Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Music, Co-Arising, Faith

Understand that everything in the world is made up of waves of energy. Even the scientists are now acknowledging that there is no such thing as solid matter that instead everything is made up of particles and waves. As they are able to study the atomic structure of the universe they have come to realize that everything is made more of a spiritual than a material essence. The only difference is the degree of vibration. This is why music has such an incredible impact on the individual. The waves of the music interact with the molecular make-up of the individual and cause it to interact. Every encounter any living being has with another has an impact on the other. We cannot help but influence others, as even breathing and thinking as well as speech and actions have an impact on the vibrations that will impact others. Therefore you must utilize this knowledge of the influence you have over people to constantly ensure that your impact is a positive one. Use music wisely and understand its potency. Have faith that every positive thought and positive deed you do will have an impact, even if that impact is not immediate or local. Make use of your ability to impact the energetic vibration of the world and you will soon realize how important each and every individual and each and every action can be.

Hope, Self-Esteem, Prayer

Never underestimate the importance of prayer. Most people have lost hope in bettering their lives. They have given up and are simply going through the motions of living out a life that seldom is contributing a lasting value to others. Their self-esteem is so low that they only try to hold onto the thread of life for as long as they can without ever pondering the purpose or quality of that life. Even their prayers are usually self-centered and focused only on meeting their immediate bodily needs or the infirmities of their friends and family. Instead, prayer should be a celebration. It should be a sense of jubilation and thanks at the miraculous gift of life that God has given each individual. Prayer should affirm the wondrous beauty, mercy, and power of God and affirm the eternal love that is shared with God. Prayer should be asking not for material basics for oneself. Rather it should only ask for the uplifting of all souls in the world and beg that the consciousness of the entire world be changed. When you pray with a glorious future in your heart then you actually create hope for that future reality to manifest. However, if you pray only for brief respite from the misery of life, then of course that is all you will receive. Make your prayers a constant dialogue and an affirmation of the incredible relationship you have with God. When you accept yourself as being worthy of God’s mercy and love then you will certainly experience genuine hope for an incredible future, for yourself and for the entire world.

Purity, Listening, Shadow Self

You, like everyone else on the planet, have various aspects of your nature that you choose to keep in the shadows and not acknowledge. These are the selfish desires that keep you in the material world and hold back your spiritual development. These are addictions of any kind, compulsions that you contemplate or follow through with at the expense of following your true purpose in life. In order to purify your life you must listen to these aspects of yourself. Actually hear what you say to yourself when you want to engage in these activities. Then before succumbing to its pressure actually ask it questions. The most important one is what will be the ultimate result of participating in this activity. If the end result is neither lasting joy nor spiritual advancement then you should choose not to participate in that activity. Instead learn to listen to your heart and get in touch with your soul’s highest desire. When you listen to the wisdom of the soul it will always lead you on the path of spiritual growth. This will always lead you toward more unselfish compassion rather than selfish indulgence of the senses. By listening to the soul you will be able to very easily replace the compulsions of the material world with the joyful activities of the spirit and in this way purify your life.

Partnership, Self-Acceptance, Healing

Look at the status of the partnerships in your life. Are they as strong and healthy as you would like? As they satisfying to you on a personal level? Are they stimulating you to increase your spiritual growth? Are they creating a synergy that is stimulating you to create incredible projects that will have a tremendous beneficial impact on the enlightenment of the world? Chances are that not all of these things are true. If your relationships are lacking in adding this kind of quality in your life then it is certainly time to examine them. Of course, the first step in examining a relationship is not to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the other person, but rather to look at your own character. Most people have a difficult time in relationships because they lack self-acceptance. If you cannot honestly say that you love yourself and accept that you are a worthwhile human being who is deserving of love, then you will have a difficult time accepting others into any sort of intimate relationship. Take a long look at your relationship with yourself. How much of it is based upon guilt originating from conditioning from earlier years? How much time have you spent actually looking at your character and determining which aspects are helping you move toward the types of relationships you are seeking and which are holding you back? Once you begin to accept yourself while focusing on developing those qualities that will attract and inspire the types of people you want to associate with then you will begin to miraculously see that your relationships become healed without you having to try to “change” the other person.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

