Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Freedom, Loving Kindness, Prayer

You have held your true nature in check for long enough. The seed of knowledge that you have to share wants to desperately burst forth from the shell that has kept it hidden behind your veneer of a normal, secure life. Your soul is yearning for the freedom to fully express itself, to fully connect with other souls on the deepest level. Yet as long as you choose to keep it hidden from the rest of the world you will never be able to experience the loving kindness that you are so desperate to experience. Realize how important this time is now. You must be anxious to give birth to the ideas and paths in life that will create the freedom you kneed to share your love with a huge number of people. The first step is to truly focus on the essential nature of prayer. Make prayer and meditation an even more important aspect of your life. Pray for the wisdom and the courage to break out of your shell of comfort and dive fully into the mode of freedom to share everything you have with others. Make sharing your purpose in life. Share knowledge to help others grow, but also share loving kindness that will attract them to you in the first place. Knowledge without loving action has no value whatsoever. You may have great wisdom to share, but without a personal example of how your life has become purified through the application of knowledge, few will be interested in it. Break free from your shell and live the bounteous life of sharing that you know is your destiny!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Surrender, Appreciation, Dreams

It is time to allow your dreams to flourish. Do not limit yourself by physical restraints or what you deem to be possible. Instead, allow your wildest dreams to play out. Encourage these dreams as a communication and a guide to your future. You must appreciate the totality of life in the universe, not just live with a tiny, limited awareness of what life is all about. Move beyond the daily responsibilities and reconnect with the highest energies of the universe. Live in the world of your dreams. Understand their connection to reality and begin to see reality in a totally different way. When you understand the nature of material reality you will see how temporary and ultimately insignificant it is. With this vision you can keep things in perspective and never get so caught up in the responsibilities of the world that you neglect to fulfill your greater responsibility as a child of God. God wants you to see your life in a much greater perspective and accept your relationship with the entire cosmic manifestation. The more you surrender to the will of God for your life the more connected you will be with every other soul. When you appreciate the spiritual essence in each and every living being and dedicate yourself to serving them you will know that surrender to God’s will is the highest form of existence. Do not hold back any longer. Let your dreams for a better world take root as you surrender to your true mission in life.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Hope, Tolerance, Higher Self

As people begin to realize the depth of the disaster that is being created on the planet they are losing hope. They are resigned to the fact that the world will be getting more fearful, more insecure, more dangerous, and more polluted and they think there is nothing that can be done about it. Those who have held out hope that technology could save the planet and their lifestyle now realize that those who control the technology have no interest in anything but a shortsighted desire to make money. As the difficulties pile up on each other it is easy to see why people are losing hope. Thus, many of them simply tolerate the lack of leadership that presents itself and either focus on simply making money and enjoying as much as they can materially or take solace in the fact that they are personally saved and will go to heaven at the end of this life. Neither of these positions is really doing much for the future of the planet. Instead of looking for either material means to solve problems or focusing only on the afterlife possibility that is held out as a dream to many, it is important to realize that the real answer is to simply focus on the spirit of the individual. When people understand the true essence of each living being as an eternal spirit soul then hope will automatically come. Your world will change completely when you begin to operate on the basis of being an eternal spirit rather than a physical body. When you change your mentality you will automatically help give hope to others. Help them realize that if everyone accepts their true essence as spirit then any problems can be overcome. When you know that you are eternal then it becomes easy to look beyond the temporary pleasures of the physical body and realize that you have the power to save this planet and all of the souls on it. Focus on the spirit and hope will come automatically.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Divine Plan,Forgiveness, Manifestation

