Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Protection, Listening, Addictions, Stability

One of the best ways to protect yourself from the control tactics of those who are intent upon consolidating power in the world is to minimize your addiction to the pleasures of the world. Your only addiction should be to sharing your love for God and desiring to serve the divine plan for the universe. When you are able to listen to your inner guide and its desire to be part of the universal whole then you will find it quite easy to overcome your compulsion to attempt to merely enjoy the material world. In this way you can live in this world of duality without being bewildered by it. You can see the polarity that exists as a necessary tool for growth, and thus you can maintain a sense of stability in your life. When you are stable in spite of the temptations that the dualities of life put forth to you, then you will be able to accomplish anything. Continue to put your energies into serving the Creator and you will be protected automatically from experiencing the potential negatives of life. Even when things happen that others would describe as negative, you will only see it as a wonderful gift presented to you to enhance your growth.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Nature, Healing, Manifestation, Transformation

You are in a time of serious transformation. Things are happening rapidly and you are now able to manifest and put into motion whatever you focus on. Therefore you must choose your thoughts wisely and learn to focus your energies in the most positive ways, into areas that will truly make up the path of the next stage of your evolution. Your overall healing during this process has a great deal to do with nature. You must continually strengthen your connection with nature. Spend as much time in nature as possible. Learn to connect on a deep level with the plants and animals who live in the natural world. Learn from them how to survive in community with others. Help develop communities of other human beings who also share a love and respect for nature. Help to promote the protection of nature and the halting of the destruction of so many of the natural resources and wonders of the world. The violence against nature must be stopped, and this is one of the areas in which you must devote some of your energies. You must become art of the healing process for the entire planet. Use your powers of focus to help manifest the transformation of society into that who reveres and works in harmony with nature instead of destroying it.

Healing, Self-Acceptance, Respect, Polarity

Healing can only take place when you are able to fully accept yourself as you are and learn to love yourself. Most people are overwhelmed by the dualities in the world and within their own life. There exists a constant struggle within between the desires of the physical body and the true desire of the soul. There is a constant struggle between the masculine and feminine traits and the right and left side of the brain. The mind and body are often in conflict as to what is in the individual’s best interest. Self-acceptance means that you recognize the natural dualities within your life and embrace all aspects of your personality as necessary tension that promotes growth. If there were no polarity then there would be no choices to make and no growth would take place. Think of the dualities in your life as if it were a worthy opponent in tennis or some other sport. Only when you are presented with the difficult challenge from a worthy opponent will you truly be able to raise your skill level. In the same way, it is the opposites within your own personality that cause you to face difficult choices that will enable you to grow. Even when the choices are later deemed to be mistakes, you can learn from them and move forward. Regardless of how the decision turns out it is much better than not facing your true nature and simply hiding from taking responsibility for your own life. This is what causes illness in the body, the pent-up frustration that is never allowed to express itself. When you have complete acceptance for all aspects of your own personality then it becomes easy to respect all other living beings, even those who appear to be completely the opposite of you.

Healing, Self-Respect,

Gratiatude, Happiness, Motivation, Discernment

When your motivation wanes and you feel like you are unhappy in your life that means it is time to take a closer look at your life and examine the illusions that may be affecting you. It can be painful to directly face the truth about yourself and the life you have created. It is time to take a close look in the mirror and be willing to expose and address every aspect of your life and your character. Take a close look at what motivates all of your actions. Those things that are motivated by selfish desires and attachment to the pleasures of the material world will bring only temporary pleasure but will lead you away from long-term happiness and true spiritual advancement. It is only when you are focused upon the real desires of the soul that you will experience true happiness, real joy. One of the best ways to continually connect with the spirit is by developing a sense of gratitude. When you are thankful and appreciate all of the blessings that God has given to you then your happiness will automatically flourish. Simply continue to be always grateful for everything and see every aspect of life for what it truly is, a miracle given to you by a most merciful and loving God. In this way you will be motivated to share this love with others and you will experience true and lasting joy.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Faith, Appreciation, Clarity, Dissonance

