from understanding your true, unlimited nature as an eternal spirit soul. Instead you must strive to uncover all of the old habits and fears that have been holding you back. Forgive yourself without holding onto any guilt of fears. The courage to forgive yourself and others is what will free you to fully live in your highest level of enlightenment.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Courage, Co-Arising, Self-Expression

These times require the courage to express your true nature in a loud and clear voice that will impact a large number of souls. You understand the unity of all souls and the common consciousness that all share. Have the courage to impact that consciousness. You can only do that by aligning yourself completely with the divine will for your life. Listen to your heart and have the courage to follow it, no matter where it may lead you. Have the courage to express your true feelings and your deepest knowledge with as many people as possible.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Harmony, Letting Go, Acceptance

Recognize who you are and what you are meant to achieve in this world. You must be one that helps to bring harmony to the world. You do this by letting go of all of your limiting beliefs. In fact, you must let go of all of your old ideas and prejudices. Let go of past events and all of the experiences that have molded you into the personality that you now project. Instead see yourself as the eternal, unlimited soul that you actually are. See yourself as capable of pursuing any path that you know in your heart will help you to live in a way that will bring the most people together. Recognize your ability to inspire others by your acceptance of each individual as a spirit soul. When you are open and accepting of each and every soul without judging the appearance or capability of their physical body then you can become a bridge to bring people together. Harmony is not based upon everyone being equal. In a music score, if everyone played the same part or the same instrument it would be terribly dull. However, harmony is developed when each individual player does their best to follow the direction of a great conductor. When all are working together under expert guidance, then wonderful harmony is produced. This same harmony can be experienced when you wok under the guidance of the supreme conductor, God. By following the lead of the Supreme and respecting the wonderful diversity that exists among all souls then you can help the entire world become a place of beautiful harmony.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Resurrection, Harmlessness, Fears, Transformer

The world is permeated with unseen fears. Very seldom are people’s lives directly challenged in daily life, yet the media makes its job the creation of fears that keep people constantly worried about this threat or another. This fear is itself the greatest cause of death, as it is a contributing factor to most of the maladies in today’s world. In addition it sucks the positive nature of life from people, so that even when they are alive they are not truly living. How can this situation be transformed? The key is for everyone to understand the simple truth of the eternal nature of the soul. When you realize that it is impossible to kill the soul and that all souls are eternally individuals, then the fear will automatically go away. When people act on the basis of the soul they are automatically acting at least in a state of harmlessness towards others, and eventually will feel love for all other souls. This knowledge will transform the world. People must understand the true meaning of the idea of resurrection. People think it was a one-time occurrence with Jesus. Actually he was simply demonstrating to everyone that life does not end when the body dies but that the eternal souls lives forever. He had to appear in his spiritual form on this earth in order to convince his skeptical followers of the truth of the eternal soul. Although its style was unusual, the principle of resurrection and rebirth is common knowledge in all scriptures and is a commonly accepted fact for most of the people in the world. It is time for the soul to be understood by everyone in the world and for the transformation to a loving society to take place.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Vision, Mindfulness, Healing, Unconditional Love

What is your vision of an ideal world? Are you clarifying that vision every day? Are you striving to act in ways that will help to bring about that vision? Is your life filled with the purpose that comes only from having a vision that you are passionate about? If you are not living that vision then it is time to be more aware of the direction your life is heading. Healing of yourself first starts with awareness or mindfulness. Although you may have good intentions during the course of the day it is easy to forget your true purpose and merely be tossed about on the storm of material distractions. You must become mindful of each and every action you take and each thought that you allow to capture your consciousness. When you are completely aware of the tricks your mind tries to play on you and you instead are constantly bringing the mind back to the one thing that truly matters, unconditional love, then you will make progress. Make unconditional love your only focus throughout the course of every day. Reflect your love for others in every action you take. In this way your awareness will expand greatly and your vision for the future of the world and of your own life will certainly become manifest.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Divine Plan, Friendliness, Duality, Spirit

Understand the duality of material life. This duality is a major aspect of the divine plan for spiritual growth. Without duality there would be no choices to make and without making choices there is no growth and no meaning to free will. Growth only occurs through making choices and learning from their results. If you make choices that are in resonance with the divine plan for your life then the results will eventually be positive. When you make choices that are against the divine plan then the ultimate result will be negative. In reality the true results of choices are often delayed. The instant gratification gained by most of the decisions made against the divine plan makes people think it is a benefit when the true result is not. Learn to take a longer view of the consequences of actions. Understand the long-terms nature of the divine plan. You are the one who controls your speed of enlightenment. If you constantly are in contact with your spirit and are aware of your divine purpose in life then you are definitely making progress. The more you become enlightened the more you will see yourself as a friend to all spirit souls and the more you will be determined to assist them in whatever way possible to increase their own spiritual growth.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Manifestation, Service, Nurturing, Center