Do not expect to be able to manifest great things in your life until you are first certain that you are following the divine plan for your life. As long as you resist diving deeply into what you know to be your true spiritual purpose in this lifetime you will only be able to create on a very small level. You must be willing to give up your small ideas of what you are capable of doing. Do not worry about the minor details of life. Instead always look at the larger picture of the world in general. How willing are you to give up everything in order to move forward with the larger purpose in life? How willing are you to forgive yourself for all of your past mistakes and time wasted and dedicate yourself anew to the goal of assisting in the evolution of the entire planet toward a more loving and spiritual world? You must take personally the essential goal of completely transforming the world into a place that is beautiful, loving, and completely spiritual. You have the ability to help with this process of manifestation. However, in order to have the power to do so you must first understand deeply the divine plan for your life. Then you must commit yourself totally to that service and make every waking hour be dedicated to fulfilling your role in that plan. When you are operating on this level of consciousness then you will be able to manifest anything that you can envision.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Courage, Letting Go, Wisdom

You must develop and then act on your wisdom. How do you develop wisdom in a culture that does not value thinking, contemplation or reverence for elders? You must be willing to remove yourself from daily activities for periods of time that are specifically designated for renewal, rejuvenation and reflection on your life. Without these periods of contemplation your life will simply move past year to year while your rut gets deeper and deeper. You must have the courage to let go of many comfortable aspects of your life. Be prepared to give up many of the attachments you have to personal comforts. Have the courage to truthfully examine your life and your character and be willing to take action where it is needed. When you have knowledge about life you must act upon it with wisdom otherwise all knowledge is useless. It is certainly time for a time of rejuvenation and consciously letting go of the elements in your life that are not supportive of your quest for wisdom. Have the courage to face your limitations and make the changes in life that will give you the freedom to move in a new direction for the benefit of the entire world.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Beauty, Compassion, Passion

You are searching for beauty in life. You want the world to be a completely beautiful place, yet you are forced to see the ugliness that has been created by the unfortunate choices made by human beings over the years. Realize, however, that there is actually beauty everywhere in the universe. The key is knowing how to look for it. Sure, you can search for beauty in nature where you will always find it in abundance. However, the more beneficial place to search is in the heart and soul of other living beings. When you train your eyes to overcome your judgments about the physical beauty (or lack thereof) of the individual and instead learn to see with your heart and connect with the soul of another you will be able to feel and experience the true beauty of that individual. This connection will enable you to feel compassion for that individual and all others. This compassion is based upon realizing their true potential as an eternally beautiful soul. Your compassion will then take the form of helping them to realize and act upon the knowledge of their eternal spiritual beauty. When you interact with others in this way you will automatically become passionate about life. What in life is more exciting and rewarding than to assist another living being to recognize his or her true worth and beauty as an individual?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Freedom, Happiness, Purification

Everyone is searching for happiness, yet it remains elusive for most people. Most people will agree with the proposition that it is very difficult to experience happiness without freedom. This is the premise upon which the nation of the United States was formed, the idea that freedom is necessary in order for the pursuit of happiness. Yet it appears that political freedom and the freedom to travel, speak, and express oneself freely is not enough to bring happiness. Freedom is not just absence of external force to control your life. Even more important is your own internal freedom. It is freedom from addictions to temporary pleasures. It is freedom from beliefs that you may have grown up with and accepted as true without ever questioning or examining them. It is freedom to search on our own for the true path of your soul. In order to realize this type of internal freedom it is necessary to undergo a conscious process of purification. If you simply allow it to happen on its own time the process will be very long, for the forces of the material world are arranged to make you more addicted to material pleasure, not less. Thus, time spent in purification is essential. Seek out the method that resonates with you and seek the guidance of one whom you trust and respect. It is very important to have help, as it is very difficult to completely purify yourself without a proven process and someone who can help you see the subtlest attachments you are holding onto. Constantly seek this purification and the more you become pure the more you will actually begin to experience true freedom at the level of the soul. When this happens then happiness will be an automatic byproduct that will soon be superseded by joy, ecstasy and bliss.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Creative Power, Service, Uncover