Understand that your life and the world in general has entered a period of rapid dissonance. Old patterns are breaking apart and new ways of bring will be forced upon you and all others. Never fear these changes. Instead have complete faith that all these changes are for your ultimate spiritual benefit. Embrace the idea of simplifying your life so you can focus more on your spiritual mission. As you sense a new era being brought by the changes occurring you must become very clear about your highest purpose in life. Appreciate all the experiences you have had in the past, but do not remain attached to them or to your current lifestyle. Instead, embrace the changes and renew your faith in the miraculous mercy of God. Now is the time to show your appreciation for all of the blessings you have received by choosing to completely dedicate your life to serving God by assisting others through this challenging period of change.

Protection, Co-Arising, Wisdom, unconditional Love

Recognize your eternal connection with God. Never think that you are separate from God. always see yourself as a child of God and see all other living beings as also children of God. When you accept everyone on this level then it is possible to have unconditional love for each and every living being. Allow your love for God to be expressed by sharing it with all others. Never have any fears or any doubts that God will provide you with all protection in your journey toward enlightenment. Everything that happens is for your growth. If you can see your life from this perspective then you can be filled with joy at all times regardless of the challenges you may be facing. This is true wisdom, to know in your heart that you are an eternal partner with God and that you have the ability to create a world that is overwhelmed with love. If your love is pure enough and untainted with judgement and condemnation then your world will become one where only love exists, regardless of what negative elements may be occurring in the so-called reality of the material world. Keep your love pure and based upon your loving relationship with God and you will experience a consistent joy that is beyond words.

Vibration, Duality, Sympathetic Joy, Signs

You must continue to raise the level of energetic vibration in your life. All of life is about energy, and the higher your energy level the greater your creative ability. When you have enough energy you will realize that the entire universe is made only of energy and that you can develop the ability to manipulate energy to serve your needs. This is the nature of power, the ability to move energy to create and to make changes in the physical manifestation of the world. The more your energy grows, the more you have to be aware of how you use that power. The duality of the world is always existing, and the greater the power you have available the more that the negative forces will seek you out and attempt to use your energy for their purposes. Although you do not want to be affected by the dualities of life you must be aware of the existence of the negativity and be constantly alert to protect yourself from it. You must be constantly aware of the signs that God is giving to you in many forms. Remain alert to the most subtle indicators of what you must do, and trust your inner guidance to lead you. To enable you to more fully trust your connection with spirit you must spend time in regular meditation and contemplation to nurture that connection. When you are completely in synch with your spirit you will have tremendous energy and an unstoppable joy that is based not as much on the pleasure you are personally receiving but on the happiness that you are providing for others. Helping others to grow spiritually is the best way to increase your own level of energy.

Courage, Truth, Compulsions, Unconditional Love

You must understand the truth of your existence, that you are a spirit soul who is eternally connected with the Supreme Creator. This is the essential conclusion of all knowledge, yet so few people in the world act in this knowledge. It takes courage to be different and to step outside the normal range of thinking and actually act upon that truth. When you choose to act in this way the result will be complete and unconditional love for all other living beings, whom you will also recognize as spirt souls. The problem is that most people are completely clouded in their thinking by a variety of compulsions and addictions to the material world. No matter what your addiction may be, it keeps you firmly attached to the material world and prevents you from recognizing your divinity. The problem is not the addiction itself, rather it is the lack of understanding who you truly are that makes you crave some form of pleasure that is squeezed out of the material body. When you recognize your own spiritual identity and connect with the source, then the pleasure gained from the natural position for the soul is so much greater than anything the material world has to offer that it becomes easy to leave behind addictions to the material pleasures. You must have the courage to give up these addictions by living a life based upon the highest truth, that you are an eternally loving spiritual being.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Love, Tolerance, Reverence, Polarity

