Messages from the Heart

These daily messages come to me through meditation using several cards to create a theme. They are original messages, although the themes are timeless and are common to all spiritual traditions. Please use these messages and share them to help create a more loving and joyful world.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Joy, Simplicity, Hope

Is there any source of hope for the world today? Has the world become so toxic and so complex that it would be foolish to have any real hope for a better future? Is anyone who has hope a crazy idealist with no sense of the reality of the world? Actually there is a tremendous source of hope in spite of the incredible problems facing the world. This hope derives from the understanding that light will always overcome darkness. When the sun comes up the darkness of night automatically dissipates. Each person who has the light of spiritual understanding will automatically bring the light of hope to the world. The key to living in a spiritual manner is to recognize the innate simplicity of life and return to the essence of life. Life does not have to be about fast cars, huge dwellings, unlimited electronic toys, and jobs that take up an inordinate amount of time. Instead, focus on the simple pleasures of life. Go back to nature and experience the joy that comes from sharing the peacefulness of the outdoors. Take time for friends and family in the sharing of food and conversation. Take time to help your neighbors and give of yourself to them. Appreciate giving and receiving gifs created by hand instead of buying extravagant things in the stores. Focus on the simple joy of reading good books instead of getting constantly involved in movies and TV. In this way you will learn to appreciate the joy of simple living. You will also make time for meditation and concentration on your identity as a spiritualist instead of just a worker. As you learn to enjoy the simplicity of life you will find that you will automatically share hope for the future with everyone you meet

Monday, January 30, 2006

Divine Plan, Service, Compulsions

Let us talk about the simplicity of life. Every soul is present on the planet in order to follow the divine plan for their life which is part of the agreed upon path for their spiritual advancement. Each individual has a unique and personal divine plan for his or her life. This is why every individual has distinct desires, distinct personality traits and distinct abilities. However, the purpose in life for each and every soul is ultimately to provide service to the Supreme by serving fellow souls. Every life that has made tremendous impact in their lifetime has been one whose purpose is to serve the needs of others. Unfortunately, most people do not take this path of service. Instead they are caught up dealing with their own selfish addictions. When you allow your focus to be simply on your own desire for sense gratification and are compelled to act only to satisfy those personal desires, then you will not have the strength of desire to truly be of service to others. Examine your life and see clearly what things in your life compel you to act in ways that are purely for your own personal sense gratification. If you learn to deal with those compulsions by focusing instead upon the incredible needs that your fellow souls have that you can be of service to, then you will be able to make great progress in the fulfillment of the ultimate divine plan for your life.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Power, Tolerance, Breath

Do not shy away from power. Most people are afraid of the tendency for power to corrupt, for that is the normal experience in seeing power utilized in the world today. However, by hesitating to develop or utilize power it simply cedes more power to those who lust after it and want to control you and others for their own selfish and often diabolical purposes. How will the world ever change if those who recognize the truth are hesitant to wield the tremendous power that spiritual truth makes available to them? In order to not be corrupted by power you must be able to remain fixed on your spiritual purpose. You must be prepared to tolerate all sorts of challenges and threats from those who are not on a spiritual wavelength. Don’t get so hung up on your ego’s position that you fail to remain strong and fixed in purpose when challenges arise. You can accomplish this by learning to use the power of breath to connect you with this awesome creative source. When you breathe do so with consciousness of its ability to connect you with the spiritual source. Each and every breath you take in is a gift from the Creator. Every breath you exhale is an opportunity to send a gift of love to others who may share that same air at some point in history. Simply by breathing in a spiritually conscious manner you will influence others. You will also develop your physical power in a way that will give you the strength to overcome any challenges that may face you. When fears arise remember to breath consciously and with gratitude for the gift of life and you will not be overcome by fears, but rather you will feel your power constantly increasing.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Prosperity, Focus