MIracles, Generosity, Energy

Miracles should be happening every day of your life. You must wake up and realize how miraculous are so many occurrences that you seem to take for granted. However, also expect the really huge miracles that can never be explained by anything other than God’s mercy on your life. There are several things that will help lead to ever larger and more amazing miracles. The first is to have a generous nature in your heart. When your goal is to help others and you are concerned more for them than for your own well-being then incredible miracles will begin to take place. Do not expect them to occur in a vacuum. You must put your energy into the process of creation. The first step is always to visualize what you would like the world to look like, regardless of how unlikely it may seem. See the vision and have faith that anything is possible in the realm of the spirit. Then pray to God to help make it a reality and meditate regularly on that vision. Expect the miracle to take place and give thanks for the miracle’s appearance even before it becomes manifest. When you have true faith you realize that it is only a matter of time before the miracle will become reality. Then you must put your energy into taking the steps to make it a reality. Do not expect to simply float along and see it happen of its own accord. You must take the concrete steps that would get the ball rolling in the creation. You know that these steps could never produce the entire result; however, your steps express your faith and your willingness to take the often difficult steps to make it a reality. When you put your full energy into the expectation of a miracle then you will soon realize just how incredible and miraculous life can be.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Music, Appreciation, Resolution

It is now time to resolve to do more with your life. You cannot wait any longer to move along the path of the spirit that you know awaits you. You must begin to appreciate the incredible opportunities you have been given to share knowledge and inspiration with others. Now you must dedicate your personal energy into sharing. The days of focusing on your own personal projects and desires must end, and your focus must be centered on how you can serve God by serving others. Just see the tremendous need for spiritual knowledge. People are lost and are searching. When they do find religion they are often seduced by groups that claim to have the only access to the truth and claim that all other religions are wrong. This is the thinking that must be dispelled throughout the world. One of the best methods of spreading the energy of spiritual transformation is through music. Music has the potential to enter the hearts of individuals and provoke a rapid shift in consciousness. Use music to increase your spiritual potency, but remember that your spiritual energy must constantly increase in order to have the potential to impact others. Take the steps now to surround yourself with the energizing music, activities, and thoughts that will help purify your life. Make this spiritual quest your focus. You must appreciate the absolute necessity of developing a sense of urgency about sharing spiritual truth. It must take priority in your life.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Surrender, Letting Go, Love

What is the essential ingredient of love? Everyone talk about love, but how do you recognize it when you see it? The essential ingredient of love is to be willing, no anxious, to surrender your own desires and personal comfort in order to serve the individual you love. If you are unwilling to let go of your own agenda, your own attachments, and your own preoccupation with your self then you are not experiencing love. This same criteria can be used for love with another person in this world or it can be applied to one’s relationship with God. If you say you have love for God, then the question is how much you are willing to let go of your own desires and be willing to simply surrender to God. When you surrender with love you are not giving up your self. Instead you are actually experiencing your true nature, perhaps for the first time. When you surrender to another human being there is always the chance that the love will not be reciprocated and you will be disappointed. However, in the case of God you know that the love is always there and will never be rescinded. Therefore you can surrender with complete confidence that you will be taken care of much more effectively then if you continue to take care of yourself only. Surrender to God is the most important step you can take in your life. Be willing to take this step and find out what true love really is.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Vibration, Simplicity, Vision