Love is always an interplay between two entities. Of course, you can and should love yourself. However, this love is actually recognizing the polarity that exists within yourself. Your spiritual self recognizes and loves your physical aspect ad vice versa. Meanwhile your feminine side recognizes and loves your male side as well. Thus, even within your own self-love there exist the polarities that create the dynamic tension from which love can exist. When you share your love with another individual then this dynamic tension becomes even greater between the polarities that exist between the two individuals. If one of the individuals has not reconciled their own internal duality and come to love and respect themselves, then it will be almost impossible for them to share true love. When both being are complete and loving within themselves then love between the two is a wonderful thing. However, in order to make this relationship work there must be several characteristics present. First, both must recognize and be anxious to tolerate the differences between them due to the polarity of their natures. Instead of hating the differences and using them constantly as a way to hurt and put down the other individual there should be a sense of reverence for the differences. When you have a deep reverence for the person who is the seeming opposite of you then you are understanding that they only seem to be your opposite, but that you are eternally linked as fellow spirit souls. All sense of duality fades away when the understanding of the spirit soul is present, and in this way true love can flourish.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Nature, Self-expression, Surrender

Always remember that you are closely linked to nature. Keep this bond strong by deliberately spending time in natural settings where you can palpably feel the oneness that all living entities share. Realize that all energy is simply different manifestations of the same eternal spiritual energy. Feel the oneness that you share with all other beings on the planet. When you have this perspective on life then you feel only love for others and never hate or disdain for the value of even the most simple living creature. With this perspective you can surrender your own ego and desire to control every aspect of life and instead have faith that you will always be taken care of. Surrender does not mean giving up your personality nor your desires. It simply means that you are allowing your life to be directed by a higher power who always has your ultimate best interest in mind. With this kind of security in your future you can become completely free to express your true self and no longer have to live in the fear that seems to grip the lives of the average person. Express your true spiritual nature and you will find yourself constantly in harmony with all other beings.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Music, Sympathetic Joy, Purification, Center

Use music to assist you in your u. You must become purified in order to be completely in touch with your core essence. No longer can you simply pretend that you are not who you are. Instead, you must truly get in touch with your core spirit. That is where your strength lies. Purification will require time and commitment. Music is a key tool for purification, as everything is created and transformed by vibration. Sound vibration can impact all aspects of the creation. Sound vibration can both create and destroy lives and worlds. You must use sound vibration to help purify your life and the lives of others. Never be content with merely having happiness and peace in your own life. True joy only comes from bringing equal joy to others. Make this the focus of your life.

Music, Sympathetic Joy, Purification, Center

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Mercy, Patience, Peace

Everyone claims to want peace in their lives and peace in the world, yet the reality of life is so much different. How can you expect peace to exist in the world when so few people have any degree of peace in their lives? Instead of seeking peace by focusing on a simple life that connects with their true spiritual self, people are consistently distracting themselves with a myriad of pursuits that are materially based and simply entangle them in continuous dramas that make peace impossible. When there is a conflict with another individual or another nation there is no concept of having the patience to understand their needs or motivations, nor is there any sort of mercy. Instead the concept of revenge simply leads to more violence, more murder, and less peace in the word. In order for peace to truly exist there must first be mercy. Mercy is the quality that enables you to accept the differences in others and tolerate anything that may happen to you without condemning another person or individual. Mercy is the defining feature of God. When you are able to show mercy you are truly acting in the understanding of God. Anyone who is not able to show mercy is definitely displaying that any sense of connection they profess to have with God is merely an elaborate lie. Use mercy as your judge of how close to God someone really is. As you begin to understand mercy and express it consistently then you will be empowered to enter the doorway into the spiritual realm.

