Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Courage, Service, Purification

Service to others is the primary focus of all spiritual leaders. Those who are pure do not care for their own personal comfort. In fact, they usually lead lives of incredible hardship as they are willing to give up everything in order to fulfill their mission to serve the deepest needs of all living beings. It takes tremendous courage to be willing to serve, no matter what the personal risks. One who is truly engaged in serving their spiritual mission will not be dissuaded by anything, even the specter of pain or death. Much more painful to this individual is the thought of giving up the mission and simply leading a life of comfort that is not providing a benefit to anyone else. You are always faced with this choice in life, selfishness or service. When you choose selfishness the immediate result will often be pleasure and the ultimate result will always be pain. In choosing service you will often feel suffering along the way; however, the end result is always a true and lasting pleasure. The key is to always purify your life and your desires. Take every opportunity to choose service over selfishness. Have the courage it takes to follow your spiritual mission regardless of the struggles involved rather than settle for living a comfortable life of materialistic pleasures. Have the courage to go anywhere and do anything that is required in order to serve the greatest number of people in the most essential and beneficial manner.


  • At 4:20 AM, Blogger Alcuin Bramerton said…

    You say: "One who is truly engaged in serving their spiritual mission will not be dissuaded by anything, even the specter of pain or death."

    I agree with this. Death is just an inexpedient illusion of matrix physicality.


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