Never make your own prosperity the primary focus of your life. This is the path that leads to a life of frustration due to its material orientation that never satisfies. The concentration on the accumulation of material wealth is the bane of a society that has lost its direction and has become completely selfish in its orientation. Sure, wealthy materialists assuage their conscience by giving a portion of their wealth in charity, but there is seldom an accompanying awareness of the actual condition and future of the individuals they are supposedly helping. It is much more important to recognize the fact that all human beings (and in fact all spirit souls) are connected on the subtle spiritual level. Thus the action of one individual automatically has an impact on others as well. In order to use the prosperity you have been blessed with you must actively contribute to improving the lives of others. You can do this by personally sharing your wisdom and your example of living a positive life with others. Have a direct personal impact on those closest to you. Utilize your wealth in the best way possible by sharing knowledge that can actually change the lives of people by adjusting what they focus upon. When you are focused completely on helping to improve the lives of others then you can make a major contribution to helping them become focused on what is important in life also. Your energies must always be concentrated on how you can best serve the growth and ultimate spiritual progress of as many fellow spirit souls as possible. If your prosperity assists you in accomplishing this mission then it is a positive thing in your life. If, however, your energy becomes directed completely toward increasing your own prosperity, then it will become the source of the greatest misfortune to you.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Courage, Happiness, Faith

You will never find true happiness in life unless you live your life with courage. Until you have faced the challenges of your own life and stood up to the greatest challenges facing humanity, any happiness you may enjoy will be fleeting at best. Realize what a rapidly evolving age the planet is currently in. If you settle for today’s comforts but lack the courage to foresee the challenges of the future and if you lack the faith to speak up for those things in which you believe, then your comfort will become your cage. Only courage that is based upon faith and upon wisdom will enable you to truly have an impact on the direction the world takes. If you have true faith then it must be shown by standing up for what you believe in and having the courage to declare it, no matter what the ramifications may be. This is the courage that is required in the coming times. Do not simply accept the status quo or sit back and let others take a stand for their views. Take a courageous stand for those values that you know are true. In this way you can transcend material pleasure and comfort and experience the stage of spiritual happiness that is actually joyful bliss.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Motivation, Consideration, Foundation

It is very important to have a very solid foundation in your life. Having an unshakeable faith in your position as a spirit soul and as a servant of God is a very important base. However, there comes a time when a foundation is not enough. You must begin to actually build the structure of your life. This hesitation to fully build upon the strong foundation is based upon a lack of true motivation. When you lack passion to accomplish something the cause is always the ego focusing on its own needs and comforts. When your perspective on life is limited by excessive focus on your own needs and desires then it is impossible to live with the passion that can only come from being completely dedicated to helping the lives of others. When you have consideration for the incredible number of souls who have no knowledge of their true identity and are stuck in the material illusion of life then you must take passionate action to help them. Think about the amazing problems facing the world today. It seems that there are problems and dangers at every turn. So many people are living in absolutely appalling circumstances. Yet all of that would change if only people lived in the knowledge of their ultimate connection as fellow spirit souls with equal access to the loving protection of the Creator. You have much to share and much to contribute to the world. It is time to feel the motivation of desire to help others and begin to take passionate action to improve the world in any way you can.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Harmony, Happiness, Duality

People claim that they are searching for happiness in this lifetime. However, for most people this is impossible because they live in the constant face of the duality of material existence. The human condition is one of always being tugged between duality: light and dark, good and evil, male and female, positive and negative, right and wrong. When you look at these dualities objectively it is easy to say which one the individual should choose. However, in the illusion of the allure of the material aspects of life these choices become very confusing and people get misled by the lack of light in the material world. Thus, the duality creates a state of constant confusion and choices that are bewildering to most souls. Therefore, most souls simply give up making their own choices and simply allow themselves to be led by any leader who will make decisions for them, regardless of whether or not those decisions are made in the best long-term interest of the individual. The only way the individual will ever achieve true harmony in life is to understand the nature of duality. The dualities in life are one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. By creating choices that seem attractive each soul is allowed to make choices that determine the direction their life will head. The results of those actions are helpful guides that enable the discerning individual to constantly attempt to improve those choices so that they learn and grow during the entire course of that life. The ability to learn from mistakes and accept the nature of the duality as a wonderful gift will enable you to finally find harmony and true happiness in your life.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Faith, Listening, Personal Power

