Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Motivation, Consideration, Foundation

It is very important to have a very solid foundation in your life. Having an unshakeable faith in your position as a spirit soul and as a servant of God is a very important base. However, there comes a time when a foundation is not enough. You must begin to actually build the structure of your life. This hesitation to fully build upon the strong foundation is based upon a lack of true motivation. When you lack passion to accomplish something the cause is always the ego focusing on its own needs and comforts. When your perspective on life is limited by excessive focus on your own needs and desires then it is impossible to live with the passion that can only come from being completely dedicated to helping the lives of others. When you have consideration for the incredible number of souls who have no knowledge of their true identity and are stuck in the material illusion of life then you must take passionate action to help them. Think about the amazing problems facing the world today. It seems that there are problems and dangers at every turn. So many people are living in absolutely appalling circumstances. Yet all of that would change if only people lived in the knowledge of their ultimate connection as fellow spirit souls with equal access to the loving protection of the Creator. You have much to share and much to contribute to the world. It is time to feel the motivation of desire to help others and begin to take passionate action to improve the world in any way you can.


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