You must become more aware of the strength of your spiritual vibration. If you seem to be going at a fast pace but are entirely focused on the material necessities of life, then your level of vibration will be very low. Take the time to stop from time to time to test your spiritual energy level. When you recognize that you are not increasing your level of vibration then it is time to take a break. The best is to take a spiritual retreat, preferably one that entails a vision quest. This is the best way to regain your focus on what is most important in life. When the basic simplicity of a spiritual life is forgotten in the rush to achieve material goals then your energy will become depleted. If your daily life is not one of spiritual rejuvenation, then an overhaul is required. You know how valuable these times have always been for your life and for your spiritual growth. Never forget how important spiritual getaways have been during your life and realize that a clear vision of where your life is heading is the most important thing you can do. Recognize that the more complicated your life becomes the greater the tendency to squeeze spiritual practices from your life will become. It's time to measure your level of vibration. Do this by simply sitting still and meditating. Try to bring energy up through the earth and in from the sky. Feel the amount of energy you are able to draw in and compare it with the degree of vibration you have felt at your most empowered times in life. If the strength of vibration seems to be lacking then you know it is time for a rejuvenating retreat in which your energy can be recharged rapidly and your vision clarified.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Healing, Sympathetic Joy, Passion

Everyone is concerned with healing of the body. Instead the focus should be on healing of the maladies of the spirit. Understand that all physical maladies have their genesis in the realm of the spirit and emotions. Everything that happens to you has a cause from the past, perhaps many years or lifetimes past. Although these may show up in life as physical ailments there is always a root cause that has to do with the agony of the spirit at being associated with the physical world. The key to healing is therefore to discover the real cause of any illness. Instead of reaching for the drug to hide the symptoms instead delve deeply into the real meaning of the malady and what it is meant to teach you about your lifestyle. For most people the diseases are caused by living a life that is devoid of passion and that is terribly self-centered. Those who deal most effectively with all sorts of challenges are those who follow the passions of their soul and live a life that gives meaning to that passion for life. That passion is generally connected with the uplifting of other human beings. It is when you can enjoy the success of others as much or more than your own success that you will begin to become satisfied with your life and not continually search for meaning. This sympathetic joy is what enables you to remain constantly excited with life in spite of whatever challenges you may be facing. When you experience joy through the success of others you realize how fortunate you are and how many blessings you have received. Live your life with a passion for helping others and your healing will be complete.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Thought, Healing, Love

Love is the source of all energy. When you are feeling love for someone (or even some cause) you have energy that is unstoppable. This energy is what causes all creative action to take place. When you love an individual it may lead to the ultimate creative act of procreation to form another human being. However, love of a cause is also the creative stimulus by which all great accomplishments are realized. In order to have this creative power there must first be a process of thought. Any creative endeavor begins with a vision in the mind of the creator. This process is what stirs the action that must occur in order to carry through on the vision. Think carefully about your life. Think about the things you truly love. Use that process to lead you in the direction you know your life should go, as you will be truly successful only when engaged in something that you truly love. The process itself will create the energy to heal any issues that you may be experiencing, either physically or emotionally. Allow the incredible power of love to transform your life and create a most creative life that contributes to the growth of all living beings.

Unity, Tolerance, Regeneration

How will the world ever be unified in love rather than divided by hate and fear? This is the big question that is facing the world and will determine the actual survival of the world as we know it. Perhaps it is time to recreate the world as we know it. Perhaps individuals need to examine how they can regenerate themselves into the kind of person who truly seeks unity with all other living beings. The first step in this process is to at least be tolerant of those who are different from you. Look closely at your interactions with people. Are you truly tolerant of their beliefs, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them? Is it your beliefs that are too narrow? If you had a more expansive understanding of God and the nature of the universe, couldn’t you realize that even those with beliefs that seem to be so different from yours are also children of God whose rights must be respected? Unity will never occur by condemning all other beliefs and persecuting those who disagree with your beliefs. This mentality is what has caused all of the conflicts in today’s world. Instead what is needed is a much greater scope of vision that understands God’s greatness, universality, and incredible mercy in allowing all people to take their own individual path toward spiritual enlightenment. If you want to encourage unity you must be tolerant and loving toward everyone. Never condemn or make people wrong. Instead try to open their eyes and mind by opening your heart toward them in love. Love is the only thing that has the power to melt someone’s heart while opening the mind to new ideas.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Truth,Letting Go,Prayer