The source of all personal power is faith. One without faith will never attempt anything, even on the material plane. Every person who opens a business has faith that it will succeed, and that faith is what provides him or her with the power to take action and make things happen. Those with no faith fail to achieve anything, as we recently discussed. Now the question is how that faith develops. The most important step in developing faith is to be very selective about who and what you listen to. Most people you come in contact with are faith breakers. If they hear your dreams they will ridicule them and make you feel unworthy. That is simply the nature of the ego of most individuals. Therefore, you must very carefully screen out whom you choose to listen to and what types of information you allow to enter your sphere. Start first with being silent and listening to your own heart. When you get in touch with your soul and its desires then it will provide you with the proper guidance to filter out the negative influences and lead you to listen only to those sources that will strengthen your faith. When you have complete faith in the power of God to direct your life then you will no longer worry about your own capabilities but will realize that you have unlimited power when you are connected to God’s desire for your life. Let this faith create the power in your life to make incredible things possible.

Blessings, Inner Peace, spiritual Power

You will never find inner peace until you begin to actually live in and use your spiritual power. As long as you shy away from acknowledging and utilizing your power you will remain torn and will feel incomplete. Ask yourself why you refuse to acknowledge the blessings that you have been given that provide you with spiritual power. Those blessings are not meant for your enjoyment only. Rather, power is given to people for the purpose of sharing it with others to enhance the lives of everyone. Not only will spiritual power that is not utilized not impact others, but it will eventually wear down the individual who carries it. Power that is not utilized is almost as bad as power that is abused. It is time to recognize your power and begin to utilize it for the benefit of others. Do not hide behind a sense of false humility any more. Declare your power and your intention to use it for the benefit of others. Then begin to share your blessings with everyone you possibly can.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Faith, Self-Esteem, Motivation

Never underestimate the importance of faith. There are many people who have tremendous faith in themselves and their own abilities but have little faith in other people and no faith in any higher power. These people are generally very successful in business and accumulating money and power. However, they are usually completely unhappy and are constantly under pressure to perform up to their lofty standards. Lives like this often end in shambles and tremendous regrets. Others have no faith in themselves and have a very low self-esteem. These are those who live dull and unsatisfying lives, who attempt little and accomplish even less. When one has faith in the power and mercy of the creator, then it becomes much easier to live a truly successful life. However, that faith must not be blind faith that is merely accepting a narrowly defined aspect of religion that has been passed down. This is the kind of faith that creates suicide bombers, holy wars, and creates incredible suffering in the name of religious faith. People often martyr themselves for this kind of faith, either by overt death or a lingering failure to live, thinking that they will be rewarded in heaven. However, their future is seldom any brighter than in this life, as they will continue to return, birth after birth, to gain true spiritual understanding. Instead of blind faith, one must base their faith on a much deeper and more expansive understanding of the nature of God. It must see God’s love for each and every living being and accept one’s own relationship to the entire universe. This faith will lead to tremendous self-esteem, not because of one’s own material capabilities but because of one’s intense motivation to reciprocate God's love through service. When this is your motivating fire, then faith becomes the driver for not only creating an incredible life for yourself but in helping to create a world that is much more loving and spiritually oriented.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Vibration, Open-Mindedness,Attainment

