Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Resurrection, Change, Lessons, Universal Movement

Prepare yourself for major changes happening in your life. It is time for resurrection, a dying to your old views on life and your rebirth into the powerful spiritual being that you know you are. You still have some lessons to be learned, but recognize that the difficulties you will encounter are simply helping you learn those lessons quickly. Challenges to the material body are all part of the process that signifies the death of the material ego so that you can emerge with no further attachment to the ego and its materialistic desires. Embrace this change. Look forward to the shift that is coming, even though it may seem to be painful at first. There is no time left to hang on to the old identities. Instead, be open and accepting of your new role and new destiny. It is actually your eternal destiny that you have merely allowed to lie dormant while you were dabbling in the pleasures of the material world. Now is the time to embrace your true self and step into the power that you know is available to assist in the ascension of consciousness of the entire world. Don’t hesitate to step forward and proclaim your true mission with no fear.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wisdom, Abundance, Resolution of Duality

What is the understanding that is required in order to achieve wisdom in the world? What prevents most people from becoming wise is always looking at the world in terms of duality. The consciousness of the world is always focused on the opposing forces, good and evil, darkness and light, male and female, yin & Yang, etc. When people focus on these dualities and take the side that one is positive and the other is negative then life is spent in judgment and in hate for the opposite. Even if you say you are a person who loves the good and hates evil, you are therefore engaged in hate. Hatefulness is always the opposite of love, and this is the only duality that really makes a difference. Instead look at the world as being a wonderful field created for the growth of the living being. Understand that duality is the method by which the individual makes the choices that accelerate their growth. Without choices there would be no learning and therefore no growth. When you see these dualities as valuable assistants in your growth you will see that beyond the divisive nature of duality is a unifying field that encompasses the consciousness of every living being. Therefore instead of making judgments based on dualities, see deeper into the spiritual essence that everyone shares that knows no duality. When you operate from this place of wisdom your love will be able to overcome any power that so-called evil may have. You can thus live a life that is full of abundance and happiness based upon true wisdom.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Beauty, Open-mindedness, Hologram

You are always seeking after beauty. This is a positive thing, and you must always appreciate beauty, whether it is in a museum or art gallery, in nature, or in another person. Do not limit your conception of beauty to the standards of society. Society tends to want to make you decide whether something is beautiful or ugly and there is constant judgment happening in the physical realm. Judgment is one of the greatest problems facing the world, and you must avoid it at all costs. Instead be open-minded in your conception of beauty. Look for beauty in places where no one else will see it. Look beyond the physical appearance of each living being and see the beauty of the soul that exists there. Appreciate the inherent beauty of nature, but also realize that there is beauty in the uglier sides of nature as well. When nature appears ugly it is during the transition times of life and death, the very acts of change that keep things changing and progressing. Realize that no matter how solid something seems in the physical realm, it is still made up of energy and vibrating awareness. Recognize this energetic nature of everything and realize that you can manipulate and shape your world so that it reflects your own personal concept of beauty. When you can see beauty in every moment and in all circumstances then you will have reached the stage where your mind and heart are actually creating your reality. What a wonderful way to live your life!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Relationship, Letting Go, Reflection, Transparency

You must let go of the roles that you have traditionally played and the roles that you have assumed in your current relationships. Do not allow yourself to be dictated to by the past, and do not let your current relationships place limitations on what you are capable of. Most people allow their life to be dictated by others, and thus they are controlled by the people who are closest to them. This is one of the biggest limitations in the growth of most individuals. Instead, take some time to reflect on who you truly are, an eternal spirit soul. Strip away all of your materially oriented facades and see yourself as a transparent soul who can adopt any and many different roles in this play called life. See yourself as an actor who can very simply and easily change parts in order to best suite a particular time in life and to best facilitate the next stage of spiritual growth. Most people get locked into one role in this lifetime and do not change or grow very much at all. They have to wait until the next lifetime to make progress, and then so much time is wasted dealing with childhood and birth issues again. The key to rapid growth is to maximize your ability to change in this lifetime. Embrace change. Embrace the ability you have of developing completely new relationships with people who will support your spiritual journey. Constantly seek out relationships with whom you can share your deepest and darkest thoughts. It is through relationships that you either grow the fastest or that you get bogged down into inertia. Seek your relationships carefully and revel in those special relationships that provide a wonderful nurturing of honesty and growth for both of you.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Manifestation, Happiness, Resolution, Disosnance

