Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Miracles, Courage, Wisdom

Miracles happen all of the time. However, very few people open their lives up to the possibility of miracles. It takes courage to accept the fact that your life can be an incredibly satisfying journey for you and for everyone you meet. However, most people are too hung up with their small-minded focus on daily needs to even consider the incredibly beneficial life they could possibly lead. Look at your life and see the areas where you have held back from doing something out of fear. Now think what might have happened if you had the courage to have gone for what you truly wanted. The key is to live life with wisdom. It is foolishness to attempt every idea that comes to mind and every opportunity that comes your way. Wisdom is the ability to discern between what possible actions will be beneficial for you and which could be harmful. When you choose your actions from this perspective then you must have the courage to follow through no matter what the difficulties you encounter. Trust that when you are moving in the proper direction in life miracles will happen that will remove all obstacles after you have learned the lessons they were there to teach you. When you expect miracles you help to manifest them. When you see all challenges as opportunities to grow and enhance your spiritual strength then overcoming them seems easy, even if they would seem impossible if viewed from a different perspective. When you live your life as a miracle everything will seem joyful and exciting, completely satisfying to you and to those whose lives you touch


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