The vast majority of people fail to attain anything significant in life. Whether it is knowledge, wisdom, financial freedom, recognition, or true love, most lead lives of frustration rather than attainment. There are a couple of reasons for this unfortunate truth. The first is that very few people are truly open-minded. Most accept the lot they were dealt in life and assume that they can never progress beyond what society expects, based on their birth circumstances. They look at the world through the eyes of an adult who has become jaded to the possibilities that life represents rather than through the eyes of a child who sees unlimited possibilities. The important thing is to never blindly accept what people try to advise you, and certainly don’t let them squash your dreams. Open-mindedness means that you do not rule out any possibilities in the universe, no matter how far-out they may seem to a rational, materialistically oriented scientific mind. Most people simply accept the concept that “that’s the way things are” rather than always challenging and searching beyond that wall of societal respectability. As you move beyond that wall you will find your energy level automatically increasing. You must increase your level of vibration and energy beyond what is normal. You do this by escaping from the prison of societal expectations and norms. Instead, go into nature on your own and truly discover what you are capable of experiencing. Learn to connect with your soul and expect to be able to connect with the energy of the universe. Be open to tapping into the highest level of energy and be willing to experience life at the highest energy levels. In this way you will attain far more than if you merely accept life as a material struggle for survival.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Motivation,Listening,Unseen Fears

People today are overwhelmed by unseen fears of all types. These fears are reinforced constantly by the media and the government as a way to control the thinking of the masses. Fear is the main thing that prevents people from growth. The more afraid you are the less motivation you will have to try new things, to expand your horizons, and to seek out the life that you would love to have. The fear of lack of money or possible death is what keeps people from going for their dreams and actually attempting to live the life they came to this planet for. The key to overcoming these fears is to always monitor what you choose to listen to. Instead of listening to the news, which is constantly negative, choose instead to listen to uplifting music. Listen to your own heart through meditation, and choose to listen to positive influences in everything that you read and hear. By monitoring your listening you will find your world becoming much more positive, as you will create within your life the type of world you think about. Even though the possibility of some of the bad things coming true exists, your world will be protected by the positive energy with which you live your life. In this way you will protect your sanity and your motivation to create a positive life will not be constantly doused by listening to the unseen fears.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Grace, Self-Esteem, Renewal

There is only one thing keeping you away form receiving the wonderful grace of God. That is your own lack of self-worth. When you feel that you are not worthy of receiving the love of God then you will find ways to block it out, even though it is around you at all times. Never does God withdraw love from anyone. It is constantly available and its presence does not depend upon your actions, good or bad. It simply depends upon your willingness to open your eyes and open your heart to its presence and simply accept it as a gift that is offered without conditions. Don’t think that your actions have to be perfect to receive this love. However, once you open up to accept the grace of God then your actions will automatically become more purified as you hanker to retain that profound sense of grace. You will recognize those activities that take you away from that feeling of grace and will automatically begin to engage more in those things that open your heart to love. This is why you must focus on activities such as meditation that will enable you to renew your focus on the essential aspects of life and be open to receiving this wonderful gift of love. Realize how much you are loved and how perfectly okay it is to accept this love. Never think that you are too insignificant or unworthy of receiving God’s grace. No soul can do anything to actually earn God’s love. However, it is offered freely to every soul, so you have just as much right to accept it and reciprocate it as any other soul. When you open your heart to accept this love you are making it easier and easier for other souls to do the same. Don’t hesitate to accept this love for any reason.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ministration, Consideration, Dreams

The often-overlooked aspect of spiritual life is that the purpose must always be to try to assist others in some way with their spiritual evolution. Often it is easy to get caught up in the focus on one’s own spiritual growth. This often leads to a domination of the ego in concentrating on how wonderful is the individual’s progress in becoming “spiritual”. However, this is merely another more subtle manifestation of the ego. Instead realize that spiritual life means that you always have consideration for the needs of others. Your desire is to help others and provide an example of a life that is truly lived as a servant of God. To be a servant means that you are always prepared to minister to the needs of others. When this desire is much greater than your own personal needs for comfort and pleasure then you can begin to think you are growing spiritually. Make sure that your plans and dreams are much grander than just about your own future. Dream about a world where everyone is loving and kind. Dream about huge projects that will provide inspiration and true assistance to as many people as possible. Dream about how the spiritual growth you make will help lead to the enlightenment of innumerable other souls on the planet. With this big-picture focus on the needs of others, you can be assured that your own spiritual future will be completely secure as long as you take the action required to help make these dreams a reality. There is plenty of help available, but it is your own passion for helping others that will inspire others to help you with your plans.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Vibration, Harmlessness, Nurturing