The happiness that you have experienced thus far in our life is absolutely nothing compared to the incredible joy that is possible to experience when you are completely absorbed in your true spiritual nature. Like all human beings you still have many issues in life that need to be resolved before you can reach that stage. The key in your life now is to allow the dissolution of all of the beliefs and standards by which you currently define yourself. Be willing to break through all facades and all identities that you have developed and clung to and be willing to see your own nature in a completely different light. This is what it takes to discover your true and pure essence as a spirit soul. Allow your entire world to change in every way. Cling to nothing of the past until you are comfortable simply being in the presence of nothing but spirit. From this place of knowing who you truly are you are free to manifest the life that your soul truly craves. You know that you have the power to manifest anything that you desire; however, this power has mercifully been kept form you until you have had the opportunity to resolve all of your human issues and are prepared to give up all material attachments in order to know your true self. Once you are at this stage then your ability to manifest will know no bounds and you can help shape the world that you know is meant to develop at this time. When you are creating this incredible world based completely on love then you will truly know what joy is.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Surrender, Love, Focus, Center

The most important thing you can do in your life is to surrender to the most essential aspect of life and live your life from that place. When you put your entire focus on your center of your being then you will be able to withstand all of the pressures inherent in the material world and remain fixed in your determination in life. Take a close look at the core of who you are. Spend time searching for that person and then get to know your deepest desires and most passionate joy. The more you examine your core beliefs the more you will discover that the essence of who you truly are is love. There is no joy that brings about the passion for life like love. Each individual’s true nature is to experience and share love. When you are doing this you fill wonderfully fulfilled. When you are failing to act in the spirit of love you will realize that you are surrendering your will to that of your ego and are being drawn to activities, people, and things that do not truly fulfill your deepest desire for love. Instead keep your entire focus on loving activities and relationships. You will thus be living your life from the center. By surrendering your will to love you will find the passionate joy that you so much desire.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Prosperity, Courage, Respect, Harmony

You are here to help create harmony in the world. This can only happen if you and others have complete respect for the life and rights of all other living beings. How can there ever be harmony when egos and greed are running out of control in their desire to subjugate all other beings to their selfish desires? You must have courage to stand up against this type of greed and power seeking. People have to realize that true prosperity is never measured by how much money one has, especially if it has been gained by exploiting others. Rather people have to understand that true prosperity can only be enjoyed by gaining a sense of harmony and balance in life. When one is very comfortable balancing their own prosperity with a desire to help others also improve their life, then the greatest wealth in the world can be a blessing, not a curse. The key again is the amount of respect one has for the rights of other living beings. This is where knowledge of the soul is necessary to recognize the common origin that each of us shares with all other living beings. Honor this divinity in all things and you will soon find that both harmony as well as prosperity become a part of your life.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Unity, Social Consciousness, Manifestation

Focus on the unity of all beings. The world is being torn apart because of people looking at the differences and seeing each other as separate and different types of beings. This is purely based upon the physical conception of life. Even the religions are not focusing on the soul and its similarities within all beings, but rather they are being used as tools to divide and control others through fear. There will never be unity as long as people blindly adhere to the old religious pathways. However, the world is becoming more and more open to the idea of the unity of all beings as eternal spiritual beings. When you focus on the soul and see that there is no separation at this level, then unity is possible to imagine. When you know that everyone is part of the same benevolent energetic and loving force, then it is much easier to shift your thinking to that of a selfish being into one who cares for the well-being of others. When you understand the connection between all living beings it is much easier to develop a social consciousness. Continue to teach people about the unity of the soul and you will help to manifest a world that is truly unified in love and mutual respect.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Prosperity, Truth, Faith

You must look forward to the next stage of your life. It will be one of unlimited adventure and changes that you cannot possibly begin to envision. Do not try to control what comes into your life. Rather, ,simply be grateful for the wonderful gifts that will enable you to grow so rapidly. In order for you to thrive during this time you will need to focus on a few key ingredients. The first is to live your life only according to truth. Truth is what is to be focused upon, as you can no longer hide things from yourself or others. You must be brutally honest with yourself as well as with others. Next you must completely revise your view of prosperity. Do not measure prosperity by the amount of money or assets you possess in the material realm. Rather measure it by the gifts of all types that you are generously giving to others. The more you are engrossed in the act of giving of your knowledge, your spirit and your money, the greater will be your spiritual advancement. In order to continuously give with no concern for your own personal well-being requires complete faith in God and the abundance of the universe. When you realize that all prosperity is temporary anyway and that the only genuine treasure is the generosity of your soul then you will experience the joy that can only be gained by sharing with others. Let this desire to share be the focal point of your upcoming stage of life and begin to live it now by focusing on what you can give to others.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Purity, Sympathetic Joy, Change