Now is the time to let go of everything in your life that is holding you back from living according to the truth that you know. You understand clearly the truth of spiritual life. You understand the connectedness of each and every individual as an eternal spirit soul. You understand the nature of God and the love that is available between God and every living being. You understand the ongoing search for spiritual growth that is the purpose of each and every living being. However, you also feel the weight of the material world and its allurements and expectations. It creates demands that the individual thinks they must adhere to. However, until you are willing to let go of all of those expectations you will never be free to completely live in the full realization of your truth. How often do you have to hide or withhold your truth in order to retain some semblance of conformity with the norm of the material world? Instead you must spend much more time in prayer, begging for the strength to finally cut loose from your material attachments and simply be able to follow your spiritual truth. Pray in thanks for all of your blessings, but pray even more intensely for the strength to live every moment free from the need to follow the dictates of the world and instead follow your own heart as it strives to live in harmony with what it knows to be true.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Peace, Truth, Higher Self

This is a day in which love should prevail. Use this thought to increase your connection with the energy of change that is taking place throughout the world. Of course most people think of only the romantic type of love and think of sharing their love only with the one individual who most often seems to reciprocate that love. This is generally love based upon need and it merely an exchange of trying to help yourself feel good by trying to help another feel good. This is not true love, as it is generally still based upon trying to satisfy the material senses. When true love prevails on the earth then there will finally be peace among nations, among individuals, and within the hearts of individuals. This peace can only come when people live with the understanding of the truth about the spiritual nature of life. Only when they understand the higher nature of the spirit soul can they act in a truly loving manner. When everyone is aware of their eternal, spiritual nature and when they interact with others in acknowledgement of the fundamental interconnectedness and equality of each and every soul then there will be peace that is truly based upon actual love. Spend today looking beyond the material manifestations of love and instead seek to connect with others on the purely spiritual platform. Make everyone aware of their higher nature and inspire them to live with that truth as their guide in life. When that happens then peace will truly be possible.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Healing, Loving Kindness, Vision

You must have a clear vision for your life and for how your life will have an influence on the world. Realize that just by envisioning a world that is improved you can help to create it. However, the first step is to have the vision. It may seem easy to envision a better world. However, if you attempt to foresee the details of how that world would actually look you realize that it is not some easy thing. You must envision a complete healing of the world. You must be able to see a complete shift in consciousness from people focused only on the material aspects of life to a mentality of expressing only loving kindness to each and every other living being. You must envision the social structures and the relationships that would develop in this type of world. You must see a completely different paradigm for the entire process of medicine and healing, the process of governance, and the process of doing business. Every aspect of society must be transformed in order for this vision to become a reality. However, all change takes place in the mind. Therefore the visionaries must be able to picture the future clearly and must also have the strength to actually share that vision with others in a way that they will completely change their mentality. Do not think this is an impossible task. However, it does take time and energy to purify your vision and increase your determination to become a catalyst for the change you envision.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Protection,Simplicity, Focus

Have complete confidence in the protection that you are being given from above. Anyone who has chosen to follow a spiritual path is automatically protected in his or her sincere path of discovery. That doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges and severe difficulties on a material level. This is often part of the path. However, you must look at the long-range goal of spiritual growth and be willing to accept everything in your life as simply another opportunity for progress while never losing faith in the ultimate protection you receive along the way. Now is the time for you to simplify your life so that you can focus more intently upon your spiritual growth. Look carefully at every responsibility you undertake and begin to judge whether or not it will lead you toward fulfillment of your spiritual destiny. Be willing to give up all of those aspects of life that will not move you forward toward your primary purpose in life. When you adopt a more simple life you will find it much more satisfying and much less draining. Be an example for the rest of the world as to the value of leading a simple life that is much more grounded in the connection with the earth than is prevalent in the world today. Make spiritual simplicity your focus in life and you can be assured that your growth will be exceptional.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Vibration, Consideration,Vision

