Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Communication, Inner Peace, Healing

Inner Peace. That is such a wonderful goal that so many people espouse to be their goal in life. However, how often does it actually occur? What is the proper balance between striving for inner peace with the result being a completely inert life and being totally focused on a huge project that will benefit many people while putting your own life into constant challenges? Unfortunately, many people mistake serenity in life for inner peace. Serenity is a sort of calmness that is seen as a goal by many. However, the true spiritualists are those who are directly engaged with life in attempting to help create the changes they envision in the world. Instead of withdrawing into heir own little world they are constantly engaged in communication with others. They try to act as the link between the knowledge and voice of the spiritual world and the souls who are in the material world. A true spiritualist is almost like a translator, with the ability to understand the spiritual world and translate that into words and actions that can be understood by those in the material world. This communication also entails being able to listen to and understand each soul to grasp their pain and challenges. This deep and meaningful communication that is meant to uplift everyone you meet is what will ultimately help to heal the wounds of individual souls and eventually the entire world. As you focus on this wonderful mission of bringing the wonder of the spiritual world to other souls you will begin to find that you will automatically achieve peace of mind internally, regardless of the unceasing activity you are engaged in. True peace of mind is only achieved by engaging wholeheartedly in the mission that you know you are on the earth to perform.


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