Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Hope, Tolerance, Higher Self

As people begin to realize the depth of the disaster that is being created on the planet they are losing hope. They are resigned to the fact that the world will be getting more fearful, more insecure, more dangerous, and more polluted and they think there is nothing that can be done about it. Those who have held out hope that technology could save the planet and their lifestyle now realize that those who control the technology have no interest in anything but a shortsighted desire to make money. As the difficulties pile up on each other it is easy to see why people are losing hope. Thus, many of them simply tolerate the lack of leadership that presents itself and either focus on simply making money and enjoying as much as they can materially or take solace in the fact that they are personally saved and will go to heaven at the end of this life. Neither of these positions is really doing much for the future of the planet. Instead of looking for either material means to solve problems or focusing only on the afterlife possibility that is held out as a dream to many, it is important to realize that the real answer is to simply focus on the spirit of the individual. When people understand the true essence of each living being as an eternal spirit soul then hope will automatically come. Your world will change completely when you begin to operate on the basis of being an eternal spirit rather than a physical body. When you change your mentality you will automatically help give hope to others. Help them realize that if everyone accepts their true essence as spirit then any problems can be overcome. When you know that you are eternal then it becomes easy to look beyond the temporary pleasures of the physical body and realize that you have the power to save this planet and all of the souls on it. Focus on the spirit and hope will come automatically.


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