What is the best stimulus to unleash your own creative power? You know that you have the power to connect to the source of all creation and therefore be co-creator in completely transforming the consciousness and the nature of the planet. What is preventing you from completely connecting to this power? In each individual’s life there are issues that are principal causes for being born in the material world. These are personality traits, phobias, and areas of weakness that are meant to be uncovered and overcome during the course of a lifetime. Unfortunately, most people are much better at trying to hide these elements than they are facing them with brutal honesty. Thus, instead of dealing with them in one lifetime and moving on, they hang onto these characteristics throughout many lifetimes. As long as there are these types of traits that sap your spiritual energy and prevent your desires from being completely pure then the ability to use personal power is mercifully withheld. Now is the time to uncover those elements in your life. They all have to do with the ego and its focus on pleasing its own selfish desires. The way to overcome it is always by devoting your life to service to others. When you become focused on service with all your heart, then you will automatically be able to overcome the dictates of the ego. With this total dedication to service you will able to create anything you desire that will be in harmony with your particular method of serving others.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Courage, Service, Purification

Service to others is the primary focus of all spiritual leaders. Those who are pure do not care for their own personal comfort. In fact, they usually lead lives of incredible hardship as they are willing to give up everything in order to fulfill their mission to serve the deepest needs of all living beings. It takes tremendous courage to be willing to serve, no matter what the personal risks. One who is truly engaged in serving their spiritual mission will not be dissuaded by anything, even the specter of pain or death. Much more painful to this individual is the thought of giving up the mission and simply leading a life of comfort that is not providing a benefit to anyone else. You are always faced with this choice in life, selfishness or service. When you choose selfishness the immediate result will often be pleasure and the ultimate result will always be pain. In choosing service you will often feel suffering along the way; however, the end result is always a true and lasting pleasure. The key is to always purify your life and your desires. Take every opportunity to choose service over selfishness. Have the courage it takes to follow your spiritual mission regardless of the struggles involved rather than settle for living a comfortable life of materialistic pleasures. Have the courage to go anywhere and do anything that is required in order to serve the greatest number of people in the most essential and beneficial manner.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Communication, Inner Peace, Healing

Inner Peace. That is such a wonderful goal that so many people espouse to be their goal in life. However, how often does it actually occur? What is the proper balance between striving for inner peace with the result being a completely inert life and being totally focused on a huge project that will benefit many people while putting your own life into constant challenges? Unfortunately, many people mistake serenity in life for inner peace. Serenity is a sort of calmness that is seen as a goal by many. However, the true spiritualists are those who are directly engaged with life in attempting to help create the changes they envision in the world. Instead of withdrawing into heir own little world they are constantly engaged in communication with others. They try to act as the link between the knowledge and voice of the spiritual world and the souls who are in the material world. A true spiritualist is almost like a translator, with the ability to understand the spiritual world and translate that into words and actions that can be understood by those in the material world. This communication also entails being able to listen to and understand each soul to grasp their pain and challenges. This deep and meaningful communication that is meant to uplift everyone you meet is what will ultimately help to heal the wounds of individual souls and eventually the entire world. As you focus on this wonderful mission of bringing the wonder of the spiritual world to other souls you will begin to find that you will automatically achieve peace of mind internally, regardless of the unceasing activity you are engaged in. True peace of mind is only achieved by engaging wholeheartedly in the mission that you know you are on the earth to perform.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Miracles, Courage, Wisdom

Miracles happen all of the time. However, very few people open their lives up to the possibility of miracles. It takes courage to accept the fact that your life can be an incredibly satisfying journey for you and for everyone you meet. However, most people are too hung up with their small-minded focus on daily needs to even consider the incredibly beneficial life they could possibly lead. Look at your life and see the areas where you have held back from doing something out of fear. Now think what might have happened if you had the courage to have gone for what you truly wanted. The key is to live life with wisdom. It is foolishness to attempt every idea that comes to mind and every opportunity that comes your way. Wisdom is the ability to discern between what possible actions will be beneficial for you and which could be harmful. When you choose your actions from this perspective then you must have the courage to follow through no matter what the difficulties you encounter. Trust that when you are moving in the proper direction in life miracles will happen that will remove all obstacles after you have learned the lessons they were there to teach you. When you expect miracles you help to manifest them. When you see all challenges as opportunities to grow and enhance your spiritual strength then overcoming them seems easy, even if they would seem impossible if viewed from a different perspective. When you live your life as a miracle everything will seem joyful and exciting, completely satisfying to you and to those whose lives you touch

