Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Vibration, Open-Mindedness,Attainment

The vast majority of people fail to attain anything significant in life. Whether it is knowledge, wisdom, financial freedom, recognition, or true love, most lead lives of frustration rather than attainment. There are a couple of reasons for this unfortunate truth. The first is that very few people are truly open-minded. Most accept the lot they were dealt in life and assume that they can never progress beyond what society expects, based on their birth circumstances. They look at the world through the eyes of an adult who has become jaded to the possibilities that life represents rather than through the eyes of a child who sees unlimited possibilities. The important thing is to never blindly accept what people try to advise you, and certainly don’t let them squash your dreams. Open-mindedness means that you do not rule out any possibilities in the universe, no matter how far-out they may seem to a rational, materialistically oriented scientific mind. Most people simply accept the concept that “that’s the way things are” rather than always challenging and searching beyond that wall of societal respectability. As you move beyond that wall you will find your energy level automatically increasing. You must increase your level of vibration and energy beyond what is normal. You do this by escaping from the prison of societal expectations and norms. Instead, go into nature on your own and truly discover what you are capable of experiencing. Learn to connect with your soul and expect to be able to connect with the energy of the universe. Be open to tapping into the highest level of energy and be willing to experience life at the highest energy levels. In this way you will attain far more than if you merely accept life as a material struggle for survival.


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