Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Grace, Dreams, Realm Shift

Take your dreams seriously. They have a great deal to teach you. Learn to remember and savor the dreams that come at night. Understand how they are often messages coming from the spirit world that are leading you in your proper direction in life. Allow yourself to dream during waking times and meditation. Dream about what your life could be like and what life on this planet could be like if unselfish love was the predominate characteristic of relationships between people. Do not push aside these dreams due to lack of self-esteem. Do not think you are unworthy to live the life of your dreams. If your desire is to help others achieve their dreams and you are living to serve God in this way then nothing is outside the realm of possibility. When your goal is service to God you will be in a state of grace. In this wonderful state everything is possible. You will see reality in a completely different perspective. Understand that the material world will always be limited. However, the possibilities that exist in the spiritual realm are completely unlimited. What would seemingly take a miracle to accomplish in the material sphere is ordinary for one who is seeing reality from the unlimited perspective of the spirit. Instead of holding yourself back from this reality due to lack of belief, either in God or in yourself, instead embrace the possibility of a completely fresh reality. This reality does exist and is simply waiting on you to acknowledge and dive into it with no fear and with complete faith.


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