Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Divine Plan, Service, Compulsions

Let us talk about the simplicity of life. Every soul is present on the planet in order to follow the divine plan for their life which is part of the agreed upon path for their spiritual advancement. Each individual has a unique and personal divine plan for his or her life. This is why every individual has distinct desires, distinct personality traits and distinct abilities. However, the purpose in life for each and every soul is ultimately to provide service to the Supreme by serving fellow souls. Every life that has made tremendous impact in their lifetime has been one whose purpose is to serve the needs of others. Unfortunately, most people do not take this path of service. Instead they are caught up dealing with their own selfish addictions. When you allow your focus to be simply on your own desire for sense gratification and are compelled to act only to satisfy those personal desires, then you will not have the strength of desire to truly be of service to others. Examine your life and see clearly what things in your life compel you to act in ways that are purely for your own personal sense gratification. If you learn to deal with those compulsions by focusing instead upon the incredible needs that your fellow souls have that you can be of service to, then you will be able to make great progress in the fulfillment of the ultimate divine plan for your life.


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