Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Prosperity, Focus

Never make your own prosperity the primary focus of your life. This is the path that leads to a life of frustration due to its material orientation that never satisfies. The concentration on the accumulation of material wealth is the bane of a society that has lost its direction and has become completely selfish in its orientation. Sure, wealthy materialists assuage their conscience by giving a portion of their wealth in charity, but there is seldom an accompanying awareness of the actual condition and future of the individuals they are supposedly helping. It is much more important to recognize the fact that all human beings (and in fact all spirit souls) are connected on the subtle spiritual level. Thus the action of one individual automatically has an impact on others as well. In order to use the prosperity you have been blessed with you must actively contribute to improving the lives of others. You can do this by personally sharing your wisdom and your example of living a positive life with others. Have a direct personal impact on those closest to you. Utilize your wealth in the best way possible by sharing knowledge that can actually change the lives of people by adjusting what they focus upon. When you are focused completely on helping to improve the lives of others then you can make a major contribution to helping them become focused on what is important in life also. Your energies must always be concentrated on how you can best serve the growth and ultimate spiritual progress of as many fellow spirit souls as possible. If your prosperity assists you in accomplishing this mission then it is a positive thing in your life. If, however, your energy becomes directed completely toward increasing your own prosperity, then it will become the source of the greatest misfortune to you.


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