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sexuality, Appreciation, Higher Self

The issue of sexuality is perhaps the most challenging dilemma faced by human beings. There is so much guilt, so much distortion and so much energy tied up in the entire sexual equation that it creates a great deal of the problems as well as much of the joy in the world. The real question is what role sexuality should play in the life of someone who is aspiring to grow spiritually. First, understand that the sexual act is the most pure act of creation available to the human. It can also be the closest thing to experiencing spiritual energy and a direct, spiritual connection with another living being. However, the beauty of the sexual act is most often lost by using sex as an ego-centered, manipulative, and often guilt-ridden process. In order to overcome that and make the entire realm of sexuality a positive thing you must first see sexuality as an expression of your higher, spiritual self rather than your lower, gross, materialistic senses. Sure, the senses are greatly stimulated in both instances, but the question is what your motivation and mental state is at that time. For sexual life to be fulfilling there must be a tremendous sense of appreciation. Appreciate your partner and everything about him or her. Appreciate the wonderful gift of life that God has given and all of the joy that bringing a new life into the world can entail. Realize that engaging in a sexual relationship should be seen and felt as a sharing of spiritual energy at the highest level that will assist both partners to grow in their ability to feel and express pure love. When you have this energy of God sharing with you then this intimacy with another being can be the most wonderful method for spiritual advancement. However, it can also be the quickest way to halt spiritual advancement if it is entered into in a selfish and obsessive manner.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Adoration, Equanimity, Focus

One thing that is lacking in the lives of most people in the world is a sense of equanimity and balance. Instead of having a steady focus on their purpose in life they seem to be tossed about by each and every stimulus that comes their way. They allow so many things to affect their mood that they actually have little or no control of their life. They are affected by the weather, the stock market, the news of the day, and so many other things that have little true relevance to their real purpose for being, but in this way their life passes by with little or nothing to show for it. Just see the time that is absolutely wasted in useless frivolity and baseless worry. Instead you must remain focused on your true calling in life. The best way to remain focused is to adopt an attitude of loving adoration for God. When you love someone do you need to be reminded to think of them and do things for them? Of course not. You are thinking of that person constantly and every thought is about how to make that person happy. If you simply adopt the same attitude toward God that you have with the early stages of infatuation of a loving relationship then there will be no thought of losing your focus to material trivia. When you place your love in God you don’t have to worry about whether or not that love will be reciprocated or not. One small step made by you will bring you more joy than you can even imagine. When you express adoration for God the results in your life will be amazing. Even if what comes your way seems to be material disaster you can remain calm and focused in your love, knowing that what is being given to you is simply God’s mercy in a form that will help you grow and will ultimately be for your benefit, no matter how difficult it may seem at the time. Remain focused and see how wonderful life is when you place God always at the center of your thoughts and actions.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Courage, Letting Go, Reflection

Do you have the courage that is required to stand up for what you believe? Do you have the courage to give up all that you have acquired in order to adopt a path that will be more conducive to your spiritual growth? Are you willing to accept the will of God for your life rather than trying to continue to pursue your own desires? Until you are willing to let go of your own agenda, your own desire for material comforts and your desire to be the one in control of your life then you will continue to be frustrated. It takes courage to let go of the material security that society regards as success. It requires courage to be prepared to undergo many types of difficult challenges in order to truly experience spiritual growth. It takes courage to make the needs of others more important than your own needs. How will you gain this courage? Courage develops in two scenarios, neither of which are part of the everyday routine of life. One way to develop courage is through a period of intense reflection. This is usually accompanied by fasting and spending a great deal of time in nature. When you choose to enter into this reflective mood then you are opening yourself up to truly hearing the will of God for your life. When you have this type of experience it is often life altering and can give you the courage to let go of the old way of life and wholeheartedly adopt the new. The other manner in which courage develops is during a crisis. Most heroes are deemed to be heroes due to courage shown in a crisis. Realize that a spiritual crisis is a wonderful gift from God to expedite your growth. When you show courage and are willing to focus on the lives of others before your own life, no matter how difficult the situation, then you are truly growing in a most spiritual direction.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Love, Self-Esteem, Duality

