Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Power, Tolerance, Breath

Do not shy away from power. Most people are afraid of the tendency for power to corrupt, for that is the normal experience in seeing power utilized in the world today. However, by hesitating to develop or utilize power it simply cedes more power to those who lust after it and want to control you and others for their own selfish and often diabolical purposes. How will the world ever change if those who recognize the truth are hesitant to wield the tremendous power that spiritual truth makes available to them? In order to not be corrupted by power you must be able to remain fixed on your spiritual purpose. You must be prepared to tolerate all sorts of challenges and threats from those who are not on a spiritual wavelength. Don’t get so hung up on your ego’s position that you fail to remain strong and fixed in purpose when challenges arise. You can accomplish this by learning to use the power of breath to connect you with this awesome creative source. When you breathe do so with consciousness of its ability to connect you with the spiritual source. Each and every breath you take in is a gift from the Creator. Every breath you exhale is an opportunity to send a gift of love to others who may share that same air at some point in history. Simply by breathing in a spiritually conscious manner you will influence others. You will also develop your physical power in a way that will give you the strength to overcome any challenges that may face you. When fears arise remember to breath consciously and with gratitude for the gift of life and you will not be overcome by fears, but rather you will feel your power constantly increasing.


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