Mercy, Patience, Peace

Friday, July 14, 2006

Peace, Patience, Fire, Rhythm

You must have patience. Peace is coming to the world. You must have no doubt about this. There is a drastic change approaching that will make such a sudden shift in the way the world thinks and operates that it will take almost everyone by surprise. Have faith that it is coming, but also have patience that it cannot be forced. What will help is for you to increase your motivation to do positive things to increase the level of consciousness of the world. The more you visualize peace and the more you interact with others in a way that promotes the understanding of our common spirituality the sooner that peace will manifest in the world. You must become a living example of the change you want to see in the world. Become a role model for others and have the courage to speak out against those things that are preventing peace form happening. However, instead of focusing on protesting the existing structure, instead spend your time planning for the reality of what a peaceful world will be like. Develop your own peaceful community within your life and create an example that can inspire others to realize that the world can be changed.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fire, Friendliness, Dreams, Transformation

Be prepared to undergo the fire of transformation. You have been desiring a change for some time and have been feeling that the time for transformation is at hand. Now you must have the courage to undergo the fire of transformation. It requires determination and dedication to willingly undergo that uncertain process of burning away all of your past beliefs and concepts of self and being willing to emerge with an entirely new persona that is based completely on spirit. This type of drastic change is never easy, because there is no going back to the life you used to lead. However, the results of this transformation will be energy, love, and a brilliance beyond what you have ever imagined. Have the faith to undergo this process. Embrace the mystery in it. Know that fire is the most transformative force in the earth and that although it is painful and destructive, it is the quickest way to create rejuvenation and transformation. Do not fear this step in your growth. This is the stage tat you have dedicated yourself to reaching. Now is the time to step forward into the life that awaits you.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Miracles, Change, Growth, Nurturing

Realize once again that all growth can only come about through changes. Embrace the changes that are taking place in your life. Accept the fact that the pace of change is accelerating dramatically and be comfortable and happy by helping to initiate this change in your life. Be willing to make decisions from moment to moment based upon your own spiritual needs and longing. Expect miracles to happen on a daily basis. Never be surprised by amazing things presenting you with wonderful new opportunities for growth. Don’t let your fears or lack of trust prevent you from taking advantage of these opportunities. Instead do everything you can to accelerate your growth by trusting completely in the universe to provide for you, as long as you are anxious to share your abundance with others. This must always be the goal of all of the blessings you receive. You must be anxious to share them with others in a genuine spirit of unselfish love. When you are anxious to share your love with others then you will be amazed at how much love is brought into your life. Give of yourself without expectation of any reward and just see how rapidly the miracles will unfold in your life.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Courage, Simplicity, Dreams

You must have courage to pursue your dreams. Allow yourself to dream of the type of world you would like to create in your life and in the world in general. Visualize yourself living in that world and begin to see it manifesting. Then have the courage to take that dream into the world of reality. Begin to act in the way that you see yourself in your dreams. The greatest lives are those that are the most simple. Keep your life simple by focusing on relating with love with each and every person you meet. Keep your desires simple and concentrate on living for the moment rather than creating elaborate plans for the future. Dreaming of the future you wish to create and working toward it is different from making elaborate plans for your personal future in the material world. By keeping your material desires simple you will be able to put more emphasis on your spiritual life and your ability to have a positive impact on other people’s lives.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Unity, Gratitude, Love

You are receiving the call to change your life and begin to live in unity with your soul’s purpose. Embrace the opportunity to finally separate yourself from the need to be a responsible business person. Instead be prepared to embrace your true purpose in life of sharing pure love throughout the world. You must be grateful for the opportunity that has been given to you. All love is enhanced with gratitude. Unless you are grateful for your life and are thankful for the other souls that also occupy this planet, then you will not be able to feel unity with them. This is your primary step now. Instead of allowing your spiritual feelings to separate you from others you must allow it to bring you closer to people. Instead of viewing others as a sort of distraction from your peaceful spiritual existence embrace them and share love with each and every soul you meet, regardless of whether or not they seem to be open spiritually. You will never truly feel love until you begin to share it openly and indiscriminately. In this way each encounter will become a beautiful adventure of discovery of a new soul with whom you can touch in a wonderful mood of sharing.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Love, Self-esteem, Uncover, Harmonic Resonance

