Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Awakening, Remembrance

You must begin to wake up to accept your true purpose in this world. You came here for a specific reason. You can have a tremendous impact on people, yet you must begin to make this your primary focus in life. You have lived so many other lifetimes of service to humanity. It is time to begin to remember not those lives, as the details are not important, but to recall the attitude of service that characterized your reason for begin born in the past. One purpose for taking a material body is to work through the limitations that have held you back in the past. Your own personal growth is an essential aspect of each and every lifetime, and this opportunity to continue on your path of spiritual growth is one of the greatest gifts of God. However, realize that personal growth is not the primary goal of life. The more elevated and unselfish approach to life is to make the uplifting and inspiring of others your principal purpose in life. When you are more concerned with assisting others than you are concerned about your own growth then your personal growth will automatically accelerate. The foremost purpose in each lifetime is to overcome the selfishness that characterizes the nature of everyone in the material world. When you overcome this selfishness by putting your complete energy into helping others, then you are truly remembering what your purpose is. You must awaken to the urgency of this mission and the absolutely critical nature of planet at this time. Try to help awaken the consciousness of the rest of the world and you will remember why you have come to this world.


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