Friday, March 10, 2006

Partnership, Tolerance, Wisdom

What are the ingredients of an excellent partnership, one that nourishes and enhances the growth of each individual and contributes something wonderful to the world in general? Of course, a loving and mutual respect must be there for any relationship to get started and to have a chance at survival. However, one of the most important aspects required for any partnership to last a long time is tolerance. Far too many people cannot tolerate the quirks or individual personality traits of the other person. No matter how much you have in common, if you cannot tolerate the aspects of your partner that you don’t particularly care for you will be miserable. Do not think you will change the other person and eliminate the things you don’t like. You can never force someone to change, and especially not by jumping angrily on them when they do something that drives you crazy. Instead, learn to simply tolerate the small things while focusing on the many things that attracted you in the first place. As you learn tolerance hopefully wisdom will also be developed. When you are wise you will understand how to treat your partner in a way that motivates their individual growth in the avenues that spark their interest. One who is not wise tries to influence a partner to be more like they are and wants to force them to adopt their own interests. Instead, be wise and encourage your partner to pursue interests that ignite his or her passion, regardless of whether or not you share that passion. Growth must be achieved individually, not depending on each other. When you encourage individual growth the combined growth of the partnership will automatically improve as well.

Truth, Inner Silence, Faith

March 9, 2006

Most people tend to have a degree of faith without ever investigating the truth of their faith. Why is it that most individuals simply accept the spiritual faith into which they were born as the ultimate truth without ever seeking to explore what other paths may have to offer? Not only do they accept the path of their tribe as absolute, but these types of individuals are usually willing to kill others or die for their faith. Doesn’t it seem to be a bit foolish to have absolute faith in a doctrine when you have never explored the validity of that path? Naturally, all paths have some truth to them; however, most of today’s religions have strayed so far form the founder’s original teachings as to be completely different from the original intent. Otherwise, how would any religious organizations be able to support the idea of war and violence, let alone promoting it as being the will of God? Unfortunately, very few people take the time to explore the teachings of all spiritual paths. In doing so they would find that there are a great many overlapping elements in the histories, myths and stories. Even more similar are the basic moral teachings of each faith. When boiled down the essential truth of all religious paths is very similar, to love God and love all other souls. The simple truth of life is the same no matter where you look. However, in order to live this truth and have complete faith in its meaning you must spend time in inner silence. Search your heart deeply for your personal truth and you individual path to living that truth. When you live in this manner you can share the truth with others no matter what faith they profess or what label you place on your path. Simply live with faith in the universal truth of love and your life will be a success.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Nature, Listening, Eternal Life

The wisdom of nature is always available to inspire, purify, and direct your life. Unfortunately, most people have cut off their connection with nature. This is the cause of many of the difficulties facing the world presently. Understand the strength and power of the natural world. It is filled with incredible living entities who are in touch with the spiritual world. Just spending time in nature will automatically connect you more to your spiritual nature. When you take time to listen to the sounds of nature you actually are connecting with your own soul. When you see the cycle of life that exists in nature you will automatically understand your own eternal nature as a spirit soul. When you listen to nature and are able to listen to your own soul, then you will be able to listen to the needs and desires of your fellow souls. When you cannot hear the cries for help from others you will remain selfish and absorbed with your own greedy desire for comfort. However, when you can hear the pleas for help from your fellow living beings you will move to a more compassionate and unselfish state. From this state you will be empowered to take action to help relieve the suffering of the world that is caused by the disconnect from nature, disconnect from the wisdom of the soul, and disconnect from the suffering of other living beings.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Beauty, Self-Acceptance, Hope