The earth is under attack from the forces of greed throughout the world. The results of a completely rampant extraction of the earth’s abundance is causing a great deal of pain and suffering to many animal and plant species as well as to the earth planet herself. There is no doubt that human beings are now beginning to pay the price for this lack of concern for the welfare of the planet. The various natural disasters that have taken place are only the beginning of the reactions for the callousness with which mankind has treated the earth. Instead you must look at the way the Native American tribes treated the land. They understood that the Earth was the mother that nurtured them and provided them with everything they needed to live. They respected the right of animals to live and honored them when they gave their life to sustain the life of another. Where is that respect for life in today’s world? As people have removed themselves from the elemental connection with the earth itself it is no wonder that the energy level and sense of interconnectedness has diminished. Without the connection to the earth it is difficult to become attuned to the spiritual vibration that emanates from the earth and infuses everything with life. You must increase your level of vibration. Increase your energy by reconnecting with the earth. Feel your connection to all other living beings and resolve to live in a manner that creates as little pain and produces as little burden as possible on the resources of the Earth. If everyone begins to live in this way the nature of the entire world will change. However, it has to start with you making the personal commitment and changing your approach to life.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Surrender, Simplicity,Renewal

It seems that everyone makes life so complicated. People are so busy running from one thing to the next that they have no time for contemplating the meaning of their life. They have no time to slow down and focus on recovery and renewal while contemplating where they should really go with their life. The key is to take time out now for renewal. Pull back form your everyday activities and spend time concentrating only on the true purpose of your life. Make use of extensive meditation in order to connect with your inner knowing. Understand that they key to life is not to try to do everything on your own. True freedom actually comes from a willingness to surrender all of your desires to the will of God. When God is allowed to take charge then things suddenly seem simple. The agonizing decisions you have been faced with will seem crystal clear. The problems you have been facing in life can be seen with a much longer perspective and you will be able to trust, even if you cannot yet perceive, that it will turn out to be in your ultimate best interest. The care that God takes with your life once you have surrendered is amazing and it is actually the most liberating feeling you can experience in this lifetime. Therefore, be willing to give up your deep-rooted desire to control everything about your life. Instead, surrender to God’s will and enjoy the simple joy that will come from being a servant of God, no matter how difficult and complex the situations of life may appear to be.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Guardian Angel, Self-Esteem, Duality

You know that duality is the nature of the material world. This is the cause of the problems that everyone perceives while they are in the world. There is always a positive and a negative aspect to each and every situation. The real question is which one that you perceive. How you perceive creates the nature of the world in which you live. How can you always perceive the positive rather than the negative? The key is to understand that you are actually a spiritual being. If you accept your eternal nature, then you can see the long-range purpose of everything in life rather than merely seeing the short-term consequences of actions in this lifetime. This perspective enables you to realize that even the most difficult circumstances can ultimately be for your spiritual benefit. Realize how powerful are the beings of light that are constantly looking after you. Realize that the negative darkness that is engulfing so much of the world can be dissipated immediately when you have the courage and the vision to call upon the help of these beings. Realize that you are completely worthy of experiencing the greatest joy imaginable. When you accept this and decide to live a life that acknowledges the presence of darkness but chooses to live in the power of the light, then you will live in a manner that brings light and positive energy to everyone you meet.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Joy, Appreciation, Growth