You must love yourself before you can truly experience and share love with others. Most people have a lack of self-love, This is because they tend to focus on the aspects of their character that they do not like or that they feel guilty about. Most people have tried to hide these aspects of themselves for so long that they often do not even consider them. Yet their presence, even if deeply hidden, still creates a sense of guilt that prevents people from experiencing the true joy of love. Now is the time to uncover those aspects of your own personality that you are uncomfortable with. No longer should you bury them. Instead face them directly and you may realize that you do not have to feel guilty at all for having those thoughts and desires. Often what is considered the dark side of someone is merely the presence of normal human emotions that are what brought the soul to this planet in the first place. Rather than trying to cover up that aspect, now is the time to embrace your humanity, learn the lesson that is offered through that trait and move on to the next stage of your life. All of life is about uncovering more and more aspects of the personality and dealing with their issues until we finally are able to completely focus on the spiritual essence that is the true nature of every living being. You may want to go directly to that place of spirit, and it is important to focus on that aspect and meditate on your eternal self. However, it is also important to deal with your humanity and face the issues in this body that are preventing you from truly experiencing love for yourself and for others. When you reach this level of self-love then you will automatically feel yourself to be in harmony with all other living beings and the love you share will be amazing.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Divine Plan, Appreciation, The Source

Understand that the center core of your being, your soul, is a direct connection with the ultimate source of all creation. When you realize that you are eternally and intimately connected with God then you realize that you have the answers to all of your questions already at hand. You never need to look outside yourself for guidance. Instead learn to access your own internal source of complete knowledge and power. The only way to access the source is to express your appreciation for everything you have been given. When you are eternally grateful for all of the blessings you have received then the connection becomes very strong. The more appreciative you are the more clear your own personal role in the divine plan will become. When you understand God’s purpose for your life and you agree to give up your own selfish ideas and instead agree to simply serve the Creator in promoting the enlightenment of the entire world then you will gain enlightenment yourself. Now is the time for connecting with your center and truly following the divine plan for your life.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Hope, Sympathetic Joy

No matter what happens in the world of current events you must never lose hope in the future. The future of the world will become much brighter than it is now. The cycle the world is on will soon be completed and a new way of living will soon take its place. You must now complete your own personal cycle of activity and must prepare for your life to shift into another direction completely. Be prepared to let go of many of the habits that are keeping you mired in the old way of thinking. Next, you must embrace the feminine traits of your being, as it is these traits that will lead to the salvation of the world. The most important of these are compassion for others and sympathetic joy, knowing that your happiness is directly tied to helping others to achieve their own joy in life. When you begin to live like this and focus on the incredible amount of service you can provide for others then you will become a source of hope for others. This new cycle is what will lead to true peace and harmony in the world.

Peace, Friendliness, Nurturing, Dreamer

You must continue to dream of a world filled with peace. The more consciously you dream in this way the greater will be your ability to create it. Dreams do not have to be based in reality. Instead dreams are capable of creating reality. Never limit your thinking by what appears to be real now. Instead, always be focused on the ideal of complete peace, both within your mind and heart, within the hearts of others, and within all creatures of the world. Just because peace and friendliness among human beings has not been the norm throughout the history of this world doesn’t mean it is not possible. If everyone understands their spiritual nature then it is certainly possible to create a world that is completely at peace. However, it will require the faith of many people to continue to follow their dreams regardless of the seeming reality that they hear about in the daily news. Realize that this earth is a wonderfully nurturing place that can support an unlimited population if people only share and work together. Make certain that you are nurturing the earth and protecting her from harm. If this is taken seriously then the earth will certainly nurture you and all others. When you assist in nurturing the spiritual growth of others you will be able to see your dreams unfold into reality.

