Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Love, Simplicity, Change

Be prepared to undergo the difficulties of change. Instead of hesitating and resisting change, you must embrace it. Be prepared to change everything about your life as you prepare to strip down the unnecessary parts of your life until you are focusing strictly on the essence. You must move away from the complex nature of life and move toward simplicity. When you simplify your life you realize that there is only one thing that truly is When you make love your only purpose in life then all choices become very clear and simple. You make all choices based upon what is going to develop your love for God to a greater degree while enabling you to share that love with others. At each step of the way you simply need to decide which choice will lead to greater love and choose that path over the others that will not increase your degree of love. That is how simple life should be. Therefore you must give up all fears based upon the incredible complexities of material life. Instead, embrace the simplicity of spiritual life which is ever-increasing love.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Nature, Love, Self-Expression

You know that nature brings out the best in you. When you are in nature you feel connected with the source and can feel your oneness with all other living beings. Continue to take advantage of every opportunity to commune with nature. Learn to listen to nature and receive its teachings and its blessings. Share your love with nature on a regular basis. As you commune with nature and separate yourself from the normal patterns of the material world and the life you live in it you will realize that you are no longer limited by the roles that you have adopted. Now is the time to experiment with a variety of different roles. Feel free to express yourself in a number of ways you have never even thought about. Open yourself up to situations you have never faced and try to approach them from a completely spontaneous point of view without thinking about how you have been taught to react. Focus on the moment rather than trying to always worry about the past or the future. The more you express your inner nature and the more you become free to play around with adopting various roles you will realize that you are capable of becoming anything and anyone you wish to be. Your soul is unlimited by its material covering and you must learn to act in this unlimited way. It is a new era, an era in which the soul will be free to express its true nature. That true nature is love, and you must be anxious to express love in as many different ways as possible.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Gratitude, Frienliness, Addictions, Duality

Begin to understand the role of duality in your life. Analyze the choices you make. Look closely at the addictions and compulsions that still rule your life. See that your own life is one of duality. On one hand you know and understand your spiritual nature, yet on the other hand you still have material attachments that compel you to act in ways that slow down your spiritual growth. Growth will take place when you become grateful for the duality in your life. Be grateful for the tests that are placed in front of you. If you had no choices to make then you would not be able to progress. However, you must see the addictions as the things that are preventing you from dedicating yourself completely to living the life of service that you are meant to experience. You must begin to face your duality directly and with full awareness. Understand your attachments to the material pleasures, yet dedicate yourself to making the choices that will support your life of spiritual advancement. In this manner you will be able to make the choices that will lead you to a fulfilling life of spiritual service. You will become much more open and friendly with people as you will be relating with them directly as a spirit souls, not as a material body. The more you understand and are aware of duality the more you can see it is a an opportunity to purify yourself while you enlighten others about the true purpose of life.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vision, Change, Universal Movement

Things are happening quickly and change is on the horizon. You must spend more time visualizing what you want your future to be. You can see that it is being arranged for you to have the freedom for you to choose your next step in life. However, in order for you to truly have the impact on the universal movement that is taking place you will have to continue to purify yourself. Learn the lessons about your nature that you know are holding you back. Be willing to make the changes that may be required. The real key is to simply open your heart to receive and to share more true love. Never mistake the temporary pleasure of the physical realm for true love. Instead you must tap into the essence of spiritual love, yet be able to share it within the physical realm. This is the challenge in today’s world. This means you must be the intermediary for the universal energy and become a conduit for it to impact people here on earth. Envision the future of the world if it were intimately connected with the essence of spiritual love. Envision yourself living in this kind of world. If you can envision it then you know that it can certainly be manifest. Now is the time.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Purity, Letting Go, Lessons, Messenger

There are still many lessons to be learned in order to truly become a messenger of the light to the world. In order to be an inspiring teacher and leader you must first be pure. Purity is the requirement for being a transparent conductor of the tremendous loving spirit of the Creator. If you are impure in your thoughts and actions then the loving energy will not flow as rapidly and as effectively as if you were a completely pure medium. The key to becoming pure is to simply let go of all of the attachments you still possess to the pleasures of the material senses. Therefore you need to be able to pull away from the world into a space in which you are completely focused on the spirit and allow yourself to be completely directed by spirit with no outside distractions. At the same time you must be anxious to return to the world in order to serve others and share love with them. Don’t just exist in the material world to get by. Instead approach people deliberately and with great enthusiasm to share your love with them. Instead of feeling like you are stuck in the middle of both worlds in a place of discomfort, you must go back and forth between the two extremes with a joy that keeps you in the mode of serving others at all times. You must be a bridge, a bringer of the light to the areas of darkness. Thus, instead of feeling like you are trapped in the middle of the worlds, simply jump back and forth with the greatest of ease in order to bring the joy of enlightenment to others.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Freedom, Open-mindedness, Prayer