How can you remain hopeful in a world that seems to be going down the path of self-destruction? Will humanity be able to survive its own arrogance, ignorance, and selfishness? What can a single individual do to try to halt the greedy destruction of the planet and all of its resources and inhabitants? The first step to trying to protect the planet is to never dwell on the negative aspects of what is going on. When you invest your energy in the negative and obsess about everything that is going wrong you are only giving more power and energy to that direction. You may acknowledge the negative but keep your mind always focused on the positive. First, see the beauty in the world. Understand the magnificence in what God has created and strive to spend time honoring areas that God has created rather than simply living in man-made structures. See also the beauty in each and every living thing. Honor the elegance of each and every creature and respect the amazing role they play in the cycle of creation. Instead of judging your fellow humans see the beauty in them also. When you are only looking for the beauty of their soul you will not only find it but you will often help them to acknowledge it, often for the first time. When you can help someone recognize their own beauty as a spirit soul and help them to achieve self-acceptance and self-love then you are truly helping to save the planet. When one sees the beauty within them and is looking for it in other living beings they will no longer be able to wantonly destroy other living beings and the habitats they depend upon. By seeing the beauty of the soul the world will gradually change into a most wonderful representation of that beauty.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Creative Power, Friendliness, Clarity

Never discount the importance of basic friendliness in creating relationships and in enhancing your ability to create something that will impact people. A smile and a welcoming comment can change someone’s life. Going further and actually establishing a relationship based on concern for the other individual’s needs can also have a profound influence on their life. Simply showing people how feasible it is to live a positive, consistent, always happy and friendly life is an example that people need in order to transform their life. In order to move way beyond simple friendliness you must have clarity on what your particular path is for influencing the world. Being always friendly is a starting point, but without clarity and constant meditation on how you can best use your particular gifts to improve the spiritual lives of others your creative power will remain limited. Once you have complete clarity regarding what you are meant to pursue and achieve in this lifetime then your ability to achieve it will be almost automatic. Never think that something is impossible or is beyond your ability to achieve. When you are completely clear about your purpose in life and your particular method of serving God then you align yourself with the unlimited creative power of God. There is nothing that God cannot create. Therefore the key to your ability is to simply align your own desires with the will of God for your life. When you do that then everything becomes not only possible but it becomes almost simple to achieve.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Resurrection, Focus

What are your priorities in life? If you say that your priority is your spiritual progress, then ask yourself how much of your actual time is spent in that pursuit. During all of the hours you spend at work are you consciously focused on helping other people improve their lives? Are you trying to keep your consciousness focused on the betterment of the world or do you get caught up in the daily grind and become overwhelmed by the material details of life? When you have free time, how do you choose to spend it? Are you regular with your meditation and your efforts to increase your service to others or do you waste a great deal of time on selfish pursuits like unnecessary games, TV watching and idle chat? How you choose to spend your time is the only way to measure what your true priorities in life are. This is an excellent time to evaluate your priorities in life. Determine first what you truly feel are your priorities. Then measure the amount of time you spend on them. Make a conscious effort to focus more and more time to those activities that are your top priorities. In order to become successful in any field you must focus your energy in that direction. If you continually strive to focus your energy toward helping others make spiritual advancement you will soon feel yourself undergoing a feeling of resurrection. You have allowed you spiritual flame to lie dormant for too long. It is time to spark a resurrection and feel the energy of the Lord flow through you and be consciously sent out to impact as many other living beings as possible.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Forgiveness, Harmlessness, Acceptance