Peace, Friendliness, Nurturing, Dreamer

You must continue to dream of a world filled with peace. The more consciously you dream in this way the greater will be your ability to create it. Dreams do not have to be based in reality. Instead dreams are capable of creating reality. Never limit your thinking by what appears to be real now. Instead, always be focused on the ideal of complete peace, both within your mind and heart, within the hearts of others, and within all creatures of the world. Just because peace and friendliness among human beings has not been the norm throughout the history of this world doesn’t mean it is not possible. If everyone understands their spiritual nature then it is certainly possible to create a world that is completely at peace. However, it will require the faith of many people to continue to follow their dreams regardless of the seeming reality that they hear about in the daily news. Realize that this earth is a wonderfully nurturing place that can support an unlimited population if people only share and work together. Make certain that you are nurturing the earth and protecting her from harm. If this is taken seriously then the earth will certainly nurture you and all others. When you assist in nurturing the spiritual growth of others you will be able to see your dreams unfold into reality.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Unity, Generosity, Higher Self, Manifestation

Do not wait any longer to begin to manifest your dreams. You have the ideas and plans for things that could help people understand their higher self and live in much greater harmony. When people understand their innate nature as a spirit soul then things will begin to change rapidly in the world. Instead of competition for everything in life there will be cooperation. Instead of greed being the dominate motivator, people will become generous and compassionate towards each other. The only way there will ever be unity in the world is when people raise their level of consciousness and begin to act on the dictates of their higher self rather than their lower instincts. You must begin to live based on the dictates of your higher self and no longer hold yourself back from the possibilities that you know exist in your life. Be willing to risk major changes in your life in order to help others understand their higher self. It all begins with being generous with your time and your knowledge. When you are generous and constantly giving to others then all the resources you need will automatically be provided for you.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Grace, Open-mindedness, Higher Self

You must always relate to your higher self in every circumstance of life. Focusing only on the physical aspect of your being is what causes all of the problems in life. When you focus on the desires of the senses, the perception others have of your physical presence, and the safety and security of your body, then you will remain mired in the habits that are currently keeping you stuck in your rut. Instead you must be open-minded and willing to receive information from any source. Seek out information about the soul. Recognize that your higher self is eternal and has no other interest than to increase its level of connection with the Supreme Spirit. The higher self is always looking to serve others rather than its own selfish desires. When you are operating on this level of understanding then you will certainly receive the grace of God. Grace is what allows you to step forward with complete faith and live your life with full dedication to increasing the knowledge and joy of others. In the process you will experience a joy that is much greater than anything you have ever experienced before. Focus on this service to others and you will certainly experience the grace that comes only from living in full recognition of your spiritual nature.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


You are searching for freedom. You want to have the freedom to travel and choose your association as openly as possible. You also desire the freedom to serve God without having to worry about what anyone else thinks. To have this freedom you must be completely empowered by God. Empowerment must not be used for one’s own sense gratification or personal enrichment. Instead all forms of empowerment are meant to be used for the benefit of others. You must first have complete reverence for the power of the Supreme. You must feel reverence in nature and you must have reverence for all living beings. Your consideration for the needs and desires for others must outweigh your own desires. When you have this attitude then you will become eligible to truly be empowered to have a positive impact upon others. Until you are free from the desire to satisfy your own senses rather than focusing on the needs of others you will never experience true freedom.


You are searching for freedom. You want to have the freedom to travel and choose your association as openly as possible. You also desire the freedom to serve God without having to worry about what anyone else thinks. To have this freedom you must be completely empowered by God. Empowerment must not be used for one’s own sense gratification or personal enrichment. Instead all forms of empowerment are meant to be used for the benefit of others. You must first have complete reverence for the power of the Supreme. You must feel reverence in nature and you must have reverence for all living beings. Your consideration for the needs and desires for others must outweigh your own desires. When you have this attitude then you will become eligible to truly be empowered to have a positive impact upon others. Until you are free from the desire to satisfy your own senses rather than focusing on the needs of others you will never experience true freedom.