Everyone wants freedom, yet few know what it truly is. Don’t think that governments or any structured organization (such as organized religions) are set up to provide you with freedom. Any structure is there to perpetrate its own power by controlling you by minimizing your true freedom. Therefore, you must seek internal freedom rather than focus on external freedom. Some of the most liberated individuals have felt their times of greatest freedom while in jail with no physical liberty. There are several aspects to internal freedom. The first is to always remain open-minded. If you think you have all of the answers to life and are not willing to consider other possibilities then you are enslaved by those beliefs, even if they may be generally true. Never think that the human being can have all of the answers about anything. The human ability to perceive knowledge is tremendously limited and therefore any belief, no matter how well developed can never contain more than a tiny percentage of the full truth, especially about anything spiritual.Therefore you must be willing to delve into the darkness of the womb, leaving yourself with no preconceived ideas and truths yet remaining open to any possibilities. This can be accomplished through dreams, through vision quests, through re-birthing, or through meditation. As you become willing to enter this stage, then the key becomes heartfelt prayer. Praying with the attitude of the helplessness of a child who looks to the parent for guidance is the best approach to prayer. Be open to receiving the direction you seek and pray in appreciation for whatever you may receive. With this attitude of surrender in prayer you will be able to truly experience inner freedom.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Power, Self-Acceptance, Respect, Introspection

You must develop your spiritual power in order to share it with the world. You know that the only thing keeping you from completely developing your spiritual power is your own lack of accepting it. As long as you have doubts as to your worthiness then you will continue to avoid accepting the power to help people change. To overcome this you must first be willing to approach the mirrors in life and see your complete self in harsh truth. Do not shy away from seeing the areas that you aren’t proud of, but don’t judge or feel guilty about those things you don’t like. Instead, acknowledge them and vow to step-by-step transform these areas into aspects of strength in your life. See how everything that you judge a negative can actually be converted into a positive with a little creative planning. Be ready to use every aspect of your personality and character to generate the emotional energy that will create your power. Realize that the power must be used with the utmost respect for the rights and feelings of all other human beings. When your desire for power is to help all other living beings with no trace of desire for your own ego, then it will be easy to purify yourself to be able to accept the highest spiritual power and use it for the highest good.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Guardian Angel, Inner Peace, Life Force, Realm Shift

It is time for a complete shift in your consciousness. Throw out any limiting beliefs you may have still had about the world, reality, and the way life is. Things are changing so fast now that you must see that everything is possible. The only constant is your own life force as an eternal being. All other aspects of life and the world may have no more relevance. Therefore it important that you focus on your inner work. In order to have inner peace you must constantly focus on your connection with the Supreme. A great way to do this is by contact with your guardian angel. You are always being protected and led in the direction of your life’s plan. Seek direction in this way and always focus on how you can increase your attachment to the spiritual realms while minimizing your addiction to this material world. In fact, you should no longer see this as a material world but rather as simply a different frequency of the spiritual world. You are free to create a new world simply by the power of your intention. Realize the power you have by simply concentrating on your life force. You do this by way of the breath, as breath is the primary connection between the two worlds. Use this life force to enable you to create the world that you imagine and aspire to.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Love, Gratitude, Hope, Manifestation

You must give hope to the world. Most people have lost hope and feel like they have nowhere to turn in order to keep real hope alive. the only thing that leads to real hope in this world is love. You must have faith in the power of love to overcome any darkness and negativity. Your love must be so strong that it can overcome anything you face. True love will give you the courage to speak out and share your love no matter what the circumstances or challenges you face. This kind of love cannot develop without feeling an incredible sense of gratitude. Every time you receive love you must immediately express your gratitude for it. Give thanks for each and every blessing you receive. Show this gratitude by sharing with others. This creates an upward spiral of ever-increasing love. From this spiral of love you will be able to manifest anything that you desire, as long as it is leading to more sharing of love. It is time to begin to manifest this love and share it with the world, as people are rapidly losing hope. Although this appears to be a very dark time in this world you must have faith that a new awakening is taking place that will be based upon love, compassion, and gratitude. Manifest these qualities now in a way that will help to give hope to the entire world.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Miracles, Renewal, Primal Source