What will bring you the greatest joy in life? This is the question that you should always be asking, as joy is what you want your life to be filled with. One of the greatest sources of joy is growth as a spiritual being. As you grow in spiritual understanding your joy will automatically increase. However, even more joyful is the desire to contribute to the growth of others. This will bring far greater joy to your life than anything you can do to benefit yourself. When you appreciate the goodness and value in each and every living being and seek to provide whatever support you possibly can in their path toward spiritual awakening then you will actually experience a satisfaction that completely dwarfs any pleasure that can be gained from anything the material world has to offer. Make this pursuit of growth and quest for joy your reason for living and you will find that your life will become a sea of ecstasy no matter what the challenges you may face.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Almost everyone will claim that they agree with the fact that love is the most important thing in life. With almost total agreement on this concept, why is it that real love is so difficult to find in the world and the entire planet seems to be operating in fear rather than love? The real question to ask is what you love. Everyone is in love with something or someone. Unfortunately, most people love material wealth and comfort more than they love other people. This is why you find people who are incredibly wealthy being completely paranoid about protecting their wealth rather than being perfectly willing to share it with others. Those who truly have love in their heart will welcome abundance coming to them, because they know that sharing it with others is the true expression of love. Love always means giving of yourself to another: your time, your affection, and your material goods. When you have true love you don’t put conditions on the terms of giving, you simply give in a genuine effort to please the other person. Those who love God completely are willing to give up everything to do the will of God. This is the test of true love, giving to the loved one with no guarantee that you will be taken care of, yet you simply continue to give in order to provide happiness for the loved one. Love must be unselfish and unconditional to be true love. Otherwise it can simply degenerate into a barter system, which is the basis of most so-called love in today’s world. It is time to determine what the nature of your own love is and see whether it is truly spiritually based or it is still at the core based on maintaining your own material comfort.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Music, Motivation

One of the best sources of motivation in life is music. Never underestimate the power of music to stir the soul and to create the energy and the focus to accomplish something. This is why the type of music you allow into your ears is very important. Much of the current music is creating very violent and potentially destructive thought patterns, especially to the ears of young people. If you choose to listen to only beautiful, uplifting music it will have a profound impact on your level of motivation. Be very aware of the power of music to bring groups together. The energy of music transcends the boundaries of each individual and can help lead to development of collective consciousness. The advertisers and politicians know this well and use it constantly to direct people towards their selfish desires. Understand that spiritual music has even more power than these advertising messages; however, it must be made more widely available for people. Seek ways to use music to purify your life and also the lives of others. Use it to help bring people together for positive purposes and help move the world past the mad rush for material accumulation into the realm of a more collective spiritualism.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Change, Courage, Dreams

Change is the nature of the material world, and it is the most important thing to accept. When change is not seen as something that is bad or to be feared then you can view all change as positive. Change will always come in one of two ways. Negative change is that change that is forced upon someone who is fearful of ever making changes and always wants to avoid risk in their life. This is the change that is incredibly traumatic and which uproots lives in moments. These types of changes are being forced on people more and more frequently as the degree of fear is continually increasing in the world. Positive change is born out of dreams for positive growth in your life. When you dream huge dreams of sweeping proportion that are meant to improve your life and the lives of others, then positive change becomes possible. Without having plans and dreams how will anything ever change in a direction you would like? The best way to approach change is to become aware of your dreams, those during sleep as well as those when you are awake. Understand that these dreams are actually coming from your soul and are helping to guide you toward your spiritual path. When you begin to connect with them you will be able to understand the wonderful forces that make you passionate about certain aspects of life. Following these dreams takes a great deal of courage, often more courage than dealing with the immediate crisis of forced change. You must learn to have the courage to share your dreams and pursue them with the passion they deserve. Dreams are what will lead you to the wonderful changes you desire in life, but only if you have the courage to pursue them.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Beauty, Happiness, Acceptance

One of the greatest sources of happiness is to always be aware of the beauty that surrounds you in every aspect of creation. If you look for beauty in every situation and in every person you will certainly find it. Even the most materially horrible situation has elements of beauty if you attune your senses. It is all a matter of perception and what you are looking for. In the same way, many people who have seemingly incredible lives can only see the negative aspects, so to, if you choose to search only for beauty that is what you will discover. Of course, nature is always one of the most amazing sources of beauty. As you see the trees you should consider the metaphor of the tree of life and the interconnectedness of each and every part of the tree. Each part of the tree is different, yet they are all interconnected, just as all living beings are interconnected in the web of life, no matter how different their looks or roles may be. When you appreciate the interconnectedness of this relationship and honor the differences in form and function then you will begin to see the beauty of the spiritual world even while still engaged in the material world.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Protection, Truth, Purification