You are capable of truly manifesting only what is the strongest desire at the core of your being. When you try to create things that are not part of your core purpose you will encounter only blocks and frustration. Therefore, first spend time truly getting to know yourself and your own deepest desires. Plumb the depths of your soul and recognize what truly provides you with the passion to live. Once you have identified your core values then you must nurture it and examine all of the ways that this value can be utilized in order to serve others. This is the other key to manifestation. Selfish desires will only manifest misery, even if short-term results may appear to be lucrative from the material point of view. The only projects that can creating lasting and ever-increasing happiness are ones that are focused on serving others. Once you link your true passion with a positive way to utilize that passion in the service of as many people as possible (or other souls or the planet itself) then you will have the key to manifesting whatever you choose to create with your life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Music, Manifestation, Open-mindedness, Completion

You will not be able to manifest all that you know you are capable of unless a couple of changes take place in your life. First of all, realize that you must be open-minded in order to keep all possibilities for the world open. If you have a closed belief system that only allows you to see the world or even God in one particular way then you are limiting your capabilities. Realize that God has so many facets that it is impossible to grasp even a tiny percentage of these attributes. To limit the concept of God to the knowledge that is available in any one religion is not realistic. Instead, see the wonderful diversity of thought that exists and understand that there is so much more that is way beyond the human mind to comprehend. With an open mind toward the future you must first focus on completing any unfinished business in the material world. Get in the habit of finishing things rather than leaving them hanging as to rush to the next thing. Once you have completed the actions that are keeping you tethered to your current life then you will be free to begin to truly manifest your life based upon who you truly are. Recognize the power of music in this process of manifestation. Intention of the mind is what sets manifestation in motion, and it is sound vibration that actually converts this mental energy into physical manifestation. Learn to use your words and all other sound vibration as tools of manifestation of that which you want and what the world needs.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Fire, Generosity, Compulsions, Balance

The purpose of life is to create balance in your life and be able to create a world that incorporates both the spiritual world as well as the material world. If you try to live in only one of these you will not be satisfied. You are not ready to live completely in the spiritual world until you have completed your mission in the material world. Of course, you do not want to live only in the material world for you would be forgetting your true spiritual nature. Thus, you must achieve this balance and learn to appreciate the ecstatic tension that uniting these two worlds may create in your life. In order to maintain balance you must recognize the compulsions that keep you attached to the material world. Everyone has them, otherwise you would not have come to this planet. You cannot negate these compulsions with other materially-oriented thoughts or activities. Instead they must be burned up by the fire of spiritual desire. When you truly desire to live more spiritually the end result will be a feeling of generosity and compassion for other living beings. When you are focused on what you can contribute to the lives of others there will be no room in your life for the self-centered desires that lead to material addictions. Be always generous to everyone and you will truly be able to live in joyful balance.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Power, Self-Esteem, Focus, Transformer

You must see yourself as one who is capable of helping to transform the world. Never doubt the power you have to impact the world. Just using your focus to visualize a more loving and more spiritually enlightened world has more power than you can imagine. Use your mental abilities to focus on the world you would like to manifest, both in your life and in the world as a whole. Do not let your own lack of self-confidence prevent you from utilizing all of the power available to you. This lack of self-esteem and lack of focus is the only thing that is holding you back from truly transforming your life and therefore the world. When you understand the power of thoughts and the incredible power of spiritual energy then you will realize that anything is possible. Understand that the entire planet can transform itself into an enlightened heavenly planet if only enough people have the courage and the imagination to visualize it and have the confidence in their ability to direct spiritual power to achieve it. Never doubt your power, but do everything possible to enhance it and utilize it for the common good.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Nature, Truth, Spirit

Trust your connection with Mother Earth. Instead of trying to live only in the spiritual world, you must increase your connection and devotion to the earth. Become more aware of her beauty and become rededicated to maintaining her purity. The more time you spend in nature the more you will innately be connected to the truth. You cannot gain truth by association with modern media or even books and programs, no matter how spiritually oriented they may be. They are only giving you ideas and a glimpse of the path of others. However, you must discover your own path and your own personal connection with Spirit. This is best accomplished by spending as much time in the sanctity of nature as possible. This is the best way to revive your spirit and to hear your own truth coming form within. Never doubt this connection and trust your intuition to make the choices that are necessary to enhance your growth.