Forgiveness is the key to living peacefully with other people. Those who cannot forgive others will never be at peace within themselves, because holding onto injustice and holding a grudge will always create unhappiness within the individual as well as within the relationship. When individuals cannot forgive each other and learn to accept each other as human beings with strengths and weakness then how will it ever be possible to have peace within the nations of the world. The key is to realize that each person is a unique individual soul with their own path to fulfill in life. No two paths are the same, and no one should try to completely define the path for another soul. However, it must also be understood that all souls come from a common source and therefore have common roots at the soul level, regardless of the obvious differences at the physical level. When you can accept that all souls are related to you and are similar in the essence of their nature, then you can love them as you would a family member while accepting all of their characteristics as part of their unique personality. This is the key to true forgiveness and lasting peace and harmony. You accept everyone as an eternally loving and loveable soul and accept with a sense of wonder and amazement the incredible variety of physical and personality attributes that make up their human form. In this way even those things in others that you judge to be against your values you can accept with a sense of joy as to the unique identity of each individual. Help them to see their own reality as a loving spirit soul, but never judge them or hesitate to forgive them for their all-to-human failings.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Joy, Inner Silence, Higher Self

There is only one way to fully experience joy in your life. That is to focus your energy on the connection between your soul and the Creator. When you understand your eternal nature and realize how the soul is always connected with God, then you will automatically be able to experience the most incredible level of joy. For most people this realization takes place after long periods of inner silence. It is difficult to recognize your spirit’s true nature when you are busily engaged in the outer demands of the material world. Instead, take time to simply look inward. Find the method that works best for you. For many this is meditation and prayer. Some people go inward through an exercise such as running or swimming. Others connect through reading or listening to inspirational literature. All of these are ways to establish the inner silence that is required to make the connection with your higher self. When you are acting in this knowledge and are truly connected you will know it by the amazing feeling of love, peace and joy that you will experience. When you experience it you will simply want to share it with others so that they may also experience this wonderful feeling of loving joyfulness.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Blessings, Appreciation, Meditation

February 28,2006

What is the best way to invest your time? The one thing that will provide the greatest rewards in every aspect of life is meditation. Meditation is what gives meaning to your life as it nourishes both your body and your soul. Never underestimate the power of meditation. There are many different types of meditation; however, the most essential aspect of any form is focus on breathing. Be aware of the importance of the breath as a connection with the universe. As you meditate become aware of the incredible blessings you have received in your life. Be grateful for them and express your joy at having been so blessed. You can view every single aspect of your life as a supreme blessing, no matter whether it was perceived as a positive or negative event at the time. When seen from a spiritual perspective every aspect of your life should be viewed as a crucial step in your spiritual evolution. As you express your appreciation for the mercy you have received you must then focus on sharing those blessings with others. You have been given certain gifts for a reason that goes beyond your own personal growth. Your growth only has meaning when it is connected to the goal of inspiring all others to move forward in their spiritual life. This is a worthy focus for meditation, always asking how you can more effectively impact the growth of others. When you meditate in this manner it will truly have the power to impact the future of the world.

Creative Power, happiness, The Source

Your ultimate happiness will always be dependent upon how effectively you use your creative energy. If you hesitate to use your creative power you will always feel unfulfilled and will never achieve more than temporary happiness. You understand that the source of all creative power comes from God. In order to gain access to the unlimited creative power of God you must first deepen your relationship with the Source. Purify your thoughts by constantly thinking of and communicating with God. Develop an intimate relationship and take pleasure in that relationship. This will enable you to move beyond the desire for temporary pleasures of the material world. As you deepen the relationship you must be willing to adopt God’s desire as your focus in life. Be willing to serve the Lord’s plan by fulfilling the role that you know you are meant to follow. When you surrender in this manner to live according to the will of God, then your ability to create will be unlimited. When you are completely connected to the will of God you are also connected to the power source to achieve all of your dreams. This power is available only when your motivation for utilizing the power is not based on the desires of your ego; bur rather is focused on your desire to serve God by serving the greatest needs of other living beings. With this unselfish attitude of service your creative power will be unlimited and whatever you can dream and envision will certainly become a reality. When you are fully engaged in the ultimate creativity then you will begin to experience true and lasting happiness, and you will bring happiness to countless other souls.