The emphasis in the material world seems to be on protecting one’s life and material possessions. People seem willing to give up everything else in life in order to protect these two things. Of course, protecting one’s life is important but it must not be the overriding concern of life. The real purpose of life should be to understand and live in the truth that will allow you to purify your life. The purpose of life should be to constantly improve yourself and become a more loving, more caring and more compassionate human being. Purifying your life from everything that takes you away from those qualities should be your focus, not simply staying alive. Those who are willing to stand up for the truth and are willing to risk everything in order to live a life of truth and purity are those who live a truly successful life. You should focus on protecting your spiritual life and the purity of your thoughts and actions rather than simply trying to protect your body. One who only cares about saving the body will die eventually and will look back at a life that was unfulfilling and virtually meaningless. However, if you concentrate on living a life of sharing the truth that is helpful in purifying the lives of others as well as your life you will know that you have contributed to the progress of your soul in its eternal journey regardless of how long you actually have occupied this particular physical body.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Forgiveness, Harmony

People are wondering why there is not a sense of harmony in their lives or in the world for that matter. When people desire peace and harmony they must understand that it is their own responsibility to create it. One of the most critical vehicles toward harmony is forgiveness. When you hold onto grudges and continue to blame others for things you have seen as injustices you will never be able to achieve harmony. Harmony means that everyone is peacefully acting toward a common purpose while singing in different voices that complement each other. In order to accomplish this there must first be an understanding of the spiritual interconnectedness of all living beings on the planet. When you understand this common nature then it becomes much easier to forgive others since they are no longer perceived as so different from you. The second vital aspect is for people to view life with a spiritual vision rather than a purely material one. Materialistic vision automatically encourages competitive and self-centered thinking. Spiritual thinking is defined by a sense of service to something higher and more profound than oneself. Therefore, in order for harmony and peace to ever be achieved a sense of common spiritual heritage and purpose must be accepted that transcends the narrow confines of established religious hierarchy. Begin in your life to create harmony by seeing everyone and everything as being connected with you in spirit. Therefore be always willing to forgive others while you join them in the sacred song of life that can truly create harmony among everyone.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Miracles, Friendliness, Acceptance

What is preventing miracles from happening in your life? One of the greatest blocks is the tendency that humans have to judge everyone and everything. When you have judgments and are always trying to make sure that you are better than others you block the flow of creative energy that actually creates miracles. When you think that you are the cause of your own success and do not acknowledge that God is actually the cause of what happens in your life then you are blocking off the potential for the miraculous. However, when you accept every spirit soul as they are without constantly evaluating their material characteristics then things begin to change. When you see everyone as a spirit soul with the same essential nature as you and the same relationship with God as you, then you can accept them as equals. When you show genuine friendliness toward every soul you meet, then you will begin to see the miracles spring up everywhere in your life. Things happen in the world through relationships with people. When you begin to treat everyone as if they are the most incredibly important being, like you would treat God, then amazing things are brought forth in your life through them. First you must accept yourself as being worthy of miracles. Then accept others and be always grateful for the miracles they bring to your life. Then you must consciously be the vehicle for miracles to happen in other people’s lives. When you live like this then your entire life will seemingly be one continuously amazing miracle.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Truth, Meditation