You are ready for miracles to appear in innumerable ways in your life. To help them take place you must undergo a process of renewal. Take time away form all other duties and put your focus on the energy necessary to create this shift in your life. You must be willing to return to the primal source of creation. Understand it and feel the sense of unity that is felt by all living beings at the time of their birth. You must feel the connectedness and love that exists between all beings at the most elemental level. Be willing to share love at this level with no thought of reciprocation or desire to receive love in return. However, always be receptive to any love sent your way in order to not short-circuit the spiral of love that must be created in order for the world to progress. When you operate on this level of trust in the universe to provide you with all of your needs then you will begin to manifest miracles, not only in your own life but will help others manifest their dreams in their lives as well. Never be selfish in utilizing the miracles you are given. Instead realize that everything is meant to be shared in a way that will benefit the entire world.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Unity, Forgiveness, Lessons, Resolution of Duality

The dualities in the material world seem to be getting much more polarized. If you believe the mass media there is certainly no unity in the world, instead there is nothing but conflict. However, beneath the radar screen, on a much more subtle, spiritual level the entire concept of duality is being resolved. Duality plays an important role in the growth of the human being on the material plane. It forces choices and creates situations that stimulate growth, and is therefore a most important tool. However, the era of duality is about to give way to an era of unity. That is why the transition appears to be so extreme now. Those who are still locked in the material mentality are becoming extreme in their views while those who understand unity and are awaiting the spiritual dimension to become prevalent may become impatient and discouraged with the horrors taking place on the earth. The key is to have complete faith in the era of unity that is coming soon. The best way to assist in its manifestation on the earth is to focus on forgiveness. Never condemn those with limited vision. Instead forgive them and send love their way. Recognize them as fellow spirit souls and develop the vision to see them as part of the unity of consciousness that is coming. Every living being is playing their role in this shift and it is not up to you to judge. Simply forgive and share love with each and every living being. This is the essence of the Christ consciousness that is being brought to the world.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Purity, Listening, Manifestation, Surrender

Now is the time to manifest the life that you have always known you were meant to live. Listen to your heart and perceive the inner guidance you are given. You must connect to the deepest yearnings of the soul and have complete faith that you will be guided by those voices within. You must be willing to surrender completely to the dictates of spirit. Do not hold anything back, and do not try to hang on to your material conceptions in life. Surrender means being willing to symbolically die in your previous, material life and be reborn into a much more spiritually focused realm. All traditions speak of this need to be reborn. The key is being willing to give up what is comfortable and safe in your current life and instead simply be willing to live on faith in the mercy of the Lord. This is the process that will purify you completely and thus enable you to emerge at a much higher level of consciousness. Without this purity it will be difficult to completely manifest the life you long for. Purify yourself through the tests that show you are willing to give up all material attachments and are now anxious to listen to your heart, surrender to its deepest desires, and be willing to assist in manifesting a world that is full of only love and beauty.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Grace, Consideration, Reflection

You need the time to reflect on your life and where it is heading.This process of reflection is important to prepare yourself for the future. You can purify yourself during this time by becoming aware of the attachments you still possess toward material things. Instead of focusing on selfish desires you must develop your consideration for the needs of all other living beings. When you look at the struggles that face most human beings it will put your life in perspective. Only when you begin to focus on the needs of others will you begin to gain the strength to face the challenges in your own life. As you open your communication with your soul through this process of reflection you will open your heart to receive the grace of God. This grace is what provides you with the power to create a new life for yourself and for others. When you are in the blissful state of grace then anything is possible. You can create at will and everything that is created will be positive. Seek out this grace, not by anxiously attempting to gain it but by patiently but eagerly allowing your own soul to blossom outward and allow its natural love to stream forth at all times. You are on a wonderful journey that is more exciting the more you embrace the changes in life. By accepting the grace of God you will have the courage to venture into this wonderful adventure with full faith and courage.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Manifestation, Compassion, Attainment, Miracles

Miracles of an amazing nature are about to take place in your life. In order to help manifest these miracles you must remain in complete integrity in your life. It is time to align your will with the will of God and be willing to step forward and speak your truth and live the life that God desires for you. When you live in this way you will have the power to manifest the most amazing things you can imagine. This power to manifest is fueled by compassion for the lives of other living beings. The more you desire to help improve the lives of others the more easily you will be able to manifest. You see, these miracles are not meant simply for your own growth and enjoyment. Rather they are meant to allow you to play a role in uplifting of all living beings. Your ability to manifest miracles will increase in direct proportion to your willingness to give up your personal desires for control and power and instead simply desire to do the work of the Lord. As your desire to serve God by serving the highest needs of others increases you will be provided with all the tools necessary to have the highest impact on people throughout the world.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Thought, Appreciation, Personal Power, Greater Cycles