The winds of change are blowing. Expect changes to be sudden and dramatic, no longer will they be slow and evolutionary. Therefore you must open yourself up to extreme shift in your own life. Do not limit the possibility of these shifts by holding onto your old limiting beliefs. Recognize that there are no limitations on what you are capable of attaining. There are two things that will enable you to make these changes easily and joyfully. The first element is to focus on your own purity. The more you are able to purify your life, your thoughts, and your actions, the more easily you will be able to handle the energy of the spirt coming through you. Focus on this purity at all times and do not allow the pollution from the material world to overwhelm you. The second step is to fill your life with the joy that only comes from assisting others. Never seek your own happiness, but rather focus on the lasting happiness that comes from the sympathetic joy that comes from serving others. When you are focused on this path of serving others and helping them experience the absolute joy of true spiritual life, then you will know true joy. You will also be helping to create the change that is meant to occur in this world.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Healing, Nature, Energy, Humor

Healing is what is needed for all human beings as well as the world in general. You must be able to help heal others by first healing yourself and by clearly understanding the process of healing. The first element to realize is that all of life is energy and therefore healing itself must take place on the energetic level. You can adjust your energy levels to actually heal the physical body in many ways. One of the most potent ways is to simply connect directly with the spiritual energy of the Supreme. This is what all faith healers do as well as reiki practitioners and anyone who uses healing touch. Prayer and music are also very good at creating the energy that will promote healing, both physically and psychically. One way to create excellent energy in your life s to spend time in nature. The purity and naturalness of the world is a wonderful antidote to most of the ailments that plague individuals, ailments that are primarily caused by an artificial and materialistic lifestyle. When you reconnect with nature you will automatically be in the presence of the energy of the spirit and all of the wonderful beings that make the natural world so incredibly alive and vibrant. You will feel vibrant also, just by associating with this amazing beauty. A final aspect that is tremendously healing is humor. When you take yourself lightly and can see with eyes like a child the pure joy and laughter that should be part of your life, your energy automatically goes up. Those who take everything seriously and cannot see humor in life have already begun to die, as their energy flow is already drying up. Laughter, child-like play, and seeing the humorous quirks inherent in life are all wonderfully healing. Make use of all of these excellent healing tools and you will see your life automatically change.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Sexuality, Renewal, Listening

You are entering a time of renewal in your life. It is both a physical as well as a spiritual renewal that is required. The key to renewal is listening closely to your body for your physical needs and your soul for your spiritual direction. During this time one aspect of your life that must be examined is your sexual energy. Now is the time to renew and refine your attitude toward your own sexual desires. It is the time to no longer resist and feel guilty about your sexual energy but rather to refine it. This is done by realizing what a wonderful creative force it is and how beautiful it is when it joins people in love of God. When sexuality is truly based on love and not selfish lust, then it can be a powerful tool for transformation and it can enable you to experience the highest form of love in the material world. By ignoring your connection to the material world and trying to keep love in the realm of the mythical and spiritual you are denying your own humanity and failing to learn one of the most important lessons that is meant to be experienced while on this planet. Allow yourself to experience this profound connection with the earth energy and with the spirit of another human being. Seek out positive ways to express your sexual energy, and don’t allow what you judge to be the negative aspect of your sexual energy to create barriers between you and other human beings. Keep a solid balance between the sexual and the spiritual energy and you will be able to maintain stability in all areas of your life.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Thought, Creativity, Transformation

Recognize that you are deeply engrossed in the process of transformation. As you and others who are aware become freed from the limitations of the material conception and begin to prepare for the transformation into the next dimension you are preparing the entire world to follow in that transformation. What makes it difficult is that you still tend to think in terms of the material “reality”. In order to transform your body and your life you must first examine your thoughts. Be aware of the thoughts that are still holding you prisoner to the material aspects of life. Use discipline and intelligence to eliminate thoughts that are limiting and instead be creative in thinking of what the future will be like. As you free yourself form the past your vision of the potential future will increase in clarity. Remember that you are always completely free to create your future. Do not think that transformation has to take a long time or be an arduous process. You can transform your life instantly simply by changing the quality of your thoughts. Be aware constantly of the quality of your thoughts. Eliminate those that arise from the selfishness of the ego. Instead replace them with thoughts that are focused on the eternal welfare of all living entities. By transforming your thoughts you can literally transform the entire world.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Prosperity, Open-mindedness, meditation