How is the best way to know the truth? Can you know it simply by reading books? Can you know it by following a priest or guru? Can you know it by studying the lives of the great teachers? These can all be helpful guides in gaining a glimpse of the truth. However, remember that all of these are filtered through the experiences of another person. Each individual, no matter how pure they may be, has a personal perspective on what they pass along to others. No two lives are the same, just as no two souls are the same. Although the ultimate truth is the same for everyone, the truth about the path of each individual is distinct. Therefore the best way for you to understand your own true nature is through sincere meditation. Meditation is the method of connecting your mind and your heart with your soul. The soul is eternally connected to God, and therefore when you purify this communication channel through meditation you are able to receive your truth and guidance directly from God. In this way, no intermediate is required. Of course, meditation is not an easy thing to perfect. Many thoughts will interfere with meditation. The most common of these have to do with desires, especially sexual desires, and thoughts of perceived material obligations. The key to meditation is not to label these as bad and try to force them away. Instead, acknowledge and accept them as part of you, but do not let them distract your meditation. Realize that your primary obligation in the world is not to make money or to satisfy your senses. It is to follow your spiritual truth in a manner whereby you become a committed servant of God and are willing to do whatever is required in fulfilling that service. When are fulfilling your personal service to God then you will have found your truth.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Mercy, Letting Go, Sacred Songs

January 3, 2006

You must let go of your inhibitions that are preventing you from showing your true spiritual impulses. So often you hide these impulses in order to fit into the conception of what you think society demands as being respectable. Instead, allow your emotions to burst forth. You know that the most ecstatic moments in life are when you are engaged in singing and dancing sacred songs. Whether it is Vedic hymns, Native American Dances, Sufi dancing or whatever the type of expression, you have always felt complete joy in those moments. Sacred songs and expressions of dance have an energizing quality that actually transports you into a spiritual dimension. Why do you hold yourself back from expressing this incredible joy? Do not fear what others will say. You are actually showing mercy toward others when you immerse yourself completely in spiritual bliss. The energy created will influence all others and enable them to more fully express their own spirituality in whatever way they know. Holding back on your expression does nothing to help anyone. Engaging in spiritual song is giving thanks to God for the mercy that has been bestowed upon you. Accept that mercy with great joy and share that joy with others through your heartfelt expression of ecstasy while engaged in sacred song.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Miracles, Self-Esteem, Social Consciousness

Life should be full of miracles. They are all around you if you simply look for them and are aware of them. Yes, we are talking about the common miracles of life; however, much more dramatic miracles are possible in your life. Most people do not receive miracles because they do not deem themselves worthy of receiving them. People have been taught that they lack self-worth for so long that most believe it. Instead, recognize that you are a spirit soul created by God and eternally connected to the Creator. You have the right to ask anything of God. However, don’t expect your prayers to be answered in the manner you think they should. God always has the best long-term interest of your soul in mind, not the temporary self-interested gain of your ego that prompts many so-called prayers. If you pray only for wealth and power for yourself you may be sorely disappointed in the response to your prayers. However, when you develop a social consciousness and begin to pray for the eternal benefit of others, then miracles will indeed begin to appear in your life. The best way to have miracles take place in your life is to create miracles for other people. When you are the agent for miraculous change in others you know that you will be taken care of in a wonderful way. The more you focus on being a miracle deliverer instead of focusing on your own abundance the more amazing will be the miracles that show up in your own life.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hope, Harmlessness, Manifestation

January 1, 2005

Everyone begins a new year with great hope that it will be a better year than the previous one. The world as a whole needs to have this kind of hope, as it certainly doesn’t seem as if things are getting better if you read the newspapers and listen to the TV. Actually there is tremendous hope for the future. This hope is that people with a high level of consciousness will begin to manifest a world where love and compassion take precedence over fear and greed. The first step is to actually practice the concept of harmlessness within your own life. Think of all the ways that your lifestyle can cause suffering to other living entities of every type. Consider the cars you drive and the fuel it burns, the clothes you wear and the suffering that was needed to create them, or the food you eat and the tortured lives that were given to provide you with your choice of food. Now is a good time to look at all areas of your life with brutal honesty. Examine in what ways you can make changes so that your personal life will exact less of a toll on Mother Earth. As you purify your own life, then you can be a strong force helping to manifest a culture of love and compassion throughout the world. It must start with the individual with the courage to stand up for what is right and is willing to share that with others. As more and more people do that, the world that you say you want will finally begin to manifest. However, it will not manifest as long as you cling to your own habits of greed and selfishness. Your personal commitment to living a life of harmlessness is what will give the world hope for a wonderful future.