You will never have the energy you desire to accomplish everything in life until you have a clear vision of what your purpose in life is. This is why so many ancient cultures embarked on a vision quest at some stage in life. It is never too late to undergo this process. Not only is it important to remove yourself from the daily activities of the material world, but you must also connect with the spiritual world through an individual who can guide you in the process. It is one thing to think out your goals and plans for life. However, your purpose is something much higher that requires a profound communion with the Supreme. Never take this process lightly. Although some people can come to know their life’s vision through daily meditation and prayer, the majority of people require an extended period in nature with the assistance of a group. This is why so-called vision quests are so valuable. It is time to consider this type of retreat in your life. You will continue to waste valuable time and energy until you are firmly fixed on your purpose. This will provide you with the incredible amount of energy required to accomplish that purpose. You will be energized completely, since you will always consider your vision in life prior to engaging in any activity. Make this step a priority in your life so you provide it with the direction and the energetic spark that it requires.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Protection, Love, Respect

Everyone in the world is focused on protection. They are absorbed in doing whatever is required to protect their lives from being destroyed by terrorists or others, yet they continually ignore many other threats that are much more likely to occur. People’s thinking has been so warped by the media that they have allowed fear of a vague threat to completely consume their lives. Instead of taking direct action in a variety of areas that would protect them from much more realistic threats to their health and well-being they hide behind a government that thinks that war and killing is the only way to protect its citizens. Realize that you can never depend on any material entity to provide protection, and especially not using the gross means such as guns and weapons. Instead take responsibility for your own protection by the way you live your life. True protection can only be provided by the creator of life. When you surrender to the Supreme then you will automatically receive full protection for your spiritual growth. Even in the material plane, the best way to protect your own life is to give respect and love each and every living being. When you have respect for others that positive energy will be felt by them. Love creates a wall of energy that even the most heartless of killers will not be able to overcome. Love creates an almost impermeable barrier through which animosity and hate cannot penetrate. When your love of others is strong enough it is almost like body armor in terms of protection. The difference is that this body armor allows the love of the other person to penetrate and bring you close but it doesn’t allow the negativity to get through. Form your own field of protection through your love of all living beings and you will never have to worry about your own safety.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Divine Plan, Inner Peace, Purification

Inner peace may be your goal. However, you will not achieve it unless you concentrate first on purifying your life. The best way to begin this process is to focus completely on connecting with our purpose in the divine plan of the universe. Without being completely connected to your purpose in this lifetime you will never have the strength of desire to purify your life. You can never have complete peace in your heart if you are not connected directly to the divine plan in a manner that you know is the correct path for you. How do you know your purpose? You must approach the Lord with humility and gratefulness and beg to understand what your purpose is. Prayer and meditation is the best way to discover it. Follow your passion for the activities that energize and motivate you. When you feel most alive you will know that you are most connected to your purpose. Always see how these activities connect with your divine purpose. This process of discovering your purpose is a path of purification in and of itself. As you are more connected with your purpose that energy will automatically cause you to eliminate the extraneous elements of your life and focus purely on those aspects that will contribute to your purpose. In this way you will purify your activities by having a focus in life that will eventually lead to your goal of achieving inner peace.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Vibration, Generosity, Healing

Everyone is searching for a way to heal themselves either for physical maladies or emotional ones. The entire world is in need of healing on many levels as well. One who is thinking that their own body is healthy should be concerned with the overall health of the planet and all of its inhabitants. There is one way to increase your power to heal. You must create more energetic vibration in your life. When you get up and become active, when you express emotion, and when you allow your feelings to generate action the results will be amazing. Most people are unhealthy because they have allowed their world to shrink into the status of an observer rather than being in the role of an active participate. When you focus on increasing your energy level and getting involved in things that create positive energy for you then your maladies will seemingly disappear. Perhaps the best way to energize your life is to focus on being generous with others. When you actively think about ways you can contribute to the lives of others then you automatically stop focusing on yourself and your own problems. Those who are generous and giving are generally energetic and healthy. Those who are concerned only with their own well-being will almost always be plagued with health issues. Selfishness has a way of creating reactions that prevent you from experiencing the happiness you crave. However, generosity will automatically create joy in your life that will help you remain healthy, alert, and positive about life.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Joy, Loving Kindness, Respect