You are ready for a completion of the current cycle of your life and a beginning of the next. This is corresponding with the similar beginning of a new cycle for the earth. In order to be prepared for the upcoming cycle of difficult yet wonderful changes happening on earth you must complete your current stage of life and become completely prepared to thrive in the next cycle. How do you accomplish that? It first begins with thought. You must accept your own personal potential. No longer can you shirk from the knowledge of who you are and what your true purpose in life is. You cannot try to hide and play small. Instead accept the knowledge of your own power and embrace it and what it can do to help the world during the upcoming changes. You must purify your thoughts by always appreciating everything about life and appreciating the source of all beauty and all of life. The more you appreciate life itself the the more willing you will be to devote your life to helping others to appreciate the spirit of life as you do. Help people understand the true nature of life and you will be fulfilling your purpose in the upcoming cycle of change.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Resurrection, Mindfulness, Spiritual Power

Take advantage of this amazing period in history. You are in the process of resurrection, changing from a body that is primarily materially-oriented into one that is purely spiritual. This is not a sudden process, although there are experiences that will certain create giant leaps in the process. Be prepared for these opportunities and actively seek them out. You know that the development of your spiritual power is the primary purpose in your life right now. Become aware of the various levels and dimensions of reality and realize that with a spiritual body you are free to explore a wide variety of these levels. You need not leave behind the physical life you are involved in, but you must evolve beyond its limitations. There are still lessons for you to learn on the physical plane; however, realize that you must move beyond this stage to truly have a profound impact on the world. The key is your level of awareness. Be conscious of everything that you do, think and say. Make every action an opportunity to reaffirm your spiritual nature and trust in your intuition to guide you along the path. Realize that there are no limitations in the spiritual realm, and therefore you must not bring your concepts of material limitations into your life. when you live as if there are no limits to what you are capable of you are certainly increasing your spiritual power.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Harmony, Compassion, Healing, Passion

How do you accomplish the healing that needs to take place in order to make great strides forward in our spiritual life? The first key is to understand that the body and the spirit must work together. When you try to separate the two it doesn’t work in this dimension. You are on this planet in order to utilize the facilities of the body to learn and grow. It is through the human emotions that you feel the passion and the vitality to provide the energy for growth. If you feel that there is little passion in your life then you need to change things to spark that passion. You can spark passion through the utilization of your own senses to explore the limits of your body’s potential to express itself. Another wonderful way to develop passion for life is to express compassion for others. When you dedicate yourself to serving the needs of others then your passion for life will ignite almost automatically. In this way you will achieve harmony between your body and your soul and you will be helping to create harmony in the world. Ultimately all healing is based upon achieving a state of harmony, as all illness is caused by a lack of balance in life. When you achieve balance in your life then your body will automatically heal and you will be assisting in the healing process of the entire world.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Beauty, Courage, Spiritual Power, Adventurer's Quest

You know that you are being called upon to embark on a new spiritual adventure. You have been preparing yourself for this and simply wondering what it would be like and when it would come. It is coming very soon, thus your preparations must become more intense as the time draws near. You must first increase your spiritual power. The first way is to simply acknowledge your spiritual power by recognizing that you are a spiritual being with a constant connection with the divine source of power. When you see yourself as a perfectly beautiful spiritual being then you will begin to see the world in those terms also. When you are able to see not just the beauty in nature but also the beauty in every living being and even in the things that men have created then you will feel your power growing. The next step is to have the courage to share your knowledge with others. You must begin to share your truth. You must also have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and actually embark on the adventure. Do not remain attached any longer to the comforts of a so-called normal life. You know in your heart that your destiny is not to retire in comfort in beautiful locations. Rather your destiny is to live the life of a spiritual adventure, living in a way that is based upon your faith in God to provide everything necessary while dedicating your life to serving your divine path. That path is ready to appear before you as soon as you have prepared yourself sufficiently.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Forgiveness, Patience, Uncover, Mirrors

The process of enlightenment requires that you are able to uncover and deal with the aspects of your being that you deem to be negative. This perception is what prevents you from advancing. Your soul knows what activities and thoughts are supportive of your advancement and which ones are not. Do not simply sweep these aspects of your being under the rug and attempt to forget them. Dealing with these issues is why you are in your present body. Instead you must deal with them and be ready to move on. Use the clarity of a mirror to deeply examine your complete being and your thoughts. Be prepared to uncover things that you have kept buried for a long time. Do not judge yourself based on these elements. Instead, simply be willing to forgive yourself but vow to move beyond these limiting habits and thought patterns. It requires patience to go through this process, but it is much better than trying to move too quickly beyond it. When you attempt to take the fast track to enlightenment without examining nor forgiving your limitations then your progress will be short-lived. Instead you must take the time to fully examine your life. Forgive yourself and be willing to forgive others for their shortcomings. then patiently resume your journey being always vigilant to avoid the re-emergence of these elements into your life. You will have lapses, but the key is to merely forgive yourself immediately, learn what you can from the incident and continue striving to further purify your life.