What is your idea of prosperity? Have you allowed the materially directed society to influence you into thinking that prosperity can be measured in dollars, material wealth, and position in society? If so, you have certainly sold out to the materialism of society and to the comfort of your own ego. Think of true prosperity. It really is gaining the gifts of the spirit, especially having an eternal loving connection with the Supreme. If you aren’t connected to the source of your very existence then what is the value of objects that merely amuse you and keep you from pursuing your true nature and your eternal relationships? Instead of pursuing material prosperity be willing to search deeply within yourself for the truth of your essence. To do this you must meditate deeply. Be willing to go into your inner stillness and be prepared to face the darkness that exists there. It is in the darkness of this dreamlike world that all possibilities exist. Be willing to face the fear of the unknown to be able to create your own future. In this mood of infinite possibilities you can create a life that is full of prosperity of all kinds, material , spiritual, and relationships. You deserve abundance in all aspects of your life, but you must be willing to undergo the darkness of deep meditation in order to achieve the ultimate gifts that it can provide for you.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Manifestation, Inner Silence, Personal Power, Universal Movement

It is time to accept your personal power and begin to utilize it. In order to fully realize and develop it you must spend a great deal of time in inner silence. Become comfortable conversing with your deepest inner knowledge and be prepared to eliminate all external distractions as you focus within. Realize that manifestation does not mean working hard and throwing yourself into frantic activity. Instead manifestation of the highest order only takes place when you are the most quiet and introspective. Be extremely clear about your intent and spend time clarifying your vision for your life and for the world. The more time you spend in this mode instead of the activity mode the more rapidly your dreams and desires will manifest. As you engage in developing your personal power you will link with the power of the universe. Then you must expect changes to happen with incredible speed and be open and willing to shift your life around on a moment’s notice. Allow your power to be utilized by the Supreme in whatever way is most fitting. When you are willing to give up your own ego-based desires and instead be willing to submit your will to the will of God, then you will have the power available to manifest even the most inconceivable miracles in your life.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Peace, Tolerance, Higher Self

Everyone says that they want peace in the world, and yet it seems that there is never peace. People desire peace in their lives, yet most find it impossible to find. What is the key to true and lasting peace, both within the individual as well as in the world itself? The first and most obvious step toward peace is to learn tolerance. When people are willing to tolerate the differences within people and don’t feel the need to strike down anyone or anything that is different from themselves then you will begin to have the foundation for a materially-based peace. However, if it remains on this level any sense of peace will always remain temporary. No matter how much one is able to tolerate, if they focus on the material aspects of individuals they will still tend to focus on the differences and eventually tolerance will be lost. The key step is to see the spiritual higher self of each individual as well as yourself. When you see yourself as an eternal spirit soul and recognize that all other living beings are also eternal souls, now you are seeing the commonality among all beings rather than the differences. When you act from this platform not only is tolerance automatic, but you will actually develop love for your fellow spirit souls, no matter what their current material covering may be. Focus on the higher self at all times and you will become a bringer of peace to your own life and that of others.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Joy, Love, Change, Harmony

Changes are happening very fast in this world. Be aware of the energy that is causing these shifts in consciousness and become a catalyst for increasing the potency of the spiritual energy in this world. When you share love with others the energy increases. The more love you share the greater will be your own joy. Realize that the effect of the new energy will be the harmony that is created when love takes the place of fear. Instead of living with a fear of the future and dread that something bad might happen to them people will instead recognize the benevolent guidance of spirit in everything that happens in the world. When you recognize the long-term plan of God and understand the nature of the future it is easy to accept current challenges as being steps in the process of change. Change is the signal of growth. You must simply ensure that each choice you make in life leads to the creation of more and more joy for others and thus for yourself. As joyfulness becomes the standard instead of fearfulness then the world will change into the wonderful dimension that is is meant to be.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Power, Service, Attainment, Spirit

You must decide whether or not to use your power. As long as you can continue to see yourself as somehow separated from the source, then your power will continue to remain dormant. When you recognize that you are a co-creator with spirit and that you have to potential to utilize the entire creative power of God then you will realize and accept how powerful you truly are. The important thing is to make sure that your desire for power is in order to serve the spiritual needs of other living beings and not just your own senses. If you judge success to be your own attainment of wealth and material power then true spiritual power will be withheld from you in order to protect you. Therefore, the next step in utilizing your power (after first accepting your eternal connection with spirit) is to dedicate your life to the service of the divine plan. When you make this shift in consciousness then you will be provided with all power necessary to attain the highest level of joy. This level of love and bliss can never be obtained by focusing on the desires of your own ego, no matter how successful you may be in attaining them. Rather true joy is only possible when one is totally immersed in his or her natural position as servant to the universal plan for the enlightenment of the world.