Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Divine Plan,Forgiveness, Manifestation

Do not expect to be able to manifest great things in your life until you are first certain that you are following the divine plan for your life. As long as you resist diving deeply into what you know to be your true spiritual purpose in this lifetime you will only be able to create on a very small level. You must be willing to give up your small ideas of what you are capable of doing. Do not worry about the minor details of life. Instead always look at the larger picture of the world in general. How willing are you to give up everything in order to move forward with the larger purpose in life? How willing are you to forgive yourself for all of your past mistakes and time wasted and dedicate yourself anew to the goal of assisting in the evolution of the entire planet toward a more loving and spiritual world? You must take personally the essential goal of completely transforming the world into a place that is beautiful, loving, and completely spiritual. You have the ability to help with this process of manifestation. However, in order to have the power to do so you must first understand deeply the divine plan for your life. Then you must commit yourself totally to that service and make every waking hour be dedicated to fulfilling your role in that plan. When you are operating on this level of consciousness then you will be able to manifest anything that you can envision.


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