You are searching for joy in your life. However, it is never possible to sustain joy if you are causing suffering in any way to other living beings. One of the things that has led to a distinct lack of joy in today’s world is the complete disregard that most people have for the feelings of other living beings. This does not just include human beings but also applies to animals. A culture that thinks nothing of slaughtering millions of animals a day to satisfy their craving for hamburgers will never be able to experience guilt-free happiness. When the mentality is to exterminate any creature that has the audacity to invade the artificial space that humans have stolen from nature, the mentality of the populace will never be peaceful. If you want your life to be more peaceful you have to look at the amount of respect you show to all living beings in all aspects of your life. You must be able to acknowledge every form of life and recognize that it is also a living creation of God and has as much right to exist on this planet as you do. When you make a conscious decision to respect that right and therefore not be responsible for knowingly taking the life of another living being then you will begin to find your life changing. The next step is to move from not harming others to actually showing loving kindness toward all living beings you encounter. When you reach this stage of acting with love towards everyone and everything then you will certainly be joyful and enthusiastic about living a wonderful life.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Harmony, Sympathetic Joy, Purification

How do you achieve harmony in your life and how do you most effectively live in harmony with other living beings? Everyone is seeking harmony in their life, yet in today’s world so few seem to be able to accomplish it. That is because very few people have attempted to purify their lifestyle. Instead, they are affected by the marketing efforts of companies that want to complicate lives and fill them with innumerable gadgets that clutter life and lead us away from the simple aspects of living a pure, spiritual life. It is no wonder that most of those considered saints of the past renounced almost all luxuries in life to keep their life simple and pure in its focus on serving God. Each time you add another material aspect to your life you complicate it and make it more and more difficult to return to the purity of simplicity. All of these material conveniences only serve to distract us from the harmony with nature that people are meant to have. The other element missing if you want to achieve harmony is the concept of sympathetic joy. The ego usually gets in the way and causes the individual to want everything good for his or her self personally, often at the expense of others. This attitude creates the competitive mentality that is so prevalent in today’s world. If this competitiveness is replaced with the concept of sympathetic joy, whereby you gain happiness from seeing others accomplish their dreams, then you will live in harmony with all other living beings.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Purity, Mindfulness, Lessons

There are many lessons to be learned in a person’s lifetime. The key is to always increase your mindfulness of your actions and be aware of how you are interacting with the world and with other souls. When you are aware of your actions you will be able to learn from mistakes and make the adjustments necessary to improve in the future. The key is to always focus on a desire to purify your life. There are numerous examples of great masters who have led pure lives and whose lives have inspired many others to purify their lives. By following in their example of living a pure life and consistently monitoring your own actions you will make a great deal of progress during this lifetime. However, the quest for purity does not mean that you hide from the reality of life and simply try to remain sheltered. If you do this you will make little progress and have no impact on others. Instead, again following the example of the masters, you must be anxious to get out into the real world and interact with all types of people. If you maintain your conscious awareness of your standard of purity then you will not have to worry about being negatively influenced by others. Instead, let your desire for purity be your protection and your inspiration for others.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ministration, Consideration, Harmony

What are you doing to create harmony in the world? Everyone talks about a desire for peace, yet how many actually take conscious steps each and every day to promote that harmony, either on a local basis or in an international scale? Ask yourself how focused your daily activities are in bringing people together. In order for there to truly be peace each individual must take an active role in ministering to the needs of others. The cause of disharmony is selfishness and greed. Therefore, the key to harmony is unselfishness and consideration of the needs of others at least on an equal footing with the consideration of one’s own needs. Those who are truly remembered for their service to others are those who consistently put the needs of others above their own desires. Consistently ask yourself the question as to whether your actions are primarily self-satisfying or whether they are meant to minister to the needs of others. The answer to that question will let you know whether those actions are promoting harmony and peace in the word or whether you are contributing to the self-centeredness that has been the primary cause of